20 Seasons icons for monthlyinspo

Nov 27, 2018 18:14

This was fun! I decided to interpret the Seasons challenge for monthlyinspo entirely through colors. These just all express emotion. They might be a bit easier than what I usually make, but they were fun to make, and I like the whole set just as it is.

Again, these are Zhu Yilong and Bai Yu icons, most of them from promo photos, but a few are in character from Guardian and from Dreamlike Life.


Spring (pastel, blue-green)

Summer (bright, yellow)

Fall (vibrant, orange)

Winter (low contrast, white)


I love every comment, and concrit, too! Feel free to use these icons, please credit me if you do. Check out my resource post for makers of textures and brushes, if you're interested.

Previous icon posts:

x-posted from dw (comments:

tv-cdrama, art-icons, tv-cdrama-dreamlikelife, tv-actor-baiyu, tv-actor-zhuyilong, tv-guardian

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