fic: so long, lonesome

Jul 02, 2010 17:50

title: So Long, Lonesome
pairing: Eleven/River (it's more of a character study then a ship-y piece to be honest)
words: 1118
rating: G
note: I'm not even going to pretend I know where this came from. Part of this is a rewrite of the last scene in the finale between the Eleven and River because I felt like the Doctor deserved a dance with somebody ( Read more... )

eleven/river, fanfic

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Comments 27

someplacetobe July 3 2010, 06:40:19 UTC
A sweet dance. I would've liked to have seen this in the episode.


timetraveled July 3 2010, 12:27:45 UTC
You can always pretend this fic is canon ;) Thanks for reading.


someplacetobe July 3 2010, 14:39:56 UTC
You can always pretend this fic is canon ;)
I very much intend to! Thanks for the story I can do that with!

Thanks for reading.
It was a pleasure!


quirkysmuse July 3 2010, 12:38:06 UTC
Awww, this was so wonderful! Fantastic work. :)


timetraveled July 3 2010, 13:04:00 UTC
Thank you very much! :)


ageless_aislynn July 3 2010, 16:49:13 UTC
Aww, I love that! ♥♥♥!!!


timetraveled July 4 2010, 10:13:25 UTC
:) Glad you enjoyed! ♥


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timetraveled July 4 2010, 10:14:30 UTC
I also felt sorry for River then :( She's a strong woman though and I'm sure she got over it quickly ;)
Thanks for commenting!


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timetraveled July 4 2010, 10:16:02 UTC
:D I enjoy making dislikeable characters likeable; It's like a challenge XD Thanks for reading this <3


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