fic: my waistcoat, my rules

May 02, 2008 23:30

title: My Waistcoat, My Rules
characters: Jack/Ianto
words: 2698
rating: PG
note: this is a late birthday gift for you, Paula pamoreno :3 Post-'From Out Of The Rain'; spoilers for that episode. Ianto feels guilty about the deaths of the victims of the Night Travellers. Jack comforts him. Contains a bucketload of banter.

Fool Ianto once, shame on Jack; fool Ianto twice, shame on Ianto; fool Ianto three times, be prepared to be served instant coffee for a week. )

janto, torchwood, fanfic

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Comments 103

skyballetdancer May 2 2008, 22:56:06 UTC
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :D


itoshii_chan May 2 2008, 23:06:37 UTC

I just adore the banter between Jack and Ianto; ALWAYS entertaining! ^______^

Thank you for the WONDERFUL fic!! ^_______________________^


timetraveled May 3 2008, 18:30:31 UTC
You're very welcome! Thanks for the comment :]


itoshii_chan May 4 2008, 06:57:23 UTC
My pleasure! ^__________________________________^

The quote that Jack repeats from KKBB had me ROFL! And then the banter between them from Sleeper and then a repeat again for KKBB, but this time, you adopted the banter between Jack and John with the, "You were the Wife!" - "No, you were!"

*clutches stomach and ROFLMAO*

"Playgroundy feel" and "exotic, teenage romances and stealing kisses on swings" indeed! *grins widely*


timetraveled May 4 2008, 20:14:30 UTC
:D I'm glad you picked up on the reused dialogue! The KKBB banter mirroring Jack and John in particular. I might write some John!fic soon because I've had urges and he says amusing things.


3500doch May 2 2008, 23:07:05 UTC
Cute, hilarious, perfectly fitting with the episode, lovely characterisation.



timetraveled May 3 2008, 18:33:58 UTC
:) Thanks for such a nice comment!


saturniia May 2 2008, 23:07:27 UTC
"Get in before I drive through you."

Oh, like that would stop Jack for more than half an hour. ;)

That said, it would be a waste to use all that retcon on a park full of pre-adults. Best that Jack just got in. :D


timetraveled May 3 2008, 18:35:43 UTC
Your comment about retcon made me giggle :D Thank you!


corazone May 2 2008, 23:10:20 UTC
That was lovely - made me smile today


timetraveled May 3 2008, 18:36:08 UTC
:) Thank you!


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