Ten 2019/2020 icons for monthlyinspo

Jan 29, 2020 20:44

The theme for round30 at monthlyinspo was "your favourites from 2019 and what you're looking forward to in 2020". So.... lots of cdrama, of course! :)

Things I enjoyed in2019 in row 1, things I am looking forward to in 2020 in row 2. (Some of them are both, all in row 2.)

I watched lots of shows with Zhu Yilong and/or Bai Yu, and enjoyed them all!
Then I watched quite a few BL shows, and enjoyed most of them.
I also followed all of Zhu Yilong's appearances, and chose to icon one of his New Year performances for this round. I am looking forward to following him again this year. The only non-Chinese show I watched was Stumptown, and I both enjoyed it and am looking forward to how it's going to continue this year.
The only thing that hasn't aired yet, and that I am very much looking forward to, is Zhu Yilong's "The Lost Tomb 3" (icon 10). It is set to air in June, and it'll be a long wait...

Hover for fandom:

The text in 8 says 都忘了 (dou wang le) - "[I] forgot everything"


Concrit welcome! I adore comments. Makers of textures and resources I use are listed in my resource post.

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tv-cdrama-fairylandlovers, tv-cdrama, tv-boylove, art-icons, tv-cdrama-dreamlikelife, tv-stumptown, tv-guardian

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