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pathtosacrifice July 20 2011, 20:19:15 UTC
[Catty walks around the lower level of the hospital, biting her lip as her face twists up with confusion. Sure, there's a bit of a situation here: it's a children's hospital.

But nobody is panicked, and she isn't about to just panic anyone. Instead, she stands off to the side, leaning against a wall as she listens in carefully to the minds of the people around her.]


regeneracy July 21 2011, 17:17:29 UTC
[Claire makes it to the children's hospital a little later than most of the others, simply due to the fact she had heard the distress signal some time later than most other people around town. She's expecting fire and screaming children and terrible things happening, but instead it's just -

Quiet. Nothing's happening at all.

She spots Catty off to the side and stalks over to stand near her friend.]

This better not be a trap.

[She knows it has to be, though. This many hero types showing up to nothing happening? Yeah, they're screwed.]


pathtosacrifice July 21 2011, 17:35:22 UTC
[For a brief second, Catty slips into Claire's mind, unable to differentiate in this state. With a shake of her head, she pulls out, flashing a grin to Claire.]

It is, and we both know it. Nobody here knows anything, though. So whoever is running this show isn't in this building.


regeneracy July 27 2011, 03:57:17 UTC
Why would they be here if it's a trap? [She flashes an amused grin in Catty's direction, before turning to walk off. She motions for the other girl to follow her.]

I guess looking around won't hurt anything, right? And even if it would, it's not gonna stop me.


pathtosacrifice July 27 2011, 06:52:58 UTC
Because if you're out hunting, you want to be nearby to make sure your prey doesn't get away. [She says it in a soft, deadpan voice. It's obvious, right? But she follows after Claire anyway.]

Not all of us grow limbs back, you know. You look, I'll listen. I can only wiggle my way into so many minds at once.


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