Ten 2019/2020 icons for monthlyinspo

Jan 29, 2020 20:44

The theme for round30 at monthlyinspo was "your favourites from 2019 and what you're looking forward to in 2020". So.... lots of cdrama, of course! :)

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tv-cdrama-fairylandlovers, tv-cdrama, tv-boylove, art-icons, tv-cdrama-dreamlikelife, tv-stumptown, tv-guardian

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Comments 14

sietepecados January 29 2020, 21:06:29 UTC
Great set! I really like the pastel coloring, also light on 4 and 7 looks great :)


tinnny January 31 2020, 08:38:05 UTC
Thank you!


rizbef January 31 2020, 05:21:42 UTC
Your set has really nice coloring! I love the lighting of 4 and 8


tinnny January 31 2020, 08:37:42 UTC
Thank you! I really like how those two came out, as well.


shameless666 January 31 2020, 08:03:17 UTC
Beautiful set! My favourites are #7 - love the coloring and great text use (+ the actor is kinda hot :D) and #9 - great coloring and lighting :)


tinnny January 31 2020, 08:37:08 UTC
Well, if you mention "Zhu Yilong" and "hot" in one sentence, you are in the right place in my journal. :D

Here's some more evidence: https://tinnny.livejournal.com/425025.html

Thank you!


shameless666 January 31 2020, 08:51:12 UTC
well, it went from "kinda" to "definitely" :D
thanks for the additional pictures, I appreciate that :D


tinnny February 3 2020, 07:42:31 UTC
Hehee ( ... )


violateraindrop January 31 2020, 19:02:29 UTC
I really like the coloring of 8! The soft look of 7 is also nice :)


tinnny February 3 2020, 07:28:18 UTC
Thank you! <3


jsfunction February 1 2020, 10:06:46 UTC
Great work here! I especially love 8, I'm a fan of unusual gradient map colorings and I like the contrasting colors you chose so it's not quite monochrome. I also love the lighting and the text is super neat!

I love the crop and matte look on 5, and the coloring and composition are great too. Loving all the lighting work on 10, and the texture use on 6 is wonderful (also love the alt for this, the texture use + dark purples look great).


tinnny February 3 2020, 07:33:06 UTC
I especially love 8, I'm a fan of unusual gradient map colorings

And you know what it is, too! <3 I've been doing a lot of those for iconcolors@dw and am finding them a joy to work with. Especially the non-monochrome ones. Glad you like!

Interesting that you should pick 5, I am not happy with that. I keep thinking I should have added more to it somehow. But it's already so full, with the crop I chose. /o\

I am happy with how 10 turned out - I knew exactly how I wanted it to look, and it took me half a dozen tries with different textures and blending modes until I hit on the final result. :D

Thank you for your detailed comment! <3


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