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Comments 973

flythesurface October 23 2009, 02:34:32 UTC
[ooc; I thought this was gonna be on Friday... SWEET. Luneth'll mingle for a sec before running. He's decided to wear the one on the bird.He still wasn't quite sure who this was all for. If this was a normal occurance, this town sure knew how to throw a party! Luneth was, of course, automatically drawn to any places that would be near food. He meandered toward a long buffet table covered in assorted cheeses and fresh fruits, and just munched away. He'd seen many familiar faces, but wasn't sure with whom to speak just yet. He could already tell who the limelight was really for, but he'd only seen her once, and mumbled pathetically ( ... )


eidolon_soul October 23 2009, 05:16:23 UTC
Mingling was exactly what Rydia had in mind, though at the moment she was a bit parched. Determined to ride herself of that dry throat, she weaved her way around the others attending as politely and gracefully as possible. And--ah, there it was. Her stride quickened as a guard continued to announce the entrances of the nobles.

A swirl of green silks of Cleyran design and clinking gold jewelry, Rydia headed for the refreshments table, glancing over and then doing a double-take upon realizing that the boy in the suit was someone she knew. Even if she hadn't known him, Rydia wasn't shy about striking up a conversation, but she couldn't forget the boy who had arrived to Gaia in such dire circumstances. "Luneth! This is a welcome sight!"


flythesurface October 23 2009, 05:32:35 UTC
At his name and that voice, he was very surprised. Although they had separated for a bit, it seemed like forever because he had run to the end of the Mist Continent and back again. He honestly didn't think he'd see her again.

"Rydia!" he said ungracefully, his mouth full of food. He quickly munched and swallowed, then came in close for a hug. He would never, ever forget Rydia's kindness and ingenuity she'd had over that daunting accusation he'd gotten when he first arrive. Plus, she had been a summoner. And he only ever got to be that job a few times.

He looked her up and down, finding her dress most appropriate and dazzling, making her all the more pulcritudinous than he'd first met her in the grime and grit of Mist.

"You look amazing! How are you, Rydia? I see you did make it to Alexandria after all - it's good to see you!"

He forced himself to stop so she could at least have some time to answer.


eidolon_soul October 23 2009, 06:23:57 UTC
Rydia laughed and hugged him in return, stepping back to look him over properly as well. "It's good to see you, too! And thank you--you're quite dapper, yourself."

She paused to pick up one of the available glasses of wine, taking a small sip. That eased her dry throat a little. "Oh, I've been in Alexandria for a while, with only a brief but eventful detour to spare. Did you attend the festival, as well?"


alittlebitesper October 23 2009, 03:02:27 UTC
Terra stood off to the side of the crowd, dressed in this lovely dress, with her green hair done up and her magacite pendant accenting her skin. Her hands are folded behind her back, her head tilted to the side as she just...watched the crowd ( ... )


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alittlebitesper October 23 2009, 05:24:23 UTC
Terra couldn't miss Selphie bouncing her way, and couldn't help but smile at the others boundless enthusasm...even if she somehow suspected it wasn't a good thing for her.

"Hello Selphie. Are you...enjoying the party?"


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flythesurface October 23 2009, 03:52:44 UTC
Luneth almost choked on his celery when he saw the pretty girl in the yellow dress. She seemed really familiar, too. He thought about it, and remembered she was the one who thought Arc was cute; she told Luneth about it when he borrowed Rydia's device to try and call others. This was his chance to finally meet her.

He began to walk toward her, but slowed down as he tried to remember her name. Something like... Selfer or Sadie or something. Come on, think! he tried to force his memory as he neared her.

As he studied her dress, she looked like she had cut it right from the draperies around the ballroom. It was that elegant to him, but he was no fashionista; anything bright and draping sort of made him oggle. Oggle innocently.

"Hey! Umm... Sephie, right?"

He almost got it right.


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flythesurface October 23 2009, 04:10:59 UTC
Her astuteness caught him off-guard. He blushed a little and rubbed his head in embarrassment. Even closer, he noticed the makeup on her face. It wasn't excessive and it made her look even prettier than her tiny pictures over Mooglenet showed her. Those really did no justice...

"Yeah, it's me," he told her, and then, feeling sort of silly, "Hehe. How are you? Did you see Arc yet?"

He looked around quickly, too. He hadn't seen Arc since a few days before when they were at the festival. Ingus had gone off with Mjrn, so he'd been split from them for a while.

"I thought you looked really pretty to-night! Yellow really suits you."

Now he just sounded like a stalker.


eidolon_soul October 23 2009, 03:41:39 UTC
No stranger to socializing, it had nonetheless been some time since Rydia of Mist had attended a formal event. The last one had been Cecil and Rosa's wedding, which had also taken place in a castle. For a while, the summoner had wavered on attending, worried that the affair might be far more stuffy than that intimate gathering of friends who had saved the world. In the end, she decided to give it a chance. As long as there were plenty of friendly faces and the chance to prod a few of them into dancing, Rydia would be content.

Rydia entered the palace ballroom alone, doing her best to mask her irritation and impatience with bright smiles. Where was Edge? She hadn't seen him all day and though she knew he didn't care much for formality, at least a token effort to join her would have been appreciated. Oh, well. It wasn't as though she couldn't befriend and dance with other people.

The young summoner was clad in garb of Cleyran design. It was a shade of green as brilliant as her emerald-hued hair, which was drawn up into a high ( ... )


heartofheaven October 23 2009, 18:12:58 UTC
Tifa had also been looking around for a familiar face, and Rydia was easy to spot. She smiled as she approached.

"Hey, Rydia."


eidolon_soul October 23 2009, 20:40:17 UTC
Rydia turned upon hearing her name called, expression brightening. "Hello, Tifa! I'm glad to see you here. Did you just arrive, too?" She stared admiringly at the finery worn by the other.


heartofheaven October 23 2009, 23:01:08 UTC
Tifa nodded. "It's pretty full already, isn't it? And everyone's really gone all out. You too; that dress is beautiful."

She was being entirely sincere; the Gaian style suited Rydia well.


loveandstrife October 23 2009, 04:23:01 UTC
He had refused to wear anything from this era. Refused and refused... and then gave in because, hey, once you'd worn a big purple dress, tights were nothing, right? Still, he'd managed to get away with wearing his black leather pants with the zippers at the hems instead. Wearing a white shirt with frilly cuffs and a waistcoat that was almost as dark as his pants, Cloud had even kept his boots in place.

He had managed to convince the guards that he really wasn't going to murder anyone with the Buster Sword, and had headed in with Tifa. Cloud glanced around, his abnormally bright blue eyes focusing on very little. He just couldn't take it all in at once...


tempest_lion October 23 2009, 06:33:34 UTC
Squall definitely looked out of place in this crowd that was mostly dressed in the finest of Gaian fashions while he stuck with wearing only his formal SeeD uniform. The rest of SeeD and Rinoa had gone for local fashions, but Squall thought it was a good thing at least one of them still looked like they were SeeD

Besides, why waste money on new formal clothing when he already had something suitable already?

Entering the already crowded ballroom, Squall began to look around to see if he could find any familiar faces around.


loveandstrife October 23 2009, 06:39:55 UTC
Of course Cloud noticed Squall. He was probably one of the only few that didn't look native to the place. Glad that his shirt really wasn't as flouncy as some of the shirts men here were wearing, he adjusted that shoulder guard that was strapped around him, the Buster Sword clinging to his back. It really was an enormous sword. Almost as big as him, which said a lot. Perhaps that was why the guards let him have it inside. It looked so big and he, well, didn't, so they probably doubted he could wield it.

Stepping through the crowd, he tried not to get swept up in the storms of people as he hoped to find his way to get a drink. Anything to lighten the mood.


/threadjacks, because otherwise they'll just go ... for ages :P livelyangel October 23 2009, 18:22:05 UTC
Guess what, guys? Tifa and Rinoa had already met. Rinoa spotted Cloud and Tifa moving through the crowd, and immediately turned to Squall.

"Hey, there's Tifa! Let's go talk to them."

She grabbed his hand to lead him over to them, at the same time as Tifa saw them.

Tifa nudged Cloud gently. "Hey, did I tell you about when I travelled on Galbadia Garden? It looks as though the SeeDs decided to come to the ball too."


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