It must be the day for it. While I was entering my LJ post about yesterday's filksing, Mokka abruptly jumped off my lap and threw up. I was very grateful for the first part.
I was actually wondering today about "M'aidez". Would that be, or ever have been, idiomatic French? Normally one would say "Aidez-moi". Could it have come from some phrase involving the infinitive ("maider")?
That's the etymology I'd read, and I wondered at that myself. So on seeing your question I checked OED Online (one of the perks of the academic life):< French m'aidez or m'aider ‘help me!’ (the latter being either the imperative infinitive or short for venez m'aider ‘come and help me!’; < me, first person direct object pronoun + aider: see AID v.)
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