Our love is like the border between Greece and Albania

Apr 10, 2009 15:26

It's Good Friday, with properly greyish-cloudy Good Friday weather. Also, I'm back from Orlando.

Sadly, a fairly hijink-free recap )

work, travel logs, music post

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Comments 28

aphelion_orion April 10 2009, 20:31:56 UTC
Though actually, it's more comparable to trying to bang my mistress while keeping my wife from knowing.

Okay, you WIN at comparisons. Also, *hug*. I hope your trip didn't stress you out too much, though I admit I was grinning all the way through your descriptions.

Also, thank you for the music. ♥


thorne_scratch April 10 2009, 20:49:45 UTC
All my life events can be reduced to sitcom-style sexual hijinks analogies, really. Honestly, I don't know if I should be proud or ashamed or what. Thanks! It wasn't too stressful of a trip-- it lacked some of the weirder stuff, which while less interesting to recap, is probably better for my pace of mind, overall.

Good, I hope you like the music!


aphelion_orion April 10 2009, 20:54:20 UTC
It takes a special talent to recount them like this, though. XD I'm glad it wasn't too taxing-lord knows business trips aren't funny. *huggle*

I might need to get used to one or two, but I really liked Got you where I want you and Everyone is Someone's. The last one, especially, is just a very cool idea that ends up working very well.


thorne_scratch April 10 2009, 21:10:55 UTC
I like to try and make people laugh about these work things; it makes it a lot easier when the work turns totally annoying or stressful. I kind of like going on business trips because it breaks up the routine, but yeah, it totally depends on what kind of trip it can be.

Hooray! Everyone is Someone's is another one that I got off Twig, who is my main music pusher. It's kind of unearthly, and the first time I heard it on the band's Myspace, I knew I had to have it.

I can't decide whether the next music post theme should be "Music that either refers to or should be listen to on trains" or "Music that sounds upbeat but has opposite lyrics."


dannath April 10 2009, 21:23:21 UTC
Wow, I love your view of life. Sitcom!style
Also, I can totally see you telling someone "Seriously, dude, I am not a doctor." in anime style. Thorne's anime!sitcom life!
The music was great, thanks for that too! I love the The Man Comes Around one a lot.
By the way, I added your hotmail address to my messenger, I hope it's alright. I just think you're pretty neat and interesting. I'm alexander there.
By the way, have you seen this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pUrsUORF4Y I kinda laughed my lungs out when I first saw it and I'm throwing it at anyone I can.


thorne_scratch April 10 2009, 21:35:38 UTC
Like a sitcom, it is also very heavily edited for the long stretches of boring crap. Also, sometimes I make people hold up signs to cue laughter or sighing or such.

I really can't figure out why anyone would ever take me for a doctor. I'm totally incompetent-looking!

Thanks! I'm glad you like the music. I don't use messenger very often, but I'm very flattered. I have not seen that clip before; it looks funny. I'll have to watch it when I get home.


soranokumo April 10 2009, 22:54:39 UTC
Music post! Huzzah! At first I wondered why you were using the SH2 icon and then I saw the theme for the music post, and it all became clear. I'll have to nab the ones you haven't given me yet... aaaaand I still need to do a music post of my own.

Also, that Kurt Cobain macro is hilarious.

I am just glad that Orlando treated you pretty well and did not eat you. Was the karma talk interesting?


thorne_scratch April 11 2009, 03:42:04 UTC
You should do a music post! It would be very cool. And yes, I figured I had made the Utena icons stand in as the creepy icons long enough. It was time to give James Sunderland his chance to shine.

Isn't it?! I think it's his expression in the last panel that totally makes it.

Eh, it was fine. It was mostly just, "If I do enough good, eventually it will come back to me. Also, I get to write it off on my expense report." Which was certainly fine by me.


tochira April 11 2009, 02:14:26 UTC
Not only are they usually at horrible, horrible times in the morning when no one should be awake, you have to worry about simultaneously eating and making intelligent conversation, two things difficult enough on their own when under caffeinated and barely conscious.

Amen! Nobody should undertake activities which require a fully-functioning brain while attempting to caffeinate themselves. Scary.


thorne_scratch April 11 2009, 03:39:37 UTC
The funny thing is, I rarely drink coffee except at these conferences. I'm more of a tea person. So, I only rely on coffee when I have to be functioning really early. But the waitress kept refilling my mug, because I was trying to match the British guy in his drinking pace, so by the end of the meeting, I was incredibly wired and could barely sit still.

And because I'm a doofus, it took me a long time to work out why my heart was going so fast and my hands were vibrating. It was, like...

Boss: That went well!
Boss: ...Are you all right?


alhazred April 11 2009, 05:29:52 UTC
You know, I so totally blame you for getting me into Johnny Cash. Were it not for you, my reaction to the end of G-Kill would've been less exciting than "OMG JOHNNY CASH LOL YES!!!1!!!one!!!!"

Also, fun trivia; the part of the video (about 1:00 in the Youtube clip) where there's a Marine doing inappropriate things with a donkey; it's actual footage of the real Colbert being naughty.

Man, I so totally forgot I promised you s'more music. I'll do that shortly.

Once I'm done ganking these, of course.


thorne_scratch April 11 2009, 05:54:35 UTC
How can anyone not be into Johnny Cash? The very idea confounds and puzzles me. That said, I'm glad you're getting your Cash love on. I'm really glad they used that song in the end of the mini-series, though.

I did not know that! Awesome.

I hope you like the music! Let me know if any of them in particular catch your fancy.


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