fic: so long, lonesome

Jul 02, 2010 17:50

title: So Long, Lonesome
pairing: Eleven/River (it's more of a character study then a ship-y piece to be honest)
words: 1118
rating: G
note: I'm not even going to pretend I know where this came from. Part of this is a rewrite of the last scene in the finale between the Eleven and River because I felt like the Doctor deserved a dance with somebody ( Read more... )

eleven/river, fanfic

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Comments 27

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timetraveled July 3 2010, 12:22:08 UTC
Thank you! Love your icon btw! ♥


roberty88 July 2 2010, 17:15:29 UTC
Awesome!!! If only it had happened that way...*sigh*


timetraveled July 3 2010, 12:24:04 UTC
Oh well, that's what fanfic is for, right? :) Thanks for reading!


blencathra July 2 2010, 17:56:08 UTC
Lovely! I would have loved to see them have just one dance. :)


timetraveled July 3 2010, 12:24:55 UTC
Me tooooo, which is why I wrote this obviously XD Thanks for reading!


define_serenity July 2 2010, 18:04:20 UTC
this is brilliant!


timetraveled July 3 2010, 12:25:22 UTC
Thank you! :)


promethia_tenk July 2 2010, 18:21:31 UTC
Ahh . . . I was ecstatically happy with what he got in the episode, but part of me wanted this too. Fic fixes everything :-)

Thanks for writing!


timetraveled July 3 2010, 12:26:33 UTC
I was happy too but I wanted a bit more because I'm greedy like that XP

Thanks for commenting!


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