(no subject)

Jun 07, 2010 15:00

To everyone who purchased earrings from my Etsy shop: they are on their way. Expect them in 2 - 3 business days. Unless you are in Australia, in which case, the woman at the post office said they should take about a week. I hope you like them.

So, I decided to do hc_bingo. I'm reposting my bingo card so I can solicit ideas. *g*

nervous breakdown


mpreg - difficult pregnancy

fear of flying


sexual extortion: to pay for something

motion sickness


spinal injury


unwanted superpower (sudden onset)

body dysmorphic disorder


eating disorders


detached retina

domestic abuse (physical)

major illness

sex pollen




experiments by evil scientists

loss of vision

domestic abuse (sexual)

Hmm. So, the only thing I refuse to do is the detached retina. Because EW. I would prefer not to do MPREG, but if you gotta, you gotta. (Except, I would make it like a parasitic thing, where the poor dude plays host to some alien that has to be removed. But maybe the alien forms a psychic link with its host, making him not want to abort. IDK. If it's Trek, they can probably create an artificial host. Though that wouldn't solve the problem of the mental link, necessarily. HMMMMMMM.

I'm leaning away from body dysmorphic disorder and eating disorder, since they're a little too close to home.

I'm leaning toward the second row from the top, going horizontal - or the last column, going vertical. When I think of arachnophobia, for some reason, I think of Sulu - maybe with Janice Rand or Gaila providing the comfort. Fear of flying might be too obviously McCoy. For domestic abuse ... it's an icky one, but I could write about Tasha Yar on Romulus.

Ideas, guys???

All the characters I mentioned are from Trek, but I also do Buffyverse, Firefly, Pern, and others.

Or... Well, HP fandom and I are currently seeing other people, but Ron Weasley is an arachnophobe. Hmm.

And yes, I know I still owe request fics. *g* They're being worked on. The h/c stuff isn't due until December.

ETA: Possible plot bunnies
nervous breakdown : I wouldn’t know how to write this.

assault :

mpreg - difficult pregnancy : Star Trek. Alien pregnancy. Parasite uses male character as host. Forms empathic link, making host not want to terminate. Team Science finds a means of extracting parasite without killing it, but host still objects due to empathic link.

fear of flying : Star Trek? McCoy, natch. Is comforted by Kirk?

tentacles : Someone is injured in the water, receives help and comfort from sentient cephalopod-like creatures.

sexual extortion: to pay for something

motion sickness

burns : Firefly? Simon/Kaylee? She has an injury while repairing something, he treats her burn and comforts her? Or Pern? Someone is wounded by Thread and another character comforts him or her?

spinal injury : Trek. Pike? Comforted by Winona? Number One?

arachnaphobia : Harry Potter? Ron Weasley is afraid of spiders. Is rescued/comforted by Ginny, Hermione, or Rose?

unwanted superpower (sudden onset) : Star Trek. Kirk becomes briefly telepathic. On an away mission, someone is killed and he has to inform his or her significant other. SO blames Kirk. Kirk blames himself. Despondent, he seeks comfort from someone who just radiates love and understanding. McCoy? Gaila? OR BtVS: Post-“Chosen,” a new Slayer has a bad reaction to her sudden superpowers.

body dysmorphic disorder : BtVS? Anya turns someone female (Xander? Parker? Some random boy?)


eating disorders

falling : ST. Heh. Kirk finally meets a ledge to which he can’t cling by his fingertips? Or Kirk/Sulu make-outs post-drill fall?

detached retina : NO

domestic abuse (physical) : Trek? Tasha Yar on Romulus?

major illness : Trek? McCoy develops xenopolycethemia? Angsted over by Kirk, saved by Spock Prime? Something from David McCoy’s POV?

sex pollen : Would rather not, since I did that recently. Still. Could work for Firefly maybe, or BtVS. MAGIC sex pollen? Who would wind up in the sack? Buffy/Xander?




experiments by evil scientists

loss of vision

domestic abuse (sexual) : Trek? Tasha Yar on Romulus?

fic: hc_bingo

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