Since Mr. Rusnak forgot to bring the Senior Wills to the banquet (actually, forgot to even make copies of them...), I decided to post mine on here, in a public entry, so that you all may read it. I hope everyone likes what I left them, I thought long and hard about each person on here. <3
I was running out of room on my college list page, so I decided to do a separate page for out-of-state. I've set it so that you can't comment on this one...please leave all comments [HERE]. Thank you!
Hey! Here's a list of where all the Gesher kids are going to school next year, so that it's easier to keep track of it. Also, if you click on someone's name, it's a link to their email address, so we can keep in touch.
[[[I'm reposting this, since it's friends-only on my other name, and most people can't read it...]]]I'm compiling a list of movies I need to watch
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Here's a list of where everyone is going to college. Yes, I know that I stole this from Carrie. But I want my own list, with people that she doesn't have on it, since she doesn't know them. I want to keep track of everyone I know.