Title: Chapter 6: Friendship [Chapter 1:
The Brothers Chapter 2:
The Accident Chapter 3:
Observating Chapter 4:
Understanding Chapter 5:
Their Tradition]
Pairing: YamaChii, slight OkaJima and YutoChii
Genre: fluff
Rating: PG
Word count: 874 words
Summary: The set off day and something cropped up.
The day of the trip finally arrived. It was chaos in the
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Comments 7
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hahaha...i really hope Yuri's brother will stop tailing him...
looking forward to reed Yamachii moment!!
Hahaha. Means I can do more plotting?? *smiles* YAY!
Okay.. Im crazy. OkaJima~ *giggles* Aww.. Yuto so sweet~ There's an OkaJima picture!! Keito sleeping on sleeping Yuto!!! It was cute~~ *giggles*
OkaaaJimaaaa. <3 There's a picture?!
really waiting for this fic to continue <3
will be waiting for the next chapppp~
sankyuuwww for continue to write this tingke channn XD *hugsss*
Off to read the other chapter ^^
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