It's amazing...

Jun 22, 2011 11:15

Characters: Flynn and anyone who wants/needs to have a talk with him
Location: Park outside the Jedi temple
Planet: Coruscant
When: Post-event, which would make it... Week 21
What: Meditating in the park. Conversations. Catching up. What have you.
Rating: Should be G. Ish.

... how productive doing nothing can be. )

!open, harry potter: nymphadora tonks, btvs: buffy summers, tron: kevin flynn, maou: shiori sakita

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imwotchingyou June 22 2011, 16:12:44 UTC
Since the explosion, Tonks has been staying in the dormitories located within the Jedi Temple. It reminded her slightly of her time spent in Hogwarts. A few things were different though enough that it made her homesick at times.

Tonks had hoped that it would help her be a better Jedi. She was loud. She was too in touch with her emotions and she liked people too much. The Jedi didn't hate people but Tonks formed attachments. Attachments led to loss and that path led to dark things.

She didn't want to fit in to the point where she lost her own identity. Tonks just wanted to feel as though she wasn't playing at being a Jedi half of the time. It was getting to the point that she was contemplating asking if she could be sent back to Nar Shaddaa. At least on that planet she had a mission. As dirty as that planet was, it came the closet to home.

After completing her meditation (and the word is used loosely) exercises, Tonks left the Temple. She had a few things to do today. None of what she needed to do had very high priority which is why she decided to cut through the park. She's halfway through when she spotted a familiar figure. Tonks approached him.

Kevin's piece and quiet is about to be shattered.

"Wotcher Kevin." She smiled at him.


creator_man June 23 2011, 08:52:38 UTC
Flynn blinks his eyes open, then lets out a breath, looking up at her, smiling slightly.

"Greetings, Tonks." The slightly crinkled blue eyes look her up and down, searching for any remaining traces of the fight not that long ago. "It's a beautiful day, isn't it?"

Which can be any sort of day, for someone who's spent a thousand years inside a computer system. It's definitely not pouring rain or blistering cold, at least.


imwotchingyou June 25 2011, 01:25:42 UTC
There were no traces of that fight. She was mostly recovered and rested. "It's a lovely day." Tonks glanced around, "But what are you doing out here by yourself?" Not that he couldn't be out here by himself, him being an adult and all.


creator_man June 27 2011, 07:33:49 UTC
No traces of the fight was good. He was rested, at least, and nursing a few scratches and bruises still, but fine, too.

At the question, he chuckled. "Meditating. A habit I developed to preserve my sanity ... or recover it, at the time, against way too much time, away from where I belonged." His lips twitched up again. "It took me a long time get the hang of it."


imwotchingyou June 28 2011, 01:49:10 UTC
"I don't think I'm ever going to get the hang of meditating. I mean, I try, but it seems like no matter how hard I try, whenever I look at the clock that less than a minute's passed."


creator_man June 28 2011, 12:49:14 UTC
Flynn chuckled faintly. "You try too hard. Besides, it's best if you do it without a clock. If you want a timer, next time you do something still, like reading, pick a pose you'd use for meditating and see how long your body will be all right in that position. Kneeling, sitting cross-legged, what have you. Chances are it'll be in the range of a quarter of an hour. Then when you try to meditate, take the pose, and let your mind wander and relax until your body reminds you that you need to move. It works better than any clock."


imwotchingyou June 29 2011, 00:04:12 UTC
"Maybe I'm just not the meditating sort?" Perhaps Tonks did try too hard, Master Kavar seemed to think so. "I'd rather be doing." It was also why Tonks was possibly The Worst Jedi EverTM. She did not fit in there either.


creator_man June 29 2011, 10:25:09 UTC
"Maybe you aren't. Then again, I wasn't, either. Too much time on my hands..." He shrugged. "What do you do when you're... overexcited but need to do something that requires delicate focus? I'm sure there are some such things that you've had to do."


imwotchingyou June 29 2011, 18:25:52 UTC
"Delicate focus? How long have you known me Kevin?" Tonks had a bit of a disconnect there. When it came time to performing delicate maneuvers, she just did it. There was no thinking about it. If only she could realize it. "Usually it's over and done with before I can even think about it."


creator_man June 30 2011, 13:02:14 UTC
His lips twitched up. "Compared to how long I've lived? A very, very short while. And meditation is just like that. It happens before you can think about it. It just takes... getting the knack of it first."

Which probably made very little sense, but...

"On the other hand, if you can do without meditation, maybe you shouldn't force yourself into trying it." Because sometimes relieving the pressure was the best way to get the job done, too.


imwotchingyou June 30 2011, 17:24:07 UTC
"You can't be that old Kevin." Tonks said as she sat down next to him. "I mean, you can't be that much older than my dad." And Ted hadn't even passed the bicentennial mark.

At the mention of her dad, Tonks let out a sigh. She missed her dad and her mum. She missed a lot of things and personal connections. "I kind of miss my folks. I miss a lot of people actually." Tonks shook her head. There was no need to burden Kevin with it. She should learn to let it go. It was hard though. "Forget I mentioned that. It's not important."


creator_man July 1 2011, 15:26:50 UTC
Flynn shrugged. "One could argue that I'm around sixty years old. One could also argue that I'm about a thousand more than that." Some days, he felt the weight of that time. Others not so much. Today was of the latter kind.

His eyes rose up to Tonks, expression softening. "That's all right. It isn't unimportant, although I can see it's not all which consumes your days and nights and thoughts and dreams." He tilted his head to one side, eyes going a little distant. "You know my son, Sam? You may have run into him, or yet run into him in the near future. Anyway. I disappeared from his life when he was ... six. And he barely has memories of his mother at all, if any. He didn't know what happened until he was... twenty-seven." He looked down, then back up at her. "I guess what I'm saying is, I have imagined what that might be like for a long time."

A thousand years. When he had been missing Sam, and all of his friends and family. But that... somehow it mattered less to him than the pain his disappearance had caused. Especially to Sam.


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