a game that I cain't play - SN fic - PG

Mar 06, 2007 21:12

Title: a game that I cain’t play
Fandom: “Supernatural”
Disclaimer: the beautifully broken brothers aren’t mine. Neither is their father. Title from George Strait’s “The Cowboy Rides Away”
Warnings: spoilers for pilot; possible out-of-characterness; lack of verisimilitude, maybe, as I’ve never been a boy.
Pairings: none
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 3910
Point of ( Read more... )

gen, wordcount: three-thousand plus, rated pg, series: dean canon, fic, my dean canon, title: a, fanfic: supernatural, point of view: third person, tv fic

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Comments 36

eloise_bright March 7 2007, 03:30:34 UTC
Perfect. I don't ride, don't particularly like or dislike horses, and you made me love them.

Beautifully written, full of joy and sadness in equal measure. Kudos.


tigriswolf March 7 2007, 12:24:50 UTC
Horses are the best things ever!

Thank you _so_ much.


janissa11 March 7 2007, 03:52:28 UTC
Now see, I'd started a horse story, and it's like you READ MY MIND. This is absolutely brilliant. Gorgeous, earthy, but beyond that, too. Beautiful, just beautiful. Oh, yes, yes, DEAN.


tigriswolf March 7 2007, 12:26:17 UTC
_You_ writing a _horse_ story? Woohoo! How's the RPS/Sky High fic coming?

Thank you so much for reading!


albeitslowly March 7 2007, 13:27:21 UTC
Oh goodness, could there be any more beautiful image than that boy on that horse ( ... )


tigriswolf March 8 2007, 12:38:00 UTC
More beautiful than Dean on a big black horse, cantering through a field? No... nothing, far as I can tell ( ... )


albeitslowly March 8 2007, 14:29:18 UTC
Ah yes, Winchester is the giant grey horse that looks like Shadowfax. He's totally gay, I'm sure of it. This one time he was crowding up on me when I was leading him, which I abhor because I've been run down too many times to just let a horse into my personal space. So, I tapped him on the shoulder and told him to move over, and picked up his foot in this big animated motion and stretched it out toward me as though he was doing a Spanish walk. I could just hear him thinking, "Bitch, don't you tap me on the shoulder or I'm soo gonna put the smack down on you, meooowww!" I seriously considered getting him some red hoof polish.

Oh God, he's a riot.

Thanks for this.



tigriswolf March 8 2007, 17:52:47 UTC
*giggles with you*


heidi8 March 7 2007, 13:40:38 UTC
Oh, Dean.

This was wonderful!


tigriswolf March 8 2007, 12:40:36 UTC
Is your icon Dean holding a picture of Sirius Black?

Thank you so much for reading!


heidi8 March 8 2007, 12:50:52 UTC
Yep! I'm vaguely crossover-obsessed, so.....

Glad you like the icon! It's gackable per credits on my pics page (I didn't create it).


iamstealthyone March 7 2007, 16:15:52 UTC
Very, very nice. I loved watching Dean bond with all the horses, but especially with Griffin. Knowing he’d have to leave them behind was very sad, but at least he got that little bit of happiness.

Good job on Ms. Smith’s characterization, and on showing Dean’s relationship with Sam and John. Even though Sam and John only made brief appearances, I really liked seeing Dean through their eyes. And their love for him came through so clearly.

Favorite lines:

He studied the contours of the black, the play of muscles beneath his skin, the smooth way he moved.

Good description.

Dean looked over his shoulder; Griffin was watching him go.

Aww. :) Love this image.

He didn’t look as he ran to the fence, didn’t glance over his shoulder as he hopped it, and he bit back tears as he rushed down the road. He heard the horses running with him along the fence, heard Griffin’s whinny-but he didn’t look.

*sniffles* Oh, Dean.


tigriswolf March 8 2007, 12:47:16 UTC
*wails* I didn't mean for this to be a sad fic! At the end, no one's bleeding, in a coma, or dead!

*pouts* So, you see? _Happy_.

Thank you for reading!


iamstealthyone March 8 2007, 13:47:28 UTC
*wails* I didn't mean for this to be a sad fic! At the end, no one's bleeding, in a coma, or dead!


True, they're all alive at the end. And Dean did have some happiness, which is good. But poor Dean without his horses. *pets Dean*



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