Watching (100 SuJu Challenge)

Jun 08, 2009 23:27

Theme #68: Degradation
Title: Watching
Pairing: Kibum/Kibum, Yesung/Ryeowook/Kibum
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 980
Disclaimer: See, I wish with all my might that I own them but…
Summary: In which Yesung is weird, Ryeowook is just along for the ride, and Kibum… poor Kibum. IDEK, okay.

This was supposed to be an expansion of the drabble I wrote yesterday, but then it all went terribly wrong and now I don’t even know what this one is about. *dies inside*

Written for ch_ar_me, because to both of us YeBum are epic, kinky, hot and full of sex-god-win. (And so is Ryeowook, okay, I’m gonna make you see the sex in him or die trying.) And my apologies for this, because I don’t even know what I was trying to write.

“Watch,” Yesung says, pushing Kibum down into a chair, and Kibum wonders what the hell is going on but then he stops wondering when Yesung motions Ryeowook over.

Kibum watches as Ryeowook whimpers in Yesung’s tight hold, his back pressed against the older man’s chest as Yesung trails his fingers down Ryeowook’s black silk pajama shirt, loosening the buttons one by one, the exposed strip of pale skin along Ryeowook’s chest and abdomen made even paler by the single dim nightlight in the room and contrasting starkly against the black silk.

“Watch Kibum, Ryeowook,” Yesung says. “Look at him, isn’t he the most gorgeous thing you’ve ever seen?”

Ryeowook watches Kibum’s handsome face, flushed just the slightest bit pink, as Yesung slides one hand under the smooth silk and caresses the even smoother skin underneath, and Yesung’s other hand glides over his shoulder and ribs, still covered by his shirt, rubbing the sensuous material against him, and Ryeowook has to stifle a moan when Kibum bites his lower lip to keep himself from making any sounds as he begins palming himself through his jeans, his dark eyes burning into Ryeowook wherever they land.

“Look at Ryeowook, Kibum, isn’t he beautiful when he’s like this?” Yesung asks, and Kibum nods feverishly, eyes never leaving the sight of the eternal magnae perched on Yesung’s lap.

Kibum’s eyes fix on Ryeowook’s face, all milky white skin and delicate bones, as Yesung runs his fingertips along Ryeowook’s arousal underneath the liquidly soft material of his silk pajama pants, too little and yet too much at the same time. He gasps and writhes against Yesung, his soft lips forming a perfect ‘O’, his head flung back against Yesung’s shoulder, and the sweet little pants coming out of Ryeowook are music to Kibum’s ears.

“Look at Kibum, Ryeowook, wanting you so much, don’t you like it that he wants you?” Yesung whispers against Ryeowook’s shoulder, and Ryeowook whimpers Kibum’s name against Yesung’s throat.

Kibum kicks his jeans off, freeing his own hardness, and strokes it gently at first, but harder and faster as Ryeowook’s moans and pleas and cries get louder, and Ryeowook is staring at him almost hungrily even as he writhes against Yesung and bucks himself into Yesung’s hand, but then Yesung twists his hand just so and Ryeowook cries out and Kibum’s cock literally jumps at that.

“Watch, Kibum, watch Ryeowook when I do this,” Yesung says huskily.

Kibum doesn’t know why he’s so turned on watching his hyung give Ryeowook a hand job in front of him, and there’s a part of him that’s screaming this is not right, not right at all, but all that flees his mind when Ryeowook jerks at the feel of Yesung’s mouth on him through his silk shirt and flings his arm back to clasp Yesung around the neck. He turns blindly, tugging Yesung upwards to meet his lips, and as Kibum watches Ryeowook moans Kibum’s name into Yesung’s mouth, and Kibum can’t help but gasp Ryeowook’s name in return, gripping himself so tightly it almost hurts.

“Look at Kibum, imagine he’s doing this to you,” Yesung says.

Yesung mouths at Ryeowook's shoulder, and Ryeowook moans softly because he can feel it, feel the movement of lips and tongue and the slight wetness of Yesung's (Kibum's?) mouth seeping in through the silk of his shirt, and Yesung's  hands are tracing lines down his spine that burn through the luxuriously soft material. He tangles his fingers in Yesung's hair, tugging him closer, wanting that wondrous mouth against his feverish skin, but all he feels is the silk, slipping and sliding and cool to the touch except where Yesung's hands and mouth are, and the spots that Yesung (Kibum) is kissing are sticking to his skin and oh, the sensuous movements of Yesung over cool silk over hot skin is making Ryeowook pant both Yesung's and Kibum’s names over and over, without even really knowing what he's saying anymore.

“Look at Ryeowook’s face when I bring him off, Kibum,” Yesung orders, and it’s all Kibum can do to nod as he fists himself, arm already aching but he pays it no mind.

Yesung moves his hand faster, rubbing Ryeowook's arousal through the silk of his pajama pants, and the warmth of his hand combined with the soft sensuous friction of silk against heated skin is driving Ryeowook insane with lust. He wants more, he needs Yesung's hand on him, but Yesung strokes him resolutely, the single thin layer all that separates that talented hand from his throbbing hardness, and Ryeowook needs so much, he needs to feel Yesung against his skin right now, and he opens his mouth to tell him so, but what comes out is a guttural moan and he throws his head back as he comes violently into the silk.

“You’re so gorgeous, baby, Kibum gets off just watching you,” Yesung breathes into Ryeowook’s ear, but he’s too limp to care.

Kibum explodes messily into his hand and all over his thighs at the sight of Ryeowook, head thrown back against Yesung, his body arching gracefully, his sweaty hair stuck to his forehead, his rosebud lips open and his face beautifully pink, but what really sets him off is the way Ryeowook swears “Fuck, Kibum” as he comes down from his high.

“Isn’t he beautiful, Kibum?” Yesung’s velvet voice cuts through Kibum’s haze.

Yesung slides an arm under Ryeowook’s knees and one around his shoulders and lifts him up gently, Ryeowook’s head already lolling as he drifts off to sleep, and Yesung places him in the bed and pulls the blankets over him. Then Yesung turns to Kibum and strides over to him, pulling him up by the collar and dragging him out of the bedroom and over to Kibum's own room, where he throws him to the floor and smirks down at him before closing the door behind him.

And Kibum hears the lock turn.

ot3: yesung/ryeowook/kibum, 100 suju challenge, !fanfiction, pairing: yesung/ryeowook

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