The Hypothetical AU Meme, Shamelessly stolen from Hope

Jan 25, 2010 17:39

As if I wasn't taking enough classes this semester, I decide to do this too. Oi vey. Anyway, poke the mun whenever ya like. And poke and poke, until it gets finished. Feel free to request any of my characters as well. ^_^

The Hypothetical AU Meme:

Leave a comment with the type of AU you'd like me to write with your muse and mine and I'll write a ( Read more... )

martini, meme, drabble, prompt

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Comments 22

un_move_able January 26 2010, 01:48:21 UTC
Vampire Hunter AU


Vampire Hunter AU: Rumors time_schizo February 6 2010, 09:41:35 UTC
“Well, I’ve heard he’s as strong as two vampires, and can break down a door with just his fist.”

“I’ve never actually seen him, but I hear he’s killed over a thousand vamps.”

“I heard it was closer to two thousand.” Each vampire seemed to be trying to outdo each other with tales of the famous vampire hunter that was hot on their trail, perhaps as a way to distract themselves from the fact they were pinned down inside the old abandoned church while the sun was still out.

An unknown voice broke into the conversation. “My kitten walks on velvet feet and makes no sound at all; and in the doorway nightly sits to watch the darkness fall. I think he loves the lady night-”

“Shut up!” A pale, blonde-haired beauty snapped at the vampire curled up in the corner, who seemed to be completely unaware of where he was or what was going on around him.

Her mate, a dark-haired Spainiard, put a hand on her shoulder in a calming sort of manner. “Let it go, quierda. Heard that one used to be really powerful. Then his entire clan got wiped out by, well ( ... )


Re: Vampire Hunter AU: Rumors time_schizo February 6 2010, 09:41:51 UTC
“You seemed to do just fine by yourself, darlin’…” The voices began to trail off as they walked off into

Mad eyes watched as the two walked off into the night. He quietly finished his prose, whispering it to the rising moon.“The walls are around me, All of black and old. The family that once there gone, the memory now grown cold.” He spared a moment to look at the church before he walked off the growing gloom of the night.


Re: Vampire Hunter AU: Rumors slimy_droog February 8 2010, 23:08:04 UTC

This is the best. And I love that Martini's (pun intended) a batshit crazy vampire. And Mortimer's slang omg! I wonder what happens in the life of a guy like Fred to just make him go "I think I'll hunt vampires".

Anyway, I loved it. LOVED it. *hugs*


uptonogod January 26 2010, 02:13:09 UTC
Post Apocalyptic AU.


Post Apocalyptic AU: …..And Then the World Was Made to Change Hands time_schizo January 30 2010, 08:13:12 UTC
Jamie was making his way over the desolate landscape. It was dangerous to be out in broad daylight, but back at base they were out of down to the last of their food, and the toilet paper had been gone for days. Jesse, Josh, and he had drawn straws, and he had lost. Frankly, he suspected the other two had cheated, but its not like they could be blamed. No one wanted to be out, surrounded by the rubble and, the sky perpetually a dusky color somewhere between red and orange. And then there was always something to watch out for. As he walked across the landscape, the first howl started. Jamie froze in his tracks. The hounds ( ... )


Re: Post Apocalyptic AU: …..And Then the World Was Made to Change Hands time_schizo January 30 2010, 08:13:29 UTC
“You will come back, yes? Mark hasn’t seen anyone in such a long, long time.” There was an almost desperate quality to his voice.
For all his crazy manners, Jamie suddenly realized that there was an intensely lonely air about Mark. How many years had it been since he had even spoken to anyone? Jamie smiled. “No promises, but I’ll try.”

Mark grinned warmly, and watched as Jamie began his trek to the east. Mark hopped back over the pile of rubble he had originally been perched on. On the other side was a small clearing. At the center was a large rock. Uncovering it, the dull sun lit up the various white objects that lay below. There was many bones, all different shapes and size. Mark picked up a skull, the flesh long since stripped away. He held it in his hands, resembling Hamlet during his famous solioquy.“Maybe he’ll stop by on his way back. Join us all for lunch, methinks. Stay and play. What do you think of that, Doctor?” The skull nodded its consent. “Stay and play forever with Mark, oh yes.”


hellion_king January 26 2010, 05:35:37 UTC


Victorian AU: Austen Never Wrote Like This time_schizo February 16 2010, 04:45:32 UTC
Julian strolled over the grassy lawn, only his well-bred manners stifling the yawn that threatened to spill from his lips. Despite Doctor Stryker’s best efforts, nothing could possibly liven up the tour of this drab and wretched place. However, the prominent family of the Kellers had taken it upon themselves to become patrons of the insane asylum, conscious of the way they could promote themselves as taking pity on the less fortunate. As the rest of his family couldn’t be bothered with such a mundane task as acutally seeing the place, Julian had been selected for the job. After seeing several floors and watching as the good doctor paraded out his best inmates, looking like an animal trainer showing off his pet dancing bears, the young noble had finally managed to excuse himself for a moment ( ... )


acold_burden January 26 2010, 18:57:51 UTC
Modern Fantasy!AU


Modern Fantasy AU: Fate Lies in the Cards time_schizo January 30 2010, 12:39:18 UTC
The young apprentice witch strolled down the street as the various buyers and sellers packed up their goods, the cacophany of calls finally beginning to dim. The open-air market sold everything from hazel rods to pixie dust, and it had taken forever to find what she needed. Her mistress had sent her on yet another shopping trip. While many might consider being apprenticed to one of the of the most powerful sorceresses in the land an honor, Cassie wished that she could have her true potential more often used. Instead, she often found herself reduced to the status of an errand girl ( ... )


acold_burden January 30 2010, 17:07:29 UTC
*claps* Very very good! You made me and the mun happy. (She could never write something this good.)


time_schizo January 31 2010, 02:33:47 UTC
Hee! Thanks, and so glad you liked it. I write best when I can't sleep, and had a bad case of insomnia last night.


mad_asahatter January 27 2010, 01:27:04 UTC
Ophelia would like her very own Asylum AU. ^_^


Asylum AU: East, West, Cuckoo's Nest time_schizo February 17 2010, 09:59:38 UTC
My head tilted with some interest as the door opened up. The one that led out to the hall, and then down to another door, which led to an elevator, or the stairs, for the more athletically-inclined. And four floors down after that, was the main door. And beyond that was the lawn, and finally the electric fence, barbed wire stretched across the top. Sharp and clean, not rusty like some places kept it. And beyond that, lay freedom.But that wasn’t what had caught my attention. The fog, the one the little robotic mice the whitecoats keep who are always pumping it through the building to keep everyone fuzzy, had all been sucked out when the door opened. In walked an empty whitecoat, the S.O., and a new patient. I’ve been here a long time, longer than almost any of the others, though they’re all older than me, and it really has to be something special to make me even notice anymore. Especially with all of Them clouding up my vision. And especially with those little pills they kept giving me. You swallow them, and they implant wires in you ( ... )


Asylum AU: East, West, Cuckoo's Nest time_schizo February 17 2010, 10:02:09 UTC
“I wouldn’t kid yourself, doc. He may act like a fucking retard, but that boy is smarter than he lets on. He ain’t starin’, he’s plannin’. He’s gonna run away again soon, you wait an’ see.” I’ll give S.O. this. He don’t stand for any bullshit. He knows the score, ‘cause he got fucked over. Even a tin soldier can see when he doesn’t have a leg. They left, off to oil their cogs ( ... )


Re: Asylum AU: East, West, Cuckoo's Nest mad_asahatter February 17 2010, 10:48:15 UTC
I love you. I love you hardcore.

It's just so awesome; I love Mark's stream on consciousness. So much!


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