
Jun 07, 2010 15:00

To everyone who purchased earrings from my Etsy shop: they are on their way. Expect them in 2 - 3 business days. Unless you are in Australia, in which case, the woman at the post office said they should take about a week. I hope you like them.

So, I decided to do hc_bingo. I'm reposting my bingo card so I can solicit ideas. *g*

Because I was running out of ways to torture my beloved characters. )

fic: hc_bingo

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Comments 27

florahart June 7 2010, 20:50:39 UTC
Trek has canon MPreg, yanno. Just saying.


thistlerose June 7 2010, 20:51:45 UTC
It does? Who, what, where, when, and why?


florahart June 7 2010, 20:55:21 UTC
It's alien-made; it's also not AOS/TOS canon.

Enterprise, Trip, got knocked up by some chick doing this feels-nice ritual with hands in beads of some kind. :D The aliens, like, requested the fetus back? After it reached a certain size or something and could be removed. The rest of the crew gave him kind of a hard time about playing fun touching games with strange alien ladies.

This was long before he and T'Pol failed to be careful and made a half-Vulcan baby that didn't survive (thus leaving Spock as the first surviving one intact). His record with babymaking was kind of a mess.


florahart June 7 2010, 20:56:58 UTC
(although, as Archer's beagle is AOS canon, it probably should be assumed that ENT canon is intact for AOS)


vixys June 7 2010, 21:40:56 UTC
... goddamnit, I read this and then went to sign up, hurt/comfort being my non-porny porn and all that.

Also, detached retina? Who comes up with these 'cliches', because we're obviously not reading the same fics... :D ♥♥


thistlerose June 7 2010, 22:05:47 UTC
I'm really not okay with anything having to do with eyeballs. *shudder*

H/C is like ... I am all about it! (Helps when your OTP is a doctor.)


igrockspock June 7 2010, 21:51:13 UTC
I like the idea of Sulu and arachnophobia. I was going to suggest someone who is normally very brave trapped in a small space with a spider -- like maybe he has to crawl over one or more of them to retrieve someone or something that is essential to his mission? And Gaila talks him through it, and then uses her tongue to help him forget ( ... )


thistlerose June 7 2010, 22:10:29 UTC
And Gaila talks him through it, and then uses her tongue to help him forget?

Mmmm, yesssss.

For McCoy + major illness, there's always xenopolycythemia from TOS. (Though I'd have to figure out why Spock Prime doesn't just share the cure with the universe well before McCoy falls ill. It seems a cruel thing to leave to chance.) Or, if he's injured, he can be talking someone else through administering first aid.

I love your second idea, about the telepathy. Though that square is unfortunately on the same line as a couple of things I don't want to do. Hmm. But I could make it my wild card. Or would that be cheating? I wish I could rearrange my squares!


igrockspock June 7 2010, 22:21:29 UTC
I don't think it's cheating. After all, if they meant, "your wildcard is anything you want, except for something else that's on your card," that's what they should have said in the rules.

I love the idea of McCoy talking someone else through administering first aid when he is injured.


rubynye June 7 2010, 22:29:48 UTC
I love the idea of McCoy talking someone else through administering first aid when he is injured.

IGS, I am not actually following you through our friends' journal entries just to agree with your comments. (Well, not intentionally.) But this idea hits me square in the id. Palpitatingly.


mardia June 7 2010, 22:03:13 UTC
I actually would be really interested to see MPREG done in that way. As for the tentacles--would this be someone menaced by a tentacle monster, getting zapped with something that makes them grow tentacles of their own, or something else entirely?


thistlerose June 7 2010, 22:12:32 UTC
It would be kind of creepy-fun-icky. *g*

For the tentacles, since I like turning cliches on their heads, I was thinking the protagonist could be injured in some sort of aquatic accident, and rescued/comforted by a bunch of benevolent cepholopods. (No sex involved. Maybe.)


rubynye June 7 2010, 22:30:41 UTC
Check my other journal for the link to OctoCam, so you can watch an octopus move as research.


thistlerose June 7 2010, 23:56:46 UTC
Eee! They're rather beautiful. Not that I'd want to snuggle up to one, but octopuses are awesome! There could never be evil octopuses in my stories. :)


janice_lester June 8 2010, 01:49:00 UTC
OMG your tentacles bunny is awesome and I want to see it! (Also, now I'm thinking of cracky plots involving actual bunnies WITH actual tentacles…)

For domestic abuse (either one), I'd be very interested in seeing a Buffy take where you looked at a Slayer's potential to cause actual harm to a boyfriend/husband who is a human being instead of, yannow, a vampire or a souped-up super-soldier. Post finale, you can invent your own Slayer, you needn't give one of the known ones a dark side. This sort of fic could perhaps also focus on comforting the Slayer after she accidentally injures boyfriend/hubby--eg exploring to what degree a Slayer is responsible for the degree of force she exerts. If you were an ordinary teenager yesterday, didn't even know you were a Potential, and today you're a Slayer--how could you possibly know your own strength? Perhaps you could have Buffy--or even Faith--comforting a newborn Slayer who has seriously injured or even killed someone when she only meant to push him away/stop him touching her/play baseball ( ... )


thistlerose June 8 2010, 02:33:47 UTC
Oooh, I love the Slayer-accidentally-hurting-her-boyfriend bunny! That could be so sad. Poor girl. Her first day as a superheroine, she accidentally kills or maims her boyfriend! I'd love to see Faith comfort her.

The problem with Anya is that her window is so small. I mean, for turning a boy we know into a woman (temporarily). We meet her in the middle of S3, and she loses her powers in the same episode. She doesn't get them back until S6.

Ooh, but Amy could maybe do something. To Xander, possibly? Willow could fix him in the end. IDK. I'd have to tread carefully with that one. I have a close family member who's transgender, and her situation has kind of made me overly sensitive to the whole body dysphoria thing. Still ( ... )


janice_lester June 8 2010, 02:58:41 UTC
I suspect--haven't read the rules--that you don't have to go into detail about the detached retina. You could simply have a character wearing an eyepatch, occasionally going off to sickbay for medical treatments, and focus on his fear/pain/getting by one-eyed rather than the cause thereof. You might even be able to get away with making it an unspecified sudden eye/vision problem requiring medical treatment and a recovery period, which might be easier for you to deal with emotionally ( ... )


thistlerose June 8 2010, 04:55:45 UTC
The problem with Anya is that, between "The Wish" in S3 and "Hell's Bells" in S6, she didn't have any power as a vengeance demon. And I feel like, in the episodes after S6, there wasn't much time for that sort of thing. Thought ... IDK. Maybe.

I don't think it's necessarily wrong to play to comedy. I mean - it's the Buffyverse. And I think comedy can be handled tastefully. Forced!Permanent!genderswap gives me the heebie jeebies, but I think I could handle a short fic about one guy magically transformed into a woman for a couple of hours. He'd be disoriented and unhappy, but it's possible he'd learn something. Maybe there's a boy at school whom Dawn doesn't like ( ... )


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