POI 2x20

Apr 26, 2013 22:16

* I was in some kind of limbo those past three weeks - not knowing whether I'd still be excited about this episode or numbed by all the waiting. Well, the excitement won. But only just.
* Let's get the number out of the way first: horrible voice-overs, daughter works at the Warehouse, radiation poisoning, tons of worthless exposition. Yawn. This one just blew right by me. Okay, John's look when the number died was good. I could use that for art later.
* Fusco! Fusco! Fusco! Beautiful backstory, great clamming up, perfect conflicted emotions from Carter, confused Simmons. This had everything.
* OMG they were not kidding about filming in a blizzard. OMG. And all of them without proper coats or hats. Idjits.
* I still don't like Reese being cavalier about hurting (and this time killing) people. I am turned around on Reese so far by now that I'm even doubting they really killed the trader. It would have been enough to scare him. I was very much convinced he killed the rapist in season one, and now here, with more evidence, I want it to be different. Go figure.
* Finally the much anticipated phone call between Carter and Reese. ;) At least now the Careesers cannot argue it away anymore. It was short and hurried, granted, but still it was good. The fact that she called him first and Finch only afterwards made me smile.
* Why did they have to give Bear to Carter? Did Carter actually go out there to look for Stills's body? With a backhoe? And no traces in the snow? Really? Okay, then.
* I now want Reese to go thank Carter. Or at least acknowledge that he didn't think she'd bend her rules that far. Or tell her he killed Stills. Any of those. Doesn't even have to be canon. Fic would be fine. :D
* The machine shut down. Oi.
* My overall impression: that episode was awesome. So I guess the excitement is still strong enough to cancel out boring number plots. I am looking forward to the virus, Root and Shaw. This season finale is going to be exciting!

x-posted to dw (comments:


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