a game that I cain't play - SN fic - PG

Mar 06, 2007 21:12

Title: a game that I cain’t play
Fandom: “Supernatural”
Disclaimer: the beautifully broken brothers aren’t mine. Neither is their father. Title from George Strait’s “The Cowboy Rides Away”
Warnings: spoilers for pilot; possible out-of-characterness; lack of verisimilitude, maybe, as I’ve never been a boy.
Pairings: none
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 3910
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gen, wordcount: three-thousand plus, rated pg, series: dean canon, fic, my dean canon, title: a, fanfic: supernatural, point of view: third person, tv fic

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albeitslowly March 7 2007, 13:27:21 UTC
Oh goodness, could there be any more beautiful image than that boy on that horse?

Perfect darlin', and so true. I've had a plenty of those one man/woman horses, and you don't train them, you wait them out and come to a compromise with them.

I loved how the first time Dean rode Griffin, he just let him go where he wanted. The fastest way to piss off a horse is to go all control freak on him. You really made Dean out to be a natural horseman, and there are so few of those, but then we all know that Dean's a borderline savant at anything he wants to do or be.

The descriptions of the horses were just wonderful. Griffin would so be my Teddy. He's small and grey but so full of personality and quirks that I won't even let my husband ride him, despite the fact that I've ridden him bridleless. YOu don't ride that horse. YOu think and breathe, and he understands.

And Melon was soo my Brat. He gives the bestest horse kisses and hugs, such a lover with the biggest sweetest brown eyes.

And Pinto could've been my gay horse, Winchester who doesn't know whether he's coming or going most of the time, all sweet up close but bucking and snorting when he's farther away as if to say...fooled ya! I'm really a big mean, scary horse, believe me, LOL.

The most perfect part about this story was the way John let Dean drive the Impala. John eventually giving Dean the Impala would be like giving him the horse that he'd never have to leave and really makes the car that much more special than if it's just something John gave to Dean.

Wonderful Job, darlin'.



tigriswolf March 8 2007, 12:38:00 UTC
More beautiful than Dean on a big black horse, cantering through a field? No... nothing, far as I can tell.

I took Melon from a couple of horses I know, who are sweet and funny and adorable. One of them, Boxcar, is the horse I cantered on with no stirrups two weeks ago. Damn, that was fun.

Oh, Winchester sounds cool. He's the one that looks like Shadowfax, right?

I decided to base Dean on my mom, if that makes sense. She's been in love with horses for as long as she can recall, but was never able to really be with them until she was grown. So now she's making up for lost time, and I've realized that I'm not just a _horse_-fool; I'm an animal-fool. I love 'em all. So, I guess Dean is a mixture of Mom and me. (That sounds kind of odd, don't it?)

And Sam is my little sister. She's not really _afraid_ of horses, as such, but they're just so _big_, you know? Which I don't understand. Because she _has_ cantered, and she can just give it up without a fight... totally beyond my comprehension.

Thank you so much! I'm so glad this story seems _real_.


albeitslowly March 8 2007, 14:29:18 UTC
Ah yes, Winchester is the giant grey horse that looks like Shadowfax. He's totally gay, I'm sure of it. This one time he was crowding up on me when I was leading him, which I abhor because I've been run down too many times to just let a horse into my personal space. So, I tapped him on the shoulder and told him to move over, and picked up his foot in this big animated motion and stretched it out toward me as though he was doing a Spanish walk. I could just hear him thinking, "Bitch, don't you tap me on the shoulder or I'm soo gonna put the smack down on you, meooowww!" I seriously considered getting him some red hoof polish.

Oh God, he's a riot.

Thanks for this.



tigriswolf March 8 2007, 17:52:47 UTC
*giggles with you*


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