The Hypothetical AU Meme, Shamelessly stolen from Hope

Jan 25, 2010 17:39

As if I wasn't taking enough classes this semester, I decide to do this too. Oi vey. Anyway, poke the mun whenever ya like. And poke and poke, until it gets finished. Feel free to request any of my characters as well. ^_^

The Hypothetical AU Meme:

Leave a comment with the type of AU you'd like me to write with your muse and mine and I'll write a ( Read more... )

martini, meme, drabble, prompt

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Post Apocalyptic AU: …..And Then the World Was Made to Change Hands time_schizo January 30 2010, 08:13:12 UTC
Jamie was making his way over the desolate landscape. It was dangerous to be out in broad daylight, but back at base they were out of down to the last of their food, and the toilet paper had been gone for days. Jesse, Josh, and he had drawn straws, and he had lost. Frankly, he suspected the other two had cheated, but its not like they could be blamed. No one wanted to be out, surrounded by the rubble and, the sky perpetually a dusky color somewhere between red and orange. And then there was always something to watch out for. As he walked across the landscape, the first howl started. Jamie froze in his tracks. The hounds.

Mutated house pets, wolves that had grown out of control, no one knew precisely what they were. Just that they were fast, deadly, had a mouth full of sharp teeth, and were hungry. Always hungry. Jamie could hear their howls as the hounds drew nearer, and he took off at a run. He could never hope to outpace them, but maybe he could find shelter. The keeling wails as the animals drew nearer forced him to go faster, lungs burning. Even so, he found the breath to talk. “Aw, c’mon! I’m too young to die! I’m too me to die!” Stumbling over piles of rubble, he saw a gate and chain-link coming up on his right. Dashing through it, he slammed it in the face of the first hound. The fence rattled as it shook back and forth under the weight of the animal, but it held. His breathing finally slowing down, Jamie looked around. It was mostly large empty spaces of grass, the twisted and burnt remains of trees seen intermittenly. In the distance, the remains of a large building could be seen. Jamie figured that would be his best bet for supplies. He grumbled, “Those two better be damn grateful of the toilet paper when I get back.”

When he got to the building, he began slowly picking through the rubble. When he got back home, he was going to start working on a plan to prank his two friends. He had just developed a lovely idea involving dish soap and peanut butter when an amused voice rang out. “Heh. Close call there. Those hounds almost got’cha.”

Startled, Jamie dropped the chunk of rock on his toe. As he hopped in pain, he looked around wildly around. “Who said that?”

“Look up.” Jamie did so. He could see a figure perched on the top of an enormous pile of rubble. It was a man maybe a little older than he was, wearing a tattered leather jacket, dirt smudged on his face. His cool green eyes never left Jamie’s.

Some might have run, but Jamie figured if he hadn’t attacked himm by now, he wasn’t going to. “Where did you come from?”

“Mother always said Mark came from heaven.” He stood and hopped from rubble piece to rubble piece, like a child playing a game of hopscotch, until he landed almost beside Jamie. “Ah! But tis a lie Mark tells. Never knew her. Nor my father. All alone is Mark, for a long, long time now. Since the world was made to change hands. Just he and They now. But They won’t talk to him, not anymore.”

Jamie nodded, backing away slowly. It wasn’t uncommon to find a survivor who was a little unhinged, either from the hardships of the new world or just plain loneliness. At least this one seemed harmless, if a few Cokes short of a six-pack. “Uh-huh. Ooookay. Listen, I’d love to chat, but I need to find supplies. Y’know, food, water, all that good stuff.”

Mark tilted his head, assessing the stranger. He thought for a moment, then pointed to the east. “Thataways, ‘bout a mile or two, lies the remains of the old supplies building. You’ll find what you’re looking for there.”

Jamie breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks, buddy.”


Re: Post Apocalyptic AU: …..And Then the World Was Made to Change Hands time_schizo January 30 2010, 08:13:29 UTC
“You will come back, yes? Mark hasn’t seen anyone in such a long, long time.” There was an almost desperate quality to his voice.
For all his crazy manners, Jamie suddenly realized that there was an intensely lonely air about Mark. How many years had it been since he had even spoken to anyone? Jamie smiled. “No promises, but I’ll try.”

Mark grinned warmly, and watched as Jamie began his trek to the east. Mark hopped back over the pile of rubble he had originally been perched on. On the other side was a small clearing. At the center was a large rock. Uncovering it, the dull sun lit up the various white objects that lay below. There was many bones, all different shapes and size. Mark picked up a skull, the flesh long since stripped away. He held it in his hands, resembling Hamlet during his famous solioquy.“Maybe he’ll stop by on his way back. Join us all for lunch, methinks. Stay and play. What do you think of that, Doctor?” The skull nodded its consent. “Stay and play forever with Mark, oh yes.”


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