Seven Days of Self Promotion Meme, Day 5

Jun 07, 2014 10:57

The Days:
1. Something Old
2. Something New
3. Something you made for someone else
4. Something you made just for yourself.
5. Something for a major fandom/pairing/character
6. Something for a minor fandom/pairing/character
7. Something you're just really proud of

Supernatural is pretty much the only fandom I write for and Dean's a pretty major character.  I'm going with a gen story this time and choosing Out of the Dark(the barbara rose remix).   It's a re-imagining of
adrenalineshots fic  Barba Rossa , an outsider POV story about a concussed Dean brought into an E.R. and the staff assuming he was drunk and not injured.  I wanted to know what had happened to Dean, how he got to the hospital, what he thought about everything that was going on.  So when she offered it to be remixed I jumped on it.  It was a lot of fun writing concussed Dean.  :)

seven days of self promotion, hurt!dean, hurt/comfort

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