20 icons for monthlyinspo

Dec 27, 2018 11:46

Not my best set, sadly. I was very inspired by the challenge Musically at monthlyinspo, because I love using lyrics, but I had almost no time this month so I had to fill these up with other icons. At least I managed thirteen music-inspired icons, better than nothing.

Thirteen of them are music-inspired, the rest is just beautiful Zhu Yilong and Bai Yu to fill the set. The music-inspired ones are either lyrics (obvious) or photos of them playing instruments/singing (also obvious), plus Bai Yu in the suit from his music video (number 7) and a cap from a music videos Zhu Yilong was in (number 10).


I love all feedback, concrit included! If you'd like to find out whose textures/brushes I use, see my resource post.

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tv-cdrama, art-icons, tv-cdrama-dreamlikelife, tv-actor-baiyu, tv-actor-zhuyilong, tv-guardian

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