Hey! Here's a list of where all the Gesher kids are going to school next year, so that it's easier to keep track of it.
Also, if you click on someone's name, it's a link to their email address, so we can keep in touch.
Florida International University
Rose Penchansky Florida State University
Amy Levenson University of Florida
Sara Rosenfield Georgia
Georgia Technical Institute
Josh LermanCourtney Shapiro University of Georgia
Eva Sadler Indiana
Indiana University
Becca Silvern Iowa
Grinnell College
Becca Weiner Maryland
St. John's College
Max Socol Missouri
Washington University
Mindy Krischer New York
Barnard College / Jewish Theological Seminary
Shira Wallach Columbia University
Allison Kade North Carolina
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
David Dubin Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania State University
Ashley Lerner Texas
Texas Tech
Tadd Atzmon If your name is not on this list, please leave a comment telling me where you're going!
Thanks! :)