Seven Days of Self Promotion Meme, Day 4

Jun 05, 2014 16:41

The Days:
1. Something Old
2. Something New
3. Something you made for someone else
4. Something you made just for yourself
5. Something for a major fandom/pairing/character
6. Something for a minor fandom/pairing/character
7. Something you're just really proud of

Most of my stories are written from prompts from some meme or other or an exchange.  Not necessarily for people, but with them in mind.  My just for me thing has had bits of it written for other people and lots have come along for the ride, but I'd still be writing it if no one else ever came by to read.  It's dark and nasty and probably says things about me that I don't want to hear, but it's my thing and I enjoy the hell out of it.  It began from a weekly prompt on a drabble comm of "scream" that took my brain to a pitch black place (amazing, right?)and thus was born The Acoustics 'Verse because after the idea was planted, oh, boy, did it want to grow.  It's somewhere in the vicinity of 60 chapters by now, most 100 word drabbles, but some considerably longer.

Hee, my second choice for this was Like Bunnies .  *shakes head at brain*  *which isn't easy to do :)*

seven days of self promotion, acoustics 'verse

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