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alittlebitesper October 23 2009, 03:02:27 UTC
Terra stood off to the side of the crowd, dressed in this lovely dress, with her green hair done up and her magacite pendant accenting her skin. Her hands are folded behind her back, her head tilted to the side as she just...watched the crowd.

She was sure she'd been to at least two balls back when she was a mind-controlled slave of the empire, usually there to make sure no harm came to anyone important, but they were...blurry memories. Flashes of a dress, the distant hum of music she hadn't really heard, and even the occasional broken greeting from someone who didn't know you weren't supposed to talk to the hired help.

But this was the first time she'd been to one as, well, herself. And she was exceedingly out of her element. The only reason she hadn't felt the place was that she'd promised herself she wouldn't. She was going to see this through, because it was important. It was something she was supposed to be able to do. It wasn't supposed to be so...Frightening.

But just because she was there, didn't mean she was doing much in the way of being present. She was just...watching.


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alittlebitesper October 23 2009, 05:24:23 UTC
Terra couldn't miss Selphie bouncing her way, and couldn't help but smile at the others boundless enthusasm...even if she somehow suspected it wasn't a good thing for her.

"Hello Selphie. Are you...enjoying the party?"


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alittlebitesper October 23 2009, 19:07:42 UTC
Terra smiled again at the happiness in Selphie's voice. She was jealous of the smaller girl in many ways...she was obviously so good at all of these things. Normal things. Things Terra might have been good at if she'd had the chance. But it was too late for things like that, she'd missed all the growing up bits.

"Oh, I'm fine." She smiled reassuringly. And it was true, mostly. She didn't mind just watching everyone, it was a way of learning. "And this spot seemed...less busy than everywhere else." She shrugged her bare shoulders.


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alittlebitesper October 24 2009, 04:21:08 UTC
Terra's hand was easy enough to grab, mostly because she hadn't realized what the shorter girl was doing. She probably would've said something, asked why the other was holding her hand, when Selphie explained her nefarious plan.

"A cute boy to dance with?" The green haired woman looked genuinely stunned. "I don't know how to dance, and...why would anyone wish to dance with me?" It wasn't false modesty or anything, she just genuinely didn't get why someone would want to do that.


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alittlebitesper October 24 2009, 18:28:17 UTC
Terra barely had time to consider exactly what Selphie was planning when she suddenly found herself being tugged out of her safe little corner and off into the busy crowd. She almost slipped out of her fancy shoes before she steadied herself and followed along until the brunette stopped near...the boy she'd met at the festival. Huh.

She lifted her free hand faintly in greeting and smiled nervously. "Hello Nida..." She managed. What was she supposed to say now?


wwiiflyingace October 24 2009, 19:35:23 UTC
"What is it now, Sel--" But as he turned to face her, he caught sight of the girl he'd met outside earlier. Hard to miss, with that green hair and all. "Oh. Terra."

...Well, that was a bit awkward. He cleared his throat and glanced away, trying to think of something to say. "...So uh, you know Selphie, huh?"


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alittlebitesper October 24 2009, 20:15:52 UTC
Terra didn't manage to say anything as Selphie went through her continued railroading of the two of them, she just sort of blinked in surprise until Selphie was already walking away. "Uh, wai-" She sighed as the bouncy brunette was already gone, then turned back to Nida and smiled weakly.

"I'm sorry about this..."


wwiiflyingace October 24 2009, 21:21:10 UTC
He just shrugged and gestured vaguely toward the direction Selphie had vanished in. "Nah, that's just Selphie. Don't feel bad about it."

Nonetheless, now that Selphie had vanished, he wasn't entirely sure what to do.

Well, it was a dance, and Selphie had made a comment about Terra needing a dance partner. Might as well. (Besides, he'd never live it down if he turned down this opportunity.) He offered a hand to Terra and said, "So she said you need a dance partner."


alittlebitesper October 25 2009, 02:39:02 UTC
Terra couldn't help it, Selphie had basically accosted the poor boy into dancing with her. She was going to feel guilty about it even if Nida didn't think she should.

"Uhm. Technically I do, it's just..." The green haired woman shifted from foot to foot faintly, her hands disappearing behind her back. "I actually don't know how to dance, which makes this all kind of awkward..."


wwiiflyingace October 25 2009, 18:35:58 UTC
"Ah." That made things a little more difficult. So, the options were to either let her go and maybe get some guff from Selphie for it later, or to ask her to dance anyway.

...She was cute, so. Ehhh... It was worth a try.

"It's not that hard, you just kind of fake it. I can show you."


alittlebitesper October 26 2009, 04:11:52 UTC
Terra blinked a few times. "Well, uhm. We could. But we don't have to, I mean, just because Selphie dragged me over here does not mean you are obligated or anything..." A nervous sort of smile was offered. "And I believe I may...'step on your toes' I heard someone say? I won't mean to though..."


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