i'm not calling you a liar//

Sep 10, 2011 12:17

Characters: Hawke, Anders, anyone else who tries to lever Hawke out of her room
Location: Hawke's room! And just outside it
Planet: Coruscant
When: After Aveline's death
What:Hawke has locked herself in her room and is ignoring the world. Feel free to stop by and bang on the door, although she may or may not reply :'D Action or prose okay!
Rating: ( Read more... )

dragon age: anders, dragon age: marian hawke

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Comments 27

abominable September 10 2011, 00:39:42 UTC
Ever since Hawke's last post Anders couldn't quite not worry about what the woman was doing, or perhaps more so what she was going through. It was strange to say the least, Anders didn't really do friends let alone... well, whatever Hawke was. There was, of course, the Templar having something to use against you problem, a personal favorite of his, along with the fact making friends in a place you planned on one day never seeing again didn't make a lot of sense. Then the Wardens- well he was getting off track. Still, who would have thought having friends/whatever Hawke was would be such hard work? Then again maybe it was just Hawke and her apparently abysmal luck. Who knew.

Still, by the evening Anders was thoroughly fed up with slinking around the clinic, unable to do more than maybe make a few people feel a little better before the disease just kicked their asses some more. With a sigh he left, ditching his mask and making his way towards the apartments- Hawke's apartment. He was just checking up, honest. He liked Hawke, she was ( ... )


failedhorribly September 10 2011, 00:53:24 UTC
There was an odd sense of deja vu at hearing Anders' voice outside her door. Three years ago - had it truly been three years, now? She could feel it as if it were yesterday - he had been there. Except that it hadn't him, not this Anders and Hawke knows even as she blinks, slowly gets to her feet and heads to the door, that letting in this Anders is probably a bad idea.

He's not the man she knows. He's not hers. It doesn't stop her from slapping her hand against the button for the door release, turning away before it even opens properly.


abominable September 10 2011, 01:11:18 UTC
Anders tries not to look too surprised- he had expected at least more of a fight, maybe some flat out ignoring. He steps in, closing the door behind him with a swat at the button, inspecting her as he does. She wasn't spouting blood, limping or otherwise shaking in pain, that was good. He settles for following a few steps behind her, trying to think of the right thing to say. Why didn't he think of that when he had been walking over damnit.

"Hawke-" Ok, good start. He considers a joke, joking and rambling and being an ass was so much easier than taking things seriously. "I'm sorry. Out of all the people I met here Aveline- she deserved better than this plague and all that followed."

Huh, being solemn left a strange taste in his mouth. "For what it's worth I'm pretty sure you're the only one she'd trust with... this. All those disparaging Hawke's she throws your way, not many people can sum up a lecture in one word."


ugh, tense, how does it work failedhorribly September 10 2011, 01:28:58 UTC
She drew in a breath, slow and steady, before slowly exhaling. Looking out at Coruscant again, she placed her hands on her hips, not turning around to face him. Her eyes closed as she listened to him, knowing that this is essentially what everyone she knew had been trying to tell her since she'd returned from murdering Aveline. Since before then, really.

Well. Maybe not the Aveline remark. Her lips twitched up slightly before she made a small sound under her breath, throwing a glance over her shoulder. "You should know that I'm liable to do something very stupid with you standing here."


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