
Jun 07, 2010 15:00

To everyone who purchased earrings from my Etsy shop: they are on their way. Expect them in 2 - 3 business days. Unless you are in Australia, in which case, the woman at the post office said they should take about a week. I hope you like them.

So, I decided to do hc_bingo. I'm reposting my bingo card so I can solicit ideas. *g*

Because I was running out of ways to torture my beloved characters. )

fic: hc_bingo

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janice_lester June 8 2010, 02:58:41 UTC
I suspect--haven't read the rules--that you don't have to go into detail about the detached retina. You could simply have a character wearing an eyepatch, occasionally going off to sickbay for medical treatments, and focus on his fear/pain/getting by one-eyed rather than the cause thereof. You might even be able to get away with making it an unspecified sudden eye/vision problem requiring medical treatment and a recovery period, which might be easier for you to deal with emotionally?

If you wanted it to be Anya, couldn't you simply make it a wish of one of Parker's subsequent conquests? (I admit that I"m not recalling too clearly what happened to him--maybe he got eaten at some point so that this won't work?) Or you could have Anya trying to get Buffy to make a wish (perhaps getting her drunk first, so she's not watching her words too well?) and have Buffy make some sort of blanket wish about every man who's ever screwed her over or something? (Hehe, then you could have a whole lot of men show up at Chateau Summers wanting to know what's going on, and some of them got caught by the wish because, IDK, they stole Buffy's favourite HEllo Kitty pencil in kindergarten or something. :-) But you're right, that's playing to comedy and not really all that sensitive to people whose bodies don't match their souls and who understandably don't find that at all funny. (I'm currently writing Joanna McCoy as trans, and I can really feel the weight of needing to get it right, you know?)

I thought that McCoy's father looked old in ST V, so I always read that "secret pain" of McCoy's as being fairly recent, perhaps even during the interval between IV and V (which is generally not acknowledged, but I think has to be there to make sense of the condition of the Enterprise in V vs at the end of IV). But I'd certainly buy between TOS and TMP--it would help to explain why McCoy left Starfleet so completely, which is a problem, if he had to resign in order to be allowed enough time to go home and be with his father. I have some trouble buying it as something that happened very soon after he qualified as a doctor. YMMV.


thistlerose June 8 2010, 04:55:45 UTC
The problem with Anya is that, between "The Wish" in S3 and "Hell's Bells" in S6, she didn't have any power as a vengeance demon. And I feel like, in the episodes after S6, there wasn't much time for that sort of thing. Thought ... IDK. Maybe.

I don't think it's necessarily wrong to play to comedy. I mean - it's the Buffyverse. And I think comedy can be handled tastefully. Forced!Permanent!genderswap gives me the heebie jeebies, but I think I could handle a short fic about one guy magically transformed into a woman for a couple of hours. He'd be disoriented and unhappy, but it's possible he'd learn something. Maybe there's a boy at school whom Dawn doesn't like?

I wonder what would happen if a Slayer were turned into a boy. Would she lose her powers??

You're right about McCoy's father looking old in ST V. When I write about AOS Bones, I get around that by having his father being considerably older than his mother. Or - for whatever reason - deciding to wait to have children. But your version makes perfect sense too. That would be an interesting angle. Spock Prime knows how badly McCoy's father's death hurt him, so he either figures out the cure (though I don't know how he would) or goes himself or sends someone else (Kirk?) to be there for him.


janice_lester June 8 2010, 05:41:20 UTC
In my head version of the Buffy world? Wearing a boy body can be another way of being a woman and wielding female power and therefore would not be incompatible with being the/a Slayer. But if you accept that the new boy body makes you a boy, and let that physical change alter your whole identity and self-image, I think that might be a whole different ball of wax. So IDK.

You seem to want to stick close to Buffy canon, but you don't have to. There's at least one canon AU, after all (Vampire!Willow's world), so it's not really pushing much beyond canon to create your own. Perhaps an AU where Anya returned to the vengeance demon fold sooner? (Perhaps she died during the battle against Glory, and her old boss offered to bring her back as a demon?) There's also who knows how many of Anyanka's old colleagues skulking about the place looking for trouble. :-)

Spock Prime has at least the advantage of knowing that a cure is possible within David McCoy's lifetime. Perhaps he's even found the time--you know, in the last hundred or so years of his life in the TOS universe :-) -- to look into that, in which case he might even know who develops the cure and when (and possibly how). At minimum, he should be able to say (if he chooses)that he has reason to believe that David McCoy's body is physically capable of holding up until a cure is found. That might be enough to give both McCoys hope enough to hang onto, and to avoid traumatising either of them further by revealing how the whole thing played out in Spock Prime's world.


thistlerose June 8 2010, 14:26:20 UTC
I wonder what that would mean for a Potential who's biologically female, but psychologically/emotionally male. Or maybe such a person couldn't be a Potential.

*g* I like sticking with canon. I like my guidelines. I find them helpful. But you're totally right. And we know there are multiple universes - like the one without any shrimp.

I really like your idea about Spock Prime giving the McCoys hope. I love the idea of Spock Prime looking out for McCoy, period. I ship them in TOS, but I also feel like Spock owes McCoy for the katra-in-the-head thing.


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