Silk (Drabble)

Jun 08, 2009 00:18

"Hyung, please..." Ryeowook whispers, hands fisting in the material of Yesung's thin t-shirt, arching his back desperately to bring himself closer to Yesung's warm hand. It feels like liquid fire, what Yesung is doing to him there, and Ryeowook chokes back a sob. "Please, hyung, I need more..."

Yesung doesn't respond, simply moves his hand faster, rubbing Ryeowook's arousal through the silk of his pajama pants, and the warmth of his hand combined with the soft sensuous friction of silk against heated skin is driving Ryeowook insane with lust. He wants more, he NEEDS Yesung's hand on him, but Yesung strokes him resolutely, the single thin layer all that separates that talented hand from his throbbing hardness, and Ryeowook NEEDS so much, he needs to feel Yesung against his skin right now, and he opens his mouth to tell him so, but what comes out is a guttural moan and he throws his head back as he comes violently into the silk.

Expansion of this drabble here.

!drabbles, !fanfiction, pairing: yesung/ryeowook

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