It's amazing...

Jun 22, 2011 11:15

Characters: Flynn and anyone who wants/needs to have a talk with him
Location: Park outside the Jedi temple
Planet: Coruscant
When: Post-event, which would make it... Week 21
What: Meditating in the park. Conversations. Catching up. What have you.
Rating: Should be G. Ish.

... how productive doing nothing can be. )

!open, harry potter: nymphadora tonks, btvs: buffy summers, tron: kevin flynn, maou: shiori sakita

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Comments 36

/creeps in here I HOPE THAT'S OKAY LMAO slayerdom June 22 2011, 10:56:05 UTC
Overall, you'd think having zombies and monsters around would make getting her transition on a little easier. And it had! To a degree. Buffy was feeling secure in her place on Coruscant. Sturdy. Stable. She felt good ( ... )


Is ABSOLUTELY fine! creator_man June 22 2011, 14:09:07 UTC
It took him a bit to realize somebody was watching. Back on the Grid, he would have been aware... probably, pretty much immediately; out here, it was maybe a few minutes until the awareness of the change in noises penetrated to his mind. He took a deeper breath, then let it out completely, and opened his eyes.

The young woman was... staring, but that somehow mattered less than the closed, unhappy pose she had taken.

"Greetings," he said, loud enough for her to hear, but not much more. "My name is Kevin Flynn and I'm... well, technically from the future, or a different reality. Or both, probably. Called in by the Force and all." He didn't exactly remember if he had seen a message from her about an arrival, or maybe she belonged here and now. Either way, he thought an introduction was appropriate.

Odd as it was.


YAY! <3 slayerdom June 23 2011, 07:23:07 UTC
When he opened his eyes, Buffy's expression melted into something sheepish, like she was caught with her hand in the cookie jar. And when he spoke, her baffled look only widened around her eyes, like it was far from the greeting she was expecting. Realizing that she looked pretty stupid, probably, she slowly tried to draw a more neutral expression to her face and react with words instead of just dumb looks.

"You mean -- You're … not from around here?" Her eyebrows knitted together a little at that, confused, ands he looked left and then right, like she was seeing if anyone else was around. Then, she took a few steps forward to close the distance between them, unfolding her arms and lowering her hands to her sides.

"Me too. I just thought -- The whole meditatey, hanging out thing, I figured you were jedi central." After a beat, she added in a kind of rushed, flustered way. "I'm Buffy."


<3! creator_man June 23 2011, 09:18:22 UTC
Kevin Flynn had seen a lot of flabbergasted looks on people's faces around him. In fact, he'd made a fair few himself. He wasn't going to hold her startled one against her, or laugh at her.

Instead, he shook his head. "No, I'm just an old programmer from LA." Well, New Jersey, technically, but that had been a very, very long time ago. "Greetings, Bffy." His face softened into a smile. "I almost wish I had some gift with the Force. Except that would get me in a pretty complicated fix, at my age and untrained. Besides, wishing for things that are out of one's reach mostly just stops one from moving in the direction he can develop in."

He raised his arms, spreading his hands. "Enjoying the sunlight is universal, isn't it?" And a less humorous, "how's the transplantation into 'a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away', treated you so far?"


imwotchingyou June 22 2011, 16:12:44 UTC
Since the explosion, Tonks has been staying in the dormitories located within the Jedi Temple. It reminded her slightly of her time spent in Hogwarts. A few things were different though enough that it made her homesick at times ( ... )


creator_man June 23 2011, 08:52:38 UTC
Flynn blinks his eyes open, then lets out a breath, looking up at her, smiling slightly.

"Greetings, Tonks." The slightly crinkled blue eyes look her up and down, searching for any remaining traces of the fight not that long ago. "It's a beautiful day, isn't it?"

Which can be any sort of day, for someone who's spent a thousand years inside a computer system. It's definitely not pouring rain or blistering cold, at least.


imwotchingyou June 25 2011, 01:25:42 UTC
There were no traces of that fight. She was mostly recovered and rested. "It's a lovely day." Tonks glanced around, "But what are you doing out here by yourself?" Not that he couldn't be out here by himself, him being an adult and all.


creator_man June 27 2011, 07:33:49 UTC
No traces of the fight was good. He was rested, at least, and nursing a few scratches and bruises still, but fine, too.

At the question, he chuckled. "Meditating. A habit I developed to preserve my sanity ... or recover it, at the time, against way too much time, away from where I belonged." His lips twitched up again. "It took me a long time get the hang of it."


lily_schlaflied June 22 2011, 22:48:31 UTC
It was Shiori's first time outside on her own since the incident that took her legs. Of course the first place she went would be to the park. She was worried about the Crimson Tide, but after everything that had already happened it seemed like they warranted the least amount of anxiety.

She wheeled herself along the paths, heading towards the fountain. A thick white blanket covered her lower body, and combined with her white blouse, she practically glowed in the sunlight. She spotted Flynn, but stopped herself before she said anything. The scene was so striking, it would be such a shame to ruin it. So, she wheeled herself closer, difficult as it was, and wordlessly joined him in meditation.


creator_man June 23 2011, 08:57:45 UTC
At some level, Flynn was aware of the wheelchair approaching, and then settling close. But since silence - peaceful silence, he could say - reigned, he didn't break his meditation.

Instead, he floated up only that little as was needed to be fully aware of the sounds his new companion was making, and then only changed his own rhythm slightly so they matched breathing, as close to shared as meditation got.

His curiosity was tickled, and he recognized that, accepted it, and let it join the general stream of consciousness.


Tron, meet Trees. Trees, Tron. tronja307020 June 23 2011, 02:38:25 UTC
When he'd ventured out of his dimmed room to find something to eat that afternoon and found Flynn missing, he'd felt a small level of worry. Perhaps it verged on panic. Either way, not knowing where the User had gone, when this world was so dangerous and seemed set-bent on derezzing every single one of them, was a feeling he didn't enjoy. He knew it was ridiculous, of course, and tried to push down the worry. But when he'd stuck his head out the front door, looking around worriedly for any sign of him out there, and one of the neighboring residents who recognized Flynn and had come to recognize Tron as well noticed his concern and directed him toward a place called the "Jedi Temple" where they'd noticed Kevin headed earlier, he had gone with it, headed that way and directed by a number of other residents when he got lost ( ... )


HAH. creator_man June 23 2011, 09:05:53 UTC
Flynn was startled from the meditation by the way-too-familiar voice in a way ... unfamiliar yelp, added to the sound of a - six-feet-two, he knew - body falling down.

It was somewhere nearby. Flynn shook his head and gently rose to his feet, careful to carry his body mindfully of the he'd spent still and kneeling. Inside the Grid, this could be handled more easily. Out here, he was by now used to the ways muscles and bones and sinew complained when he pushed them too hard, at his age. Well... his apparent age.

He walked in the direction from which the noise had come until he could see his friend, prone on the ground, and then knelt beside him.

"Tron? You all right?"


tronja307020 July 6 2011, 05:52:20 UTC
The sound of the User's voice next to him finally drew his attention away from the soft green hair, and he glanced up at him for split micromillicycle, his previous worry melting away completely to allow the awe to settle fully in his processor.

He gaped for a moment, glancing at him, at the tall things around them, to the rock wall he'd tumbled over, and back down to the hair - small, flat, tapered strips, now that he had a better look at them - before he was shifting and pushing himself up to his feet unharmed, his fingers brushing and stroking through the colorful blades and analyzing the sensation of them running through his fingers.

"Flynn. I'm fine, I just-...wha-...why...? Why does the ground grow hairThey'd never had anything covering the ground on the Grid, save for the boulders and "sand" the User had coded in the Outlands. Was this something that Flynn had seen in his own world, or was it one of the things about this world that followed rules separate from his User's own home? He stared up at Flynn with a wide-eyed ( ... )


creator_man July 8 2011, 13:37:23 UTC
Flynn... just couldn't help laughing. Tron's honestly surprised face, that question, the bewilderment in the familiar eyes.

After a moment, he caught himself, arm going around Tron's shoulders. "Sorry, man. It's not hair - it's called grass. Grass is a kind of plant. So are bushes," he pointed to some - and then another kind, just to make sure the program didn't get the wrong impression that that kind of bush is called a bush, "and trees." More pointing. "And flowers. They are generally a life form which has roots in the ground and doesn't move around a lot. And comes in near-infinite variety. Every plant has a name, and I'm pretty sure it's impossible to know the name of every plant you'll ever see. Unless you stay in a small area and learn every name there."

It was... a crash course. Really.


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