[OPEN... but only after the spells are cast. I'll be sure to say when.]

Jul 25, 2009 23:41

Who: Luke Fon Fabre, Sirius Black, Asch the Bloody, and any unlucky souls who happen by after they've set off a few spells and fonon artes.
What: Mild poyo abuse, a couple of bored teenagers being bored and teenagery... and a surprise battle!
Where: Under the apple tree.
When: Just after this.
Warning: Magic? Language, most likely. Bit of blood, ( Read more... )

sirius black, asch the bloody, luke fon fabre

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Comments 90

not_a_twin July 26 2009, 07:23:10 UTC
Luke had lost track of Asch after his run in with Euphemia and wasn't in much of a rush to find him. The former general's war stories only seemed to upset his poyos more after though right now he was fresh out of stories and his blob were becoming terribly restless.

The soft whimpers were turning into tiny sobs with tear eyed looks. "I don't have anymore stories you pest! Go read a book!" He barked at it only receiving a sad little peep in response before it began whimpering again. Ugh... maybe he should of let Asch stick around and continue to frighten them into silence.

Still, something seemed to grab the creatures' attention and the glanced at the figure approaching them. "Sirius?" He called curiously looking very glad to finally see another person. He hadn't had a chance to tell him just where he was so he was a little worried he'd be doomed to suffer more boredom but no!

Sticking his hand up the replica waved. "You found me... and your poyos are...?" Where were they? There wasn't a sound coming from him.


blackandcrimson July 26 2009, 07:33:12 UTC
"All right?" Sirius greeted Luke cheerfully. He sauntered over to the apple tree and the noisy poyos.

It would be best not to explain to Luke how he happened to find him so easily in such a large castle, but when Luke mentioned the poyos Sirius smugly pulled one out of his pocket. It was sound asleep.

"Shall I give you a hand with those?" Sirius gestured with amusement at Luke's whimpering flock of jelly blobs. He wasn't expecting a 'no, thanks' that was certain.


not_a_twin July 26 2009, 08:39:31 UTC
Green eyes grew even wider when a still tiny sleeping poyo was peacefully pulled from Sirius' pocket. "Sleeping? H-how? You didn't feed him did you?"

He glanced to his own little sea of whiners. The smug look speaking in volumes. Sirius knew something... something really good that Luke didn't and the redhead definitely wanted in on this secret!

"B-be my guest!" He replied eagerly to the boy's offer.


blackandcrimson July 26 2009, 16:19:36 UTC
Not for the first time, Sirius wondered how muggles ever accomplished anything. He'd seen and heard that the others were having a difficult time with the poyos, but it all seemed like a good laugh from a distance.

"Of course not," he retorted when Luke asked if he'd fed the poyo. "Where would I keep them if they grew larger?"

He tucked the still sleeping creature into his pocket again. "All right," he agreed, and decided he should probably add a token bit of Careful Around Muggles until he knew Luke a bit better. "Look the other way, first."


not_a_twin July 27 2009, 02:55:03 UTC
"Yeah, I'm pretty used to this..." Luke sighed and looked over Sirius to make sure he wasn't hurt. More weird sounding hymns came from Sirius followed by lights then... ew... He covered his nose and let out a snicker when Asch started to freak out.

"What was that?" He chuckled but once again the comedy was short lived. "D-dammit. MOVE!" He shoved Sirius when the ground started to tremble and jumped away just barely avoiding a spike. Dammit! Why was he targeting him now to?! Landing away from the wreckage he sent a glare at Asch looking on the verge of strangling the boy.


blackandcrimson July 27 2009, 03:11:25 UTC
Sirius, on the other hand was having a brilliant time. Spikes from the ground? That was fantastic. He should learn something like that. He'd have to make the spikes a bit shorter to trip people up more effectively, but he had the feeling he could manage it.

"Scent Of Old Laundry," Sirius snickered too. He once again got sorely to his feet after being shoved roughly aside. An abrasion ran down the length of the right side of his face now, nearly from his jaw to his ear. But it wasn't deep, it was barely even dripping blood. Sirius ignored it.

"Phwoar, you smell awful," he teased theotherLuke. "Have a bath." Something that started with Scourgi and ended in an amused snort sent a particularly hostile cloud of lavender bubbles in Asch's direction. They seemed to have the intent of scrubbing him Floral Fresh.


not_the_dreck July 27 2009, 03:16:27 UTC
...what the hell. Just what the hell. He used to be the commander of special operations in the Oracle Knights. He participated in countless battles, fought innumerable and horrifying monsters... and here he was, Asch the Bloody, being attacked and beaten down by a bunch of mutant bubbles.

There was something very, very wrong about this.

"Cool off yourself!" Asch snarled, trying to pop the annoying things with his sword. Screw the incantation; he didn't deserve a warning. "ICICLE RAIN!"

Hope you two enjoy the rain of ice over your heads.


not_a_twin July 27 2009, 03:47:54 UTC
Luke blinked as the bubbles started to swarm Asch like clinging poyos. Speaking of poyos his own started screaming and running around in a panic now that their nap was RUINED and were there MORE now?! "Oh grea- ACK!" He fell back when they noticed their mama and tackled him to the ground in a fit of frightened tears.

"Son of a- GET OFF!" He started prying them off, distracted by one gripping his hair and barely noticing the icy attack until ice spikes fell around him. "AH!" He cried out in pain and held on to his wounded shoulder. Seriously! When did he become Asch's target?!


not_the_dreck July 27 2009, 19:55:45 UTC
That got another irritated squawk out of Asch. He tapped a claw against the perch in impatience, trying to think. His head quirked up, glaring at the stupid bell. His gaze went from the bell to Sirius and back to the bell.

If it were possible, his little beak probably would have turned up into a smirk, before he gave the bell a peck, ringing it once.


not_a_twin July 27 2009, 21:08:33 UTC
"Well... no we're not muggles or ...squids. Just..." Living reincarnations of their world's God? No, that was a bit much. Humble swordsmen? A glance to Asch glaring from his cage put a squash on the humble bit. Fonist? Doubt Sirius knew what those were and explaining it would just bring up too many questions he didn't wanna answer. So he just gave a shrug to finish off that sentance. "People." Yeah that worked.

"Hm?" He glanced back to the hateful looking bird. "Oh, yeah... he does tend to take things too seriously..." Though he was pretty sure he'd be just as pissed if her were in Asch's place. "One ring...? I think that means he's hungry..." He sent the little bird a grin.


blackandcrimson July 27 2009, 22:16:06 UTC
"Oh, I doubt that." Sirius smirked as he accioed another apple and started to cut it into slices with an ordinary looking penknife.

He paused in thought. "What did you call those spells? Art?" He grinned. "Do you call yourselves artists, then?"

When the apple was cut and cored, he levitated it over to the bird cage and dropped it unceremoniously inside. APPLE RAIN!

He stretched and lay back against the ground again. Things weren't spinning anymore, and even though there was a bit of a dull icicle ache between his eyes, it had been well worth it. He'd made a friend, a friendly enemy, and a mess all in the last hour. Not bad.


not_the_dreck July 27 2009, 22:21:03 UTC
Oh for the love of--

Asch tweeted angrily as he was hit with apple pieces, his plan foiled. So the little brat was smarter than he looked. Fine, he'd just have to deal with this another way... somehow. He grumbled, fluffing out his feathers and settling back on the perch, watching and waiting... and occasionally nipping a bit of apple.

Hey, he was hungry.


blackandcrimson July 31 2009, 06:12:14 UTC
Sirius was often accused of being mad, but usually people had to grudgingly admit that he was also intelligent. In this case, though, he'd made a stupid mistake.

He was prepared to defend against a bird just fine. He knew the vulnerable spots that birds liked to peck and claw at [a thing better not asked about] but Luke's brother only appeared to be a bird. Inside, he was still a man. And men knew a few things about one another that birds didn't.

In a few very short seconds Sirius went from an amused expression to a wide eyed look of mild panic. An instant later, it was pain. Sirius howled. It was a little feral.

He twitched and shook and twisted, and suddenly there was fur. There were paws and ears, and a massive jawbone full of sharp, adolescent teeth like rows of shiny white needles. That jaw could break a human wrist into halves, and it could also delicately pick out a single gooseberry from a bowl without breaking it.

The jaw opened.


not_the_dreck July 31 2009, 06:16:41 UTC
He supposed he should have been able to see that coming; anyone that could turn other people into animals could do the same to themselves, right? Still, that realization came a little too late, but not so much that Asch couldn't avoid the salivating jaws intent on making him a small morsel. He bolted away, leaving a scarce few feathers behind and ducking behind the replica, half nesting in his hair.

As much as he hated to admit it, Luke was his best protection at the moment.


not_a_twin July 31 2009, 06:37:56 UTC
Luke was just about to pull the bird away when... well he wasn't sure just WHAT was going on but suddenly Sirius started to grow fur and extra features! The replica stared in wide eyed wonder as the boy transformed into a beast then slowly into something resembling a large dog!

The feel of Asch fluttering up his neck and nesting in his hair (what was with the tiny critters and his hair?!) sent a tickle through him that snapped him out of his daze. "S-Sirius?!" He squeaked out and started standing up. A hand moving up to gently cover Asch and keep him safely in place.

"Wow, wow, calm down bo- Sirius." He said awkwardly not sure if he should be talking to him like he was a dog or like a person.


blackandcrimson July 31 2009, 07:22:18 UTC
Padfoot barked angrily at Luke's hair and made a low growl in the back of his throat. He snapped just to make sure his message was clear, then curled up unhappily beneath the apple tree and er... licked his wounds.


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