a game that I cain't play - SN fic - PG

Mar 06, 2007 21:12

Title: a game that I cain’t play
Fandom: “Supernatural”
Disclaimer: the beautifully broken brothers aren’t mine. Neither is their father. Title from George Strait’s “The Cowboy Rides Away”
Warnings: spoilers for pilot; possible out-of-characterness; lack of verisimilitude, maybe, as I’ve never been a boy.
Pairings: none
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 3910
Point of ( Read more... )

gen, wordcount: three-thousand plus, rated pg, series: dean canon, fic, my dean canon, title: a, fanfic: supernatural, point of view: third person, tv fic

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Comments 36

glitterglam13 March 7 2007, 20:01:20 UTC
Beautiful and sad and perfect. I love the way you wrote Dean, John and Sammy in this one.
These two sections broke my heart: he didn’t realize this was the most animated he’d been in years
and He still didn’t notice Dad or Sam’s shared looks, the smiles creasing their faces. He didn’t notice his excited gestures or the light in his eyes. But Dad and Sam did, and they silently agreed to keep peace with each other for as long as they could, because Dean was so happy.


tigriswolf March 8 2007, 12:57:51 UTC
Thank you for reading!


flipmontigirl March 7 2007, 20:40:54 UTC
This was so very sweet. :)


tigriswolf March 8 2007, 12:59:30 UTC
Thank you!


smilla02 March 7 2007, 21:52:43 UTC
Such a wonderful story! All those layers of meaning you've been able to thread here. I adore that this is about Dean bonding with a horse and that at the same time you get glimpses of the terrible burden the Winchesters carry. And it so sad, Dean's resignation, so sweet Sam, cheering for Dean's enthusiasm for something that is not hunting.
The way John tries to sweeten the blow giving John the Impala. Sleek, black, powerful, and with time it'll mold itself around Dean the same way Griffin did.
So perfect, hon! Thank you very much!

(p.s. this icon is the only one I have made of a horse, it's yours if you want it.)


tigriswolf March 8 2007, 13:03:02 UTC

Impala=Griffin, *hee*. Except not, because I've driven fast and I've cantered, and cantering is far more fun. Always and forever _better_.

So, tigris_lilsis is banned from the computer for a few more days, or she'd ask herself: could you mayhap nudge someone towards uploading the link to Mag7 season 2 ep 3?

Thank you for reading! I'm glad you liked it.


nemonie March 7 2007, 22:39:01 UTC
I loved this, such melancholic sweetness.

I adore horses, but just the same as Sam am a bit nervous around them. Plus have crappy hips so arn't allowed to ride.

I can just imagine Dean as a horsey guy. It seems the perfect image of him free on the back of Griffin. You write so beautifully. All sad now, I have to go and eat chocolate now



tigriswolf March 8 2007, 13:14:21 UTC
*hugs back*

Thank you for reading!


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tigriswolf March 8 2007, 13:16:34 UTC
Thank you so much!


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