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Comments 111

suchdestruction July 20 2011, 09:07:56 UTC
[ Adam had been meaning to explore Coruscant's hospitals, the idea of pursuing a space career in medicine at the forefront of his mind. But, with the distress call, he couldn't help but be curious as to what was going on. And so this way, he kills two birds with one stone. On the one hand, he gets to explore medical areas and on the other, he can find a fight of some sort. His conversation with the Doctor bothered him more than he thought. As far as Adam was concerned he was unkillable. And he'd prove the Doctor wrong. Ontop of everything, he was getting bored of the mundane life inside his apartment.

So, here he is, creeping around the Senate's chambers. ]


theforestechoes July 20 2011, 17:57:11 UTC
[Isolde stares up that hospital, watching the droids move around and a couple of children actually walking outside the building, seemingly under no duress at all.

That doesn't seem right. At all.] This is a trap. [She already knew it was a possibility; after all, the signals weren't accompanied by anybody familiar, but there's a heavy pit in her stomach.

Those are children in there, and this is a trap.]


suchdestruction July 20 2011, 18:06:36 UTC
[ He feels a presence next him, takes in the sight before them and nods at Isolde's comment. ]

They want people here. [ He watches two small children who look like they're under no duress whatsoever. ]


theforestechoes July 20 2011, 18:19:34 UTC
[There's something missing, though. Isolde glances at Adam before looking around.

There are no soldiers, none of the Republic rushing off to check on the hospital, no guards.]

Not just people. Us, maybe.


creator_man July 20 2011, 09:48:50 UTC
[It wasn't even a question, whether Flynn would respond to the distress call. A hospital is a bad enough place for an attack; a children's hospital is definitely even worse.

Tron* was wary about it; and since a place with many children, which were still mostly an unknown to the program, was likely to confuse him and make him even less likely to respond efficiently to the chaos Flynn expected, he instructed his friend to stay put and monitor the situation over the networks, and to contact him if there was anything else out of the ordinary.

Of course, things are not when he expects, when he arrives. There is not a trace of the chaos he expected, or even any apparent need of help. He tries to offer assistance anyway, but gets rebuffed for his... well, lack of experience. So he settles back, frowning to himself. Something's not right.

Next up, he'll head towards the roof, to have a better actual look at the situation in the vicinity, if the access is possible.]

ooc: * - coordinated with mun.


onlytheblue July 21 2011, 14:44:41 UTC
[Well, as it turns out, Kevin's not the only on who decided the roof would make a better vantage point to deciphering the trap-distraction-trick quandary. He should find what obstructions may have existed either unlocked or very efficiently cut through (although not by light saber), and the Doctor himself standing on the rooftop, looking out over the city of Coruscant, scanning for some sign of surveillance or real trouble.]


creator_man July 21 2011, 14:48:31 UTC
[Flynn was frowning and attempting to see patterns. Or rather, something outside the patterns. There wasn't much that he could tell, being there for the first time.

When the steps crunch behind him, he looks over his shoulder. And then his eyebrows rise... just a little bit.]

Doctor. [Because they meet at last. Not because the Doctor has answered the distress call. That part... well, Flynn doesn't find it surprising, with what he knows about the man.]


onlytheblue July 21 2011, 14:54:55 UTC
[No, given their unspoken similarities it's no real surprise that they'd find themselves in the same place eventually. Maybe not so much that they'd both end up on the same roof...but even that's not strange enough to the Doctor to really surprise him.]

Kevin. [He nods. Normally this would be a call for a bit more excitement, but his enthusiasm is dampened by his concern for the truth behind the signal.] What do you think? A trap, a distraction, or a very covert siege? [Considering the likelihood each of the three places were exactly like this, the Doctor suspected it was the second...but he couldn't entirely rule out the other two, either.]


doeswhathecan July 20 2011, 16:28:13 UTC
[ Snape, despite all accounts, wasn't one to sit idle when there was the possibility of children in danger. And while he is still coming to terms with the place and how he used to be a...Jedi Master, there's little confusion as he dark eyes scan the halls of the children's hospital.

He has seen this before.

Snape hooks his thumbs into the pockets of his robes, and continues to silently stalk down the halls, eyes shifting. ]


imwotchingyou July 20 2011, 16:45:47 UTC
[ Tonks is at the hospital as well. The quietness is what bothers her. It really is too quiet and she starts to wonder if this isn't a trap or a distraction.

Had she not been wearing a dark brown robe, no one might have suspected her a Jedi. The purple leather vest that she wears over a pair of sand colored trousers and cream colored tunic add enough color to make her appearance largely unremarkable. Her belted vest is long enough that it conceals her lightsaber.

Tonks senses the presence of the Force-user before she actually sees Snape. It's enough that it causes her to carefully round the corner instead of barging along headfirst.

She stops when she sees Snape. ]

Professor Snape.

[ Yes, she still calls him Professor on ocassion. It's a habit. What are you going to do? ]


doeswhathecan July 20 2011, 17:31:33 UTC
[ he turns. the sight of people from his world is still somewhat unsettling, as is the fact that they don't immediately put a wand to his head. ]



imwotchingyou July 20 2011, 17:56:30 UTC
[ Well, Snape, Tonks can't say that she's glad to see you at Order meetings but Dumbledore seems to trust you.

What? No Nymphadora? ]

Did you come to see about the distress call?

[ She looks him over. He doesn't appear to be injured. ]

I haven't been able to find anything out of the ordinary which I think is a bit strange. There was a distress call, there should be something amiss, don't you think?

[ She has a funny feeling about this. ]


pathtosacrifice July 20 2011, 20:19:15 UTC
[Catty walks around the lower level of the hospital, biting her lip as her face twists up with confusion. Sure, there's a bit of a situation here: it's a children's hospital.

But nobody is panicked, and she isn't about to just panic anyone. Instead, she stands off to the side, leaning against a wall as she listens in carefully to the minds of the people around her.]


regeneracy July 21 2011, 17:17:29 UTC
[Claire makes it to the children's hospital a little later than most of the others, simply due to the fact she had heard the distress signal some time later than most other people around town. She's expecting fire and screaming children and terrible things happening, but instead it's just -

Quiet. Nothing's happening at all.

She spots Catty off to the side and stalks over to stand near her friend.]

This better not be a trap.

[She knows it has to be, though. This many hero types showing up to nothing happening? Yeah, they're screwed.]


pathtosacrifice July 21 2011, 17:35:22 UTC
[For a brief second, Catty slips into Claire's mind, unable to differentiate in this state. With a shake of her head, she pulls out, flashing a grin to Claire.]

It is, and we both know it. Nobody here knows anything, though. So whoever is running this show isn't in this building.


regeneracy July 27 2011, 03:57:17 UTC
Why would they be here if it's a trap? [She flashes an amused grin in Catty's direction, before turning to walk off. She motions for the other girl to follow her.]

I guess looking around won't hurt anything, right? And even if it would, it's not gonna stop me.


breakmychest July 21 2011, 03:55:04 UTC
[...everything's quiet. Too quiet. Spike's hand strays to his lightsaber, though he doesn't take it out yet. He frowns and starts walking around, using his enhanced vampire senses and training with the Force to see if he could find anything that was off.]


slayerdom July 21 2011, 04:41:08 UTC
For an attack warranting distress signals, this hospital looks suspiciously ... unattacked. I can't be the only one getting the major trap vibes here. [ She doesn't say anything to the employees or droids yet, though. No need to cause alarm. But she is looking around, scrutinizing. ] What about you, find anything?


breakmychest July 21 2011, 05:23:04 UTC
[He shakes his head, frowning.] No, nothing. [He steps a little closer to her, turning outwards a bit to keep an eye on the places she can't easily see.] Trap. I'm sure of it. Probably best to get out before it's sprung. [But he's not moving. He'll take Buffy's lead on this one.]


slayerdom July 21 2011, 06:59:06 UTC
[ She has a vibro-axe leveled at her side, keeping it close to the outer hem of her jeans like somehow that will keep it from looking threatening or prevent people from noticing it. It wasn't like a stake that she could just tuck in her jacket, though. Her grip tightens on it and she watches everywhere but Spike like a hawk, assuming he can watch his own back. ]

No. There are too many people here responding, they're going to need us when it goes down. Whatever we're getting lured into, we're taking the bait. I want to find out who's playing with us.


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