Round 30: 2019 to 2020

Jan 01, 2020 16:13

For this round icon your favourites from 2019 and/or what you're looking forward to in 2020. This can include television, music, and movies.

▫ Create and submit 10 icons.
▫ Icons must be new for this round and made by you.
▫ Icons must meet LJ requirements (40kb or less, 100x100).
▫ Posts must be titled "Round X: username". Provide 3 teasers.

The deadline is January 31, 2020.

danseur-lion | longerthanwedo | emiels | vanessa_lj

neatmonster | moriturism | ninjasinpyjamas | kitamikeita

jokerpary | second-love | babs | screensland

kitamikeita | vanessa_lj | rizbef | llaracroft

nightbulbs | sweet-lyri | captandor | cruelysummer

round: 30, ! inspiration post

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