[OPEN... but only after the spells are cast. I'll be sure to say when.]

Jul 25, 2009 23:41

Who: Luke Fon Fabre, Sirius Black, Asch the Bloody, and any unlucky souls who happen by after they've set off a few spells and fonon artes.
What: Mild poyo abuse, a couple of bored teenagers being bored and teenagery... and a surprise battle!
Where: Under the apple tree.
When: Just after this.
Warning: Magic? Language, most likely. Bit of blood, ( Read more... )

sirius black, asch the bloody, luke fon fabre

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not_a_twin July 27 2009, 02:55:03 UTC
"Yeah, I'm pretty used to this..." Luke sighed and looked over Sirius to make sure he wasn't hurt. More weird sounding hymns came from Sirius followed by lights then... ew... He covered his nose and let out a snicker when Asch started to freak out.

"What was that?" He chuckled but once again the comedy was short lived. "D-dammit. MOVE!" He shoved Sirius when the ground started to tremble and jumped away just barely avoiding a spike. Dammit! Why was he targeting him now to?! Landing away from the wreckage he sent a glare at Asch looking on the verge of strangling the boy.


blackandcrimson July 27 2009, 03:11:25 UTC
Sirius, on the other hand was having a brilliant time. Spikes from the ground? That was fantastic. He should learn something like that. He'd have to make the spikes a bit shorter to trip people up more effectively, but he had the feeling he could manage it.

"Scent Of Old Laundry," Sirius snickered too. He once again got sorely to his feet after being shoved roughly aside. An abrasion ran down the length of the right side of his face now, nearly from his jaw to his ear. But it wasn't deep, it was barely even dripping blood. Sirius ignored it.

"Phwoar, you smell awful," he teased theotherLuke. "Have a bath." Something that started with Scourgi and ended in an amused snort sent a particularly hostile cloud of lavender bubbles in Asch's direction. They seemed to have the intent of scrubbing him Floral Fresh.


not_the_dreck July 27 2009, 03:16:27 UTC
...what the hell. Just what the hell. He used to be the commander of special operations in the Oracle Knights. He participated in countless battles, fought innumerable and horrifying monsters... and here he was, Asch the Bloody, being attacked and beaten down by a bunch of mutant bubbles.

There was something very, very wrong about this.

"Cool off yourself!" Asch snarled, trying to pop the annoying things with his sword. Screw the incantation; he didn't deserve a warning. "ICICLE RAIN!"

Hope you two enjoy the rain of ice over your heads.


not_a_twin July 27 2009, 03:47:54 UTC
Luke blinked as the bubbles started to swarm Asch like clinging poyos. Speaking of poyos his own started screaming and running around in a panic now that their nap was RUINED and were there MORE now?! "Oh grea- ACK!" He fell back when they noticed their mama and tackled him to the ground in a fit of frightened tears.

"Son of a- GET OFF!" He started prying them off, distracted by one gripping his hair and barely noticing the icy attack until ice spikes fell around him. "AH!" He cried out in pain and held on to his wounded shoulder. Seriously! When did he become Asch's target?!


blackandcrimson July 27 2009, 04:06:14 UTC
As far as warnings go, ICICLE RAIN was actually fairly specific. Sirius looked up, his eyes going a bit wide. "Oh shite." As his own poyos squirmed out of his pockets and started to wail, he saw Luke take a blow.

"Protego!" Sirius shouted, far too late to be much help. Taking a nasty gash to the thigh himself, he ducked under the shield spell and watched the rest of the icicles bounce off. He hissed. That really smarted, and he hadn't even got one full on.

All right, then. It was time to end this and shut the jelly blobs up again. Dropping the shield spell got Sirius immediately swatted across the back of the head with an icicle caught out mid-bounce, so he squinted to try and bring Luke's brother back into focus. After firing off a jet of shimmering light and a few choice words along with the usual Latin, Sirius hoped he'd aimed at the right one.


not_the_dreck July 27 2009, 04:25:58 UTC
Everything seemed to stop, and except for the screaming of the Poyos, it fell rather quiet as well. The effects from Icicle Rain faded away rather quickly -- maybe Luke would notice it had been a little too quickly -- and all that was left where Asch had been standing were a confused gaggle of bubbles...

...and then something black and red flitted out from between a couple bubbles, heading straight for Sirius as it chirped angrily, trying to peck at his eyes. Yes, his spell had hit the right "brother", and at the moment? Asch was one very pissed off cockatiel.


not_a_twin July 27 2009, 04:33:46 UTC
Yanking the ice shard from his shoulder he gritted his teeth and held tightly to his arm. "Son of a-..." He hissed and looked around for his homicidal look alike. "Asch you idiot!"

Where was he anyway? He watched rather colorful bird zip by towards Sirius squawking rather loudly. It was like a bird version of Asc-... "A-Asch?!" He stares wide eyed as the creature zipped down to maul it's mark. Yup that had to be Asch... but how?!


blackandcrimson July 27 2009, 04:46:11 UTC
Sirius watched the bird squawking angrily and cursed quietly. He couldn't even see straight yet. Hoping his luck would hold out, he shot another, possibly even stranger spell in theotherLuke's direction.

Now, to get the poyos quieted and see to Luke's shoulder.


not_the_dreck July 27 2009, 04:50:14 UTC
Asch let out a rather awkward SQUAWK, clanking to the ground. Yes, clanking; he had just been caged. He flapped about the cage angrily, feathers flying everywhere as he continued to squawk in utter rage.


not_a_twin July 27 2009, 05:05:38 UTC
Luke could only stare in shock and feel a little dizzy as the blood spilled over his arm. Still the pain was ignored as he stared in utter confusion as his original was caged. He knew this wasn't going to end well but even he hadn't imagined anything like this happening.

Even a few of his poyos seemed to settle down as they all stared at the bird boy flapping around his cage. "He's not gonna be happy when he gets outta there..." He and some of his and Asch's poyos shook their heads.


blackandcrimson July 27 2009, 05:56:52 UTC
"Don't know what has his feathers so ruffled," Sirius replied. Even with the imminent threat of feathery icy fiery stalagmitey death looming over him, he couldn't refuse a good pun when it presented itself. "It was only a friendly crossing of wands." He grinned.

Then he remembered Luke's shoulder. Sirius opted not to figure out which Luke to point the wand at and sat down. "Here, bring over that arm. And the rest of those jelly thingies, too."


not_the_dreck July 27 2009, 06:01:35 UTC
Asch continued tweeting angrily at Sirius, trying to chomp on the cage bars in a vain effort to break them. Of course, a cockatiel tweeting was hardly threatening, and that only made Asch even more pissed off.

For a moment, he fluttered down on the perch in the cage, an idea striking his little bird brain. He tried reaching out to Luke, flowing their unfortunate connection in an effort to at least make him pay for this... but no such luck. Luke might have felt a little tingle in the back of his mind, but that was about all Asch could manage.

Of course, this only pissed him off even more, and he continued to flap about, angrily attacking his cage.


not_a_twin July 27 2009, 06:38:36 UTC
Luke took his gaze off the cage when Sirius spoke and rolled his eyes a bit at pun but there was still a faint smile even as the bird practically screamed in rage.

"Oh, right you're a healer to." He stood up and made his way over to Sirius. The poyos following so close he nearly tripped on them a few times. They were terrifed that much was for sure.

He felt a slight tickle in his mind and glanced over to the birdcage. "Um... you do know how to change him back right...?" Sure he was a jerk but he was still his... well... lets just say he owed him.


blackandcrimson July 27 2009, 06:53:27 UTC
A healer? Sirius had never been accused of that before. He snorted. "Hardly, I've just had a lot of practice bleeding on the flagstone," he said cheerfully. "And what's your hurry? He could use a bit of time to settle down, don't you think?"

Sirius managed to stop the bleeding, but it probably twinged a bit. It was sort of like a magical cauterizing. It wouldn't scar, but it wouldn't be pleasant either.

After hexing all the poyos asleep again, Sirius dropped back onto the ground with a sigh. That was a fun but exhausting hour. He picked the conversation up just where they'd left off, as though nothing had happened.

"So, what's your story then?" He added, "I thought you were a muggle at first."


not_the_dreck July 27 2009, 06:56:15 UTC
Asch's irritated tweeting had dropped down to an annoyed chirp. He plopped down on the perch, tired and fluffing himself out, glaring at Sirius the whole time.


not_a_twin July 27 2009, 07:30:29 UTC
"Bleeding on the fla-?" Flinches at sting on his arm. Pain... it was something he recently learning to take well. He opens his coat to take a look at the damage or the patch job and grins at the sight of skin pulling together. Gross... but neat. "Very strange artes..." He murmured before looking back to the bird cage. "Well... maybe... but knowing him he'll just get even madder."

He pulled his coat back on and gave an awkward fidget at the question. Damn... thought he managed to escape that in the ruckus. Would have been the one good thing out of all this! ... Well that and sleeping poyos. "Nm, nothing too interesting." His eyes refusing to make contact. "Just- muggle?" Well that didn't sound very nice. His eyes moving back up to Sirius' face. "Why would you think I'm a muggle? ...W-what's a muggle anyway...?"


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