Psych 7x08

Apr 21, 2013 16:42

Just a few
...very few words.

* I LOVED that Shawn did not call Elin beautiful. He said "Why wouldn't you be popular? You're young, and you're ... fertile, international, you're openminded, I mean you've probably been with... girls!" I know it's supposed to be funny and maybe it's all just because she's supposed to be a psychopath and Shawn's standing next to Juliet, but. I love that "beautiful" is not only not the first thing that popped into his head, it wasn't even on the list.

* This episode was so amazing. I always like two-way stories and this one worked really well. I also thought it ended exactly like it should have. Shawn is so not grasping it - which is why he let it go on so long in the first place. It is all very consistent.

I'm glad I caught up with Psych. It keeps surprising me.

x-posted to dw (comments:


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