Perfection (100 SuJu Challenge)

Jun 11, 2009 20:47

Theme #22: Diamonds
Title: Perfection
Pairing: Sungmin/Kibum
Author: thundersquall 
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 2,376
Disclaimer: I own Sungmin. Ok, fine, I just dream about owning him.
Summary: Kibum's a perfect man who finds perfection in a whore.

Forjess66six , in thanks for your sexy YeWook. I love you bb, and I'm so so incredibly sorry this obviously did not come out how you wanted it to, but I swear, the HaeWook I write next will include whatever you wanted. =(

Kim Kibum is 20 years old, a law-abiding citizen, a straight-A student at his university, a talented athlete, a great friend, and a loving son. In all ways, Kibum seems like the perfect man - smart, mature, humorous, polite, respectful, handsome - and Kibum has grown up with the words, "You’re perfect, is there anything you can’t do?" ringing in his ears from his family, friends, teachers. He’s heard it so often, he’s almost used to it, and because he’s still young despite everything, sometimes he even believes in the fantasy that people create about him.

But Kibum knows he can’t be all that perfect, because men who are perfect don’t normally pick up a whore walking the streets, bring him to the nearest cheap motel, and then fuck him roughly into the mildewed mattress of the gloomy, dirty room.

A perfect man wouldn’t be screwing some nameless whore for absolutely no reason other than the fact that he’d been walking back to his tiny apartment after studying late in the college library, seen the man standing under a streetlamp with a tilt of his head and a small smile with the merest hint of pink tongue peeking out between full lips, and somehow the sight had made his breath catch in his throat and he just knew he had to have that man somehow or other.

A perfect man wouldn’t be slamming into that small body underneath him while gasping obscenities, gripping the other man so tightly purplish-red bruises are blooming on his skin, and for a whore his skin is smooth and flawless and creamy white and Kibum can’t get enough of mouthing at it, tasting the sweat and salt and sex engraved into the whore.

A perfect man wouldn’t be flipping the whore over just to look at his face as he writhes in Kibum’s grip, his large eyes fluttering open ever so often to stare back at Kibum and plead for more, the words coming out of those full sensual lips that Kibum vaguely thinks were wrapped around his cock at some point but he can’t really remember anymore because the whore is begging and moaning and wrapping those creamy thighs around his waist and Kibum tips over the edge.

Kibum is exhausted but he turns over to look at the whore as he dresses, a faint light coming through the dusty curtains illuminating his face and making his long-lashed eyes and pale skin glow, and it strikes him that the whore is beautiful.

"What’s your name?" Kibum asks, and the whore stops in the middle of pulling on his jeans.

"Why do you want to know?" he asks.

"It’s just - " and Kibum pauses. Why would he need to know his name? You’ve gotten what you wanted, just pay him so he can get the hell out, his mind screams at him, but just then the whore turns to him and smiles, and his eyes are huge dark pools under beautifully long lashes and his smile seems to light up the entire dark room.

"No one’s ever asked me for my name before," the whore says, his cheeks slightly pink. "People usually don’t care, you know, they’re just interested in getting their kicks."

Kibum pauses at that. The other man has a point. He’s a whore. So Kibum suddenly wanted to fuck a prostitute for the first time ever in his life, big deal. He’s done that, and the smart thing for Kibum to do would be to let him go and forget that this entire sordid, seedy encounter ever happened.

The whore has finished dressing and stands looking at Kibum expectantly, and Kibum remembers. He leans over the edge of the bed and finds his jeans, pulling his wallet out and handing a wad of cash over to the other man.

He nods and thanks Kibum politely and turns to walk towards the door of the room when Kibum grabs his arm. "Wait," he says. "What is your name?"

The whore blinks, and again that smile reappears, cherubic and bright. "Sungmin," he says, and Kibum somehow thinks that the name is as perfect as the rest of him.

"Give me your number," Kibum almost demands, and Sungmin hesitates just a moment before scribbling it on the piece of paper Kibum finds and shoves at him.

"I’ll call you," Kibum promises, but Sungmin merely shrugs and then he’s moving towards the door again.

"I’m - I’m Kibum, ok?" Kibum calls out just as the door closes, and he feels like something’s oddly twisted in his heart.


They’re at another motel, this one brighter, newer and cleaner, and the sheets actually smell of fresh detergent instead of mildew, but all that pales in comparison to Sungmin’s sugary scent.

"Why?" Sungmin breathes as his hands run slowly up and down Kibum’s arms, as Kibum presses his mouth to his throat and runs his tongue slowly over the smooth skin that tastes even better than it looks, and their bodies are twisting and sliding and grinding fluidly, and Kibum thinks he may never get enough of the scent and taste and feel of Sungmin.

"Why what?" Kibum says, his fingers preparing Sungmin carefully and gently.

"Why is someone like you picking up whores? You could get anyone you want."

Kibum pauses and Sungmin almost growls, pushing himself back insistently against his fingers, and Kibum resumes his movements before saying slowly, "I… don’t pick up whores."

"Liar. You picked me up."

"You’re the only one."


"Believe what you will, but I’ve never done this before, except with you."


Kibum pauses again and looks down into Sungmin’s flushed face, his hair stuck to his forehead and cheeks with sweat, his eyes wide and almost too innocent, and replies, "Because I -"

And then he stops, and he says instead, "Because you’re really good at this."

Sungmin smiles, as if he thinks it really is a compliment, and he pulls his legs back and fits them over Kibum’s shoulders, where Kibum automatically places small kisses along his ankles and the inside of his calves as he pushes into Sungmin.

"So are you," Sungmin giggles, and Kibum feels his heart twist in on itself again.


They’re at the same bright, clean, new motel, the place having somehow become their unofficial trysting venue.

Sungmin’s fingers are as soft and as gentle as the rest of him, and he makes absolutely certain Kibum is thoroughly prepared as he rubs the little bundle of nerves inside him, and Kibum is writhing and moaning and almost begging for Sungmin to fuck him by the time Sungmin’s done with the prep.

It still hurts, despite Sungmin’s gentleness and slowness, and Kibum would have stopped him, except that when he looks up the sight of Sungmin’s eyes clenched shut in pleasure and his teeth biting his lower lip entrances him so much that he swallows the hurt. He reminds himself that it’s him making Sungmin feel such pleasure, and that thought somehow erases the worst of the pain.

Sungmin is nothing like Kibum; instead of the hard and fast pounding Kibum normally gives to him Sungmin is almost torturously slow and achingly gentle, his skin like silk against Kibum’s own as he slides in and out of Kibum smoothly, and Kibum bites into Sungmin’s shoulder when Sungmin hits that spot inside him over and over and cries out when he climaxes onto his abdomen and Sungmin’s.

Kibum’s never bottomed before, but he thinks that with Sungmin it was worth it, and it’s definitely worth him doing it again.


They’re in Kibum’s apartment, and Sungmin is slithering off the bed to dress as usual.

"Don’t go," Kibum says, holding on to Sungmin’s wrist.

"Why not?" Sungmin asks, bewildered.

"Just… just stay with me, just for tonight, all right?"

Sungmin bites down on his lower lip and Kibum tightens his grip on the other man, afraid that he will slip away somehow.

"It… it costs more if you’d rather have an all-nighter," he mumbles.

Kibum exhales in exasperation. "I mean… stay with me, really stay, all right, Sungmin? No sex involved."

"Why?" Sungmin asks, looking at Kibum with those large expressive eyes that have completely beguiled and enchanted him these last few months.

"I just… I just want to hold you, just once," Kibum manages to say, and he has to look down because he doesn’t know what he’ll see in Sungmin’s eyes and face, and he thinks maybe he won’t be able to handle it.

But then he feels the bed sink next to him, and Sungmin’s hands are on his chest, pushing him gently backwards onto the pillows, and Sungmin is snuggling up against him, and Kibum’s arms automatically go around the softness that is Sungmin and he buries his nose in the nape of his neck.

Kibum thinks Sungmin fits so well against him, like they’re two halves of a whole.


"I thought I told you it was only for that one time. Kibum, I can’t stay with you all the time, I have to work."

"You call this work?"

"I have to feed myself, you know."

"Fuck, Sungmin, get some other sort of work, why don’t you."


"Whatever. Anything. Whatever you get is better than selling yourself night after night to stinking drunk perverts. Do you actually like what you’re doing?"

"You’re just like the rest, aren’t you?"

"Excuse me?"

"You’re just like the rest, you all think I’m filthy and nothing more than an object to be used, just because I’m a whore."

"Sungmin, that’s not what I meant."

"Then what? What is it, Kibum? I’m sorry, all right, I’m not like you, I don’t have nice parents to put me through business school and give me a roof over my head and food on my table. I’m sorry that I had a mother who loved drinking more than her child and a stepfather who treated me as the nearest available receptacle for his penis. I’m sorry that I ran away when I was just 11 so I didn’t have the chance to go to school and maybe learn something that would equip me to get money in a better way than whoring. I’m sorry that I’m a whore, but it doesn’t make me any less of a human being than you are."

"Sungmin, I - "

"Stop pretending like you care, Kibum. What am I to you anyway, I’m just your fuck toy and you’re just one of my clients."

"Sungmin, please - "

"Don’t ever call me again."


They’re in Kibum’s apartment, where Kibum managed to drag Sungmin after successfully cornering him in the area he’s been stalking for weeks, where he knows Sungmin usually trolls for customers.

"Don’t act like you care about me," Sungmin sobs harshly and tries to pull away from Kibum, but Kibum is kissing Sungmin on the lips, for the first time ever (because whores don’t kiss clients on the lips, Sungmin had said cheekily to Kibum the last time Kibum had tried all those months ago, and he’s never tried again since then), and Sungmin finds himself kissing back, needy and deep and aching and hungry.

"I’m not acting," Kibum murmurs into the kiss, his hands already pulling at Sungmin’s clothes. "I don’t want you to hurt anymore, I want you here, with me…"

"You can have anyone you want, you don’t want anything to do with a whore. Go get some nice normal guy or girl, whores are just for fucking," Sungmin chokes, even as he strokes Kibum’s arms in the familiar manner Kibum’s gotten accustomed to.

"I just want you, Sungmin, only you," Kibum pants as he pushes Sungmin against the wall and lifts him up so he can wrap his legs around him.

"I’m just here for you to fuck, Kibum, nothing else," Sungmin cries, his nails digging painfully into Kibum’s back as Kibum enters him, and Kibum plants gentle kisses on his eyelids and cheeks, kissing away the tears.

"I love you, Sungmin," Kibum murmurs into Sungmin’s cheek, his hands sinking into the smooth flesh at Sungmin’s hips, and Sungmin cries even harder as he finds Kibum’s lips with his own and kisses him hard again.

"Kibum, don’t… you can’t love a whore," Sungmin whispers brokenly even as he grips Kibum tighter with his legs, pulling him further into himself.

"I love you, I don’t care what you are, Sungmin, I love you…" Kibum says, his thrusts getting harder and faster when he finds the spot that makes Sungmin’s eyes snap wide open, hazy with pleasure, and Sungmin’s breath comes out in little whistles, part sobs, part moans.

"Why? You’re so perfect, Kibum, you could have anyone you want… why someone like me, Kibum?"

Kibum gives one final thrust and they come almost in perfect unison, Sungmin leaning forward and capturing his lips and mumbling his name as he comes in between both of them, Kibum panting Sungmin’s name in reply as he feels himself release inside of Sungmin.

"I’m not perfect… you are," Kibum whispers into Sungmin’s soft lips.


They’re on Kibum’s narrow single bed in his apartment, and Kibum holds Sungmin tightly as Sungmin curls up against him, already drifting off to sleep. He knows he may be holding the other man too tightly, but he never wants to let go, ever.

"Kibum…" Sungmin says, wriggling against him, the single word coming out muffled because Sungmin currently has his face pressed into Kibum’s chest.


"Too tight… I can’t breathe," he complains, and Kibum relaxes his hold a little - just a little.

Sungmin peeks up at him from the circle of his arms and smiles, his big eyes glowing. He knows what Kibum’s thinking; he always knows.

"I’m not going anywhere, Kibum."

"I know you won’t, because I’m not letting you."

Sungmin laughs, the sweet dulcet sounds coming out like music to Kibum’s ears. "And you’re supposed to be perfect… perfect men aren’t meant to be so clingy and possessive, they’re confident and sure and strut around waiting for others to fall at their feet."

Kibum cups Sungmin’s cheek and runs his thumb over the flawless skin, falling contentedly into those big bright eyes.

"I told you I’m not perfect… you are."

100 suju challenge, !fanfiction, pairing: sungmin/kibum

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