Recs of the Evening Continued

May 31, 2024 21:38

I'm feeling quite a bit better today, but I think I will still benefit from making another rec post. Besides, yesterday's post didn't cover some of my favorite parts of my Beloved Collection.

Main Fandoms (Continued)

MUNCLE (Continued)
The Right Thread by flashforeward
This is one of a handful of stories flashfoward has written in which Illya is a trans man. This particular one was written for me as part of the Fandom Trumps Hate charity auction. I love it. It's a blend of backstory and getting together fic and has many lifelike touches.

At a Distance by Nyssa
This fic is a sequel to a longer one by the same author called The Safety of Distance, but it can be enjoyed on its own. If "enjoyed" is the right word. This is a very sad fic.

Viva Las Vegas by fallingintodivinity
This is an entirely fun and fluffy fic belonging to the little subgenre of MFU stories that I call "ringfic." (It is tagged for both the TV and the movie fandoms, but I think it is inspired primarily by the show.)

Steam by AconitumNapellus (aconitumn)
A beautifully written fic by one of my favorite MFU authors. I like the way our heroes' different experiences and personalities shape their behavior and the way the fic engages with the times in which they lived.

As You Now Are in Your Blood by Morgan_Stuart (morganstuart)
I love this fic. It is melodramatic, but that is not always a bad thing. Sometimes some melodrama is just what you need.

Camouflage by lezlies
One type of fic that is rare in my fandoms, but fascinates me, is queer-themed non-slash. Among the Pros fics I have read, this one comes closest to fitting into that category (although it might be more accurately called pre-slash).

Of Angels and Angles by Sarah K
I reread this IN SPACE! fic recently. It's definitely my favorite Pros AU that entirely dispenses with CI5. I think the characters come through even with a completely different setting and jobs.

Unfolding as it should by belmanoir
There are some unusual aspects to the characterizations in this fic, and that makes it not work for some people, but I have reread it with that criticism in mind, and I still really like it. I can see the Lads of canon growing into interacting this way. I also like the way the little mystery of what Doyle is up to provides an underpinning to the story and brings about its conclusion.

Burning Bridges by PFL (msmoat)
A lovely spring-themed fic from PFL, who is missed.

Grand to Manhandle by jat_sapphire
As regular readers will, I'm sure, be aware, I find most sex scenes in fic tiresome. I've thought off and on about why that is, and I have various theories. The sex scene in this fic is one of a handful that I enjoy, though, which has also given food for thought.

Just When You Least Expect It (Just What You Least Expect) by stew
I know I've recced this one before, and I've also discussed some of its flaws. It's one of my favorite fanfics, though, so here it is again. It always makes me happy.

Love Lies Bleeding by Shoshanna (the_shoshanna)
Many of the Pros slash recs in this post are pretty fluffy. I guess I'm in that type of mood (which is great, after this week). Here's a bit of excellent anti-fluff for anyone feeling bloated, though.


fanfic, rec, mfu, pros

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