Our love is like the border between Greece and Albania

Apr 10, 2009 15:26

It's Good Friday, with properly greyish-cloudy Good Friday weather. Also, I'm back from Orlando.

Sadly, a fairly hijink-free recap )

work, travel logs, music post

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Comments 28

zenkatsuo April 11 2009, 10:02:11 UTC
I've been meaning to send you some music, but if you've been out of town, maybe it was for the best that I haven't gotten around to it.

Generation Kill (finally) started. After the first episode I was a bit lukewarm about it, but the second one... Now I'm totally into it. I guess the first one was just kinda slow because it's supposed to establish the characters or something. Also, wham, suddenly there's all this slash potential!

If you're in fact speaking from experience about seatmates and the Holocaust Museum, I hope there's more. I'm terrified about the prospect of flying and eager for your wisdom. As well as just really really intrigued.


thorne_scratch April 11 2009, 17:17:32 UTC
Send me music now! Looks like I'll be around for a bit.

Hooray, I'm glad you're into it! Do you have any particular feelins about any of the characters? (I mean, aside from being awed by Brad Colbert, which everyone is.) Me, I love all of them, but I think Nate Fick has definitely emerged the favorite. Although Ray is also entertaining as hell. And I don't exactly like Trombley, but I think he's a fascinating character ( ... )


zenkatsuo April 12 2009, 23:38:08 UTC
As soon as I'll get over the silly notion of it being somehow silly to pimp American bands to an American!

The Iceman is very cool, true, and Nate Fick! But I love them all! It's like they're all totally awesome in different ways. At first I found Ray a bit annoying, but now he's one one of my favorites. I do have one favorite who's not as mainstream, I guess, Rudy Reyes. I didn't know anyone else but him beside Lee Tergesen when it started.

You just manage to make me even more intrigued! Seven months!
That's kind of what horrifies me about flying, though... Not having an accident, but rather getting stuck sitting next to someone so horrid that I'll start hoping the plane'll crash! I think I'd even take some dude who I'd have to take to a bunch of museums rather than even consider some of the other possibilities.


thorne_scratch April 15 2009, 03:14:41 UTC
It's not silly. Just because they're from my country doesn't mean I've run into their work yet!

Rudy is pretty awesome. It's the same guy, actually-- that's the real Rudy Reyes playing himself. And Lee as the reporter, yes. I wonder why I forgot him? I guess because he does such a good job of being inobtrusive and letting the viewer be in his place, almost. I love you, Lee!

I'm bad at breaking up with people. Plus, he lived on the other side of the country... it was complicated. Huh, well, if you get stuck next to someone horrible, you can always drink yourself into a stupor, and you won't mind as much. Or spend much of your time in the bathroom!


teenygozer April 11 2009, 18:28:14 UTC
It seems so wrong to go to Orlando and not do fun, vacationy things! I think if somebody's gonna give a business conference, they should give it in a boring city with nothing to do in it. Fun cities already get the vacationers' buck, boring cities need transient visitor cash, too!

I grabbed your song offerings and will listen to them as I do housework. Thanks for posting them! It seems like I get introduced to all the good stuff by my flist these days. My flist, and music vids.

As you're a Cash aficionado, have you heard his wonderful live version of The Highwayman? The previous version of the song I've heard had four verses, and Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Kris Kristofferson, and Cash each took one verse, but I find I like the all-Johnny Cash version much better. It's a lot less schizophrenic-sounding. I had planned on posting it to my LJ if you're interested, I only just ripped it the other day.


thorne_scratch April 11 2009, 22:17:56 UTC
I know! I was hoping I'd have some downtime, but alas, it was not to be. Maybe in July, when I go back there. See, the thing is though, half the folks who go to these conferences are going so they can do the work stuff during the day and then fuck around at night, on the company's dime. So, you gotta have something there for entertainment.

I hope you like them! I get almost all my music from my flist as well. Lots of variety. And I have not heard the version you refer to, so I'd love to have it if you're so inclined. Thanks very much!


m_steelgrave April 11 2009, 18:37:57 UTC
I guess I'm losing my mind, because in my head I'd alreayd commented on this post to say, "Hey, music! I love music!" But apparently I didn't...so, yeah. Music! I love music. Between this post and the fanmixes that have been appearing on cap_ironman lately, I've been picking up a lot of new stuff. For trial purposes, and which shall all soon be deleted. Yes.

I'm glad Orlando didn't eat you. I have a secret theory that Orlando is really a hellmouth with amusement parks, so I'm extra-impressed that you survived.

I've started working on your Fab Zombie drabble, but it's turning out much more like a semi-serious horror flick than I'd planned. Like Scream 2, but without Neve Campbell making pouty faces and with more banter while eating brains.


thorne_scratch April 11 2009, 22:15:41 UTC
Oh, not at all, I do that all the time, I also dream occasionally that I've composed entries, and when I wake up and find it is not so, it can get very confusing. I'm very glad you're taking the music! Do let me know if you end up liking any of them! As I said to someone up thread, I already have two more posts for music compiled; I'm just trying to decide between Train Music or Upbeat Tune/Downbeat Lyrics Music.

I have a secret theory that Orlando is really a hellmouth with amusement parks

It makes a lot of sense. Also, there are gators, and giant mice in pants, and giant ducks without pants. Truly a strange place.

HOORAY. You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to this. (Remind John-- and possibly Paul-- that the slutty person is always the first one to get killed or zombified.)


Happy Easter! :D velithya April 12 2009, 00:30:12 UTC
Did you pick up any cool swag at the conference, or was it a more upscale conference?

I downloaded all of Generation Kill last year sometime! I should probably watch it at some stage. ...of course, it's on the computer of mine that won't boot at the moment, but I'm sure that's only a small stumbling block!

I stoled all the music! I will remember to listen to it during a time of the day when I am unlikely to be creeped out or anything.


Re: Happy Easter! :D thorne_scratch April 12 2009, 03:59:43 UTC
I didn't pick up much swag this time, but this was because I actually spent very little time in the exhibition hall for this conference. The First Job didn't want to pay to bring me, so I shrugged and told them, "Whatever dudes, I'm going for another reason. Have fun manning the booth on your own!" Which bit them in the ass, because as it turned out, they did need me at the booth. So I relented, and helped out for a bit on Sunday and Monday, but in general, I spent more of my time at the abstracts and at meetings and at Second Job things.

Kind of silly, in a way. I had an all-access badge; I should have trawled the hall more because they'll give more free crap to you if they think you're an attendee, as opposed to just another exhibitor. But I was going out of my way to avoid First Job people, for fear they'd try to get me to do more free labor.

Dude, watch it! I think you'll like it! If nothing, you'll learn some really creative swearing.

I'm glad you downloaded-- let me know if you particularly like or are creeped out by anything


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