It's amazing...

Jun 22, 2011 11:15

Characters: Flynn and anyone who wants/needs to have a talk with him
Location: Park outside the Jedi temple
Planet: Coruscant
When: Post-event, which would make it... Week 21
What: Meditating in the park. Conversations. Catching up. What have you.
Rating: Should be G. Ish.

... how productive doing nothing can be. )

!open, harry potter: nymphadora tonks, btvs: buffy summers, tron: kevin flynn, maou: shiori sakita

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/creeps in here I HOPE THAT'S OKAY LMAO slayerdom June 22 2011, 10:56:05 UTC
Overall, you'd think having zombies and monsters around would make getting her transition on a little easier. And it had! To a degree. Buffy was feeling secure in her place on Coruscant. Sturdy. Stable. She felt good.

And then Spike came. And then everything took a swift, agonizing downturn. The worst kind of downturn. And suddenly, she was back to feeling like somewhere along the way, wires had been crossed inside of her and nothing was the way it should be. Except there was no Giles to help her center herself, to tell her what she should be doing to fix that. She just had herself to rely on -- and she had to know that it was going to be like that a lot more from now on, realizing that in the future, her mother would die. Even if she could avert it, the acknowledgment of that mortality was sending ripples through her even still.

It's why she was walking. The park was a calming place, it was less occupied and it was something they had everywhere. No Coruscant-exclusive hover-y anything or spaceships or aliens. Just a park.

A park with a guy sitting around meditating.

She stopped short as she walked, no longer meandering, but more watching cautiously from a few yards behind him. Observing. Meditation was something she'd explored in her training regiment with Giles back home, a way to try and explore her Slayer roots and get to know them better. Here, she'd kind of abandoned it in favor of her old ways -- see monster, react, conquer.

It had worked so far, but seeing the old guy appreciating his quiet time in the park had her wondering if maybe she should have kept with the strictness and not defaulted to what she knew better. It had her thinking maybe she shouldn't have retreated into the security blanket when she realized how overwhelming another planet could be.

Which explained why she stopped mid-path to just stand and stare, arms crossed over her chest, thoroughly distracted by just watching him in silence.


Is ABSOLUTELY fine! creator_man June 22 2011, 14:09:07 UTC
It took him a bit to realize somebody was watching. Back on the Grid, he would have been aware... probably, pretty much immediately; out here, it was maybe a few minutes until the awareness of the change in noises penetrated to his mind. He took a deeper breath, then let it out completely, and opened his eyes.

The young woman was... staring, but that somehow mattered less than the closed, unhappy pose she had taken.

"Greetings," he said, loud enough for her to hear, but not much more. "My name is Kevin Flynn and I'm... well, technically from the future, or a different reality. Or both, probably. Called in by the Force and all." He didn't exactly remember if he had seen a message from her about an arrival, or maybe she belonged here and now. Either way, he thought an introduction was appropriate.

Odd as it was.


YAY! <3 slayerdom June 23 2011, 07:23:07 UTC
When he opened his eyes, Buffy's expression melted into something sheepish, like she was caught with her hand in the cookie jar. And when he spoke, her baffled look only widened around her eyes, like it was far from the greeting she was expecting. Realizing that she looked pretty stupid, probably, she slowly tried to draw a more neutral expression to her face and react with words instead of just dumb looks.

"You mean -- You're … not from around here?" Her eyebrows knitted together a little at that, confused, ands he looked left and then right, like she was seeing if anyone else was around. Then, she took a few steps forward to close the distance between them, unfolding her arms and lowering her hands to her sides.

"Me too. I just thought -- The whole meditatey, hanging out thing, I figured you were jedi central." After a beat, she added in a kind of rushed, flustered way. "I'm Buffy."


<3! creator_man June 23 2011, 09:18:22 UTC
Kevin Flynn had seen a lot of flabbergasted looks on people's faces around him. In fact, he'd made a fair few himself. He wasn't going to hold her startled one against her, or laugh at her.

Instead, he shook his head. "No, I'm just an old programmer from LA." Well, New Jersey, technically, but that had been a very, very long time ago. "Greetings, Bffy." His face softened into a smile. "I almost wish I had some gift with the Force. Except that would get me in a pretty complicated fix, at my age and untrained. Besides, wishing for things that are out of one's reach mostly just stops one from moving in the direction he can develop in."

He raised his arms, spreading his hands. "Enjoying the sunlight is universal, isn't it?" And a less humorous, "how's the transplantation into 'a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away', treated you so far?"


slayerdom June 23 2011, 09:32:56 UTC
L.A. It was impossible for Buffy to hear the city's name and not think of Angel. But, he was there now, same as her, and as far as friends went, he was one of the less complicated ones to have around. Which kinda spoke to how bad things had gotten Sunnydale-side that she hadn't caught up on yet.

Okay, less on the reassured by that thought, more on the resigned.

"Transitiony. Definitely transitiony." After all, she wasn't going to spill her guts on the honest answer of 'horrible' to Zen Park Guy. -- Right. Kevin. Had a name. Totally had a name, and she'd heard it. Distracted didn't suit Buffy. Not when her temporal lobe had a habit of making with the aching recently to begin with. Between her distraction and his philosophy, she was beginning to think the wide-eyed look wasn't going to budge anytime soon, because she spent a good, long, silent moment trying to decipher his Confusionisms.

"It's not so bad, I mean, the monsters are kind of like the welcome mat where I'm from, so they … you know, helped. Which is exactly as weird as it sounds." She shrugged. "Any chance your programming skills transferred over? I bet you'd make a killing in droid repair. You wouldn't believe how many people I've met whose first impulse was violent outburst in the general droidward direction."


creator_man June 23 2011, 11:59:07 UTC
"Oh, the droids and I get along, really. I help out when I can, they help out when I need it. Although I'm slightly less good at the hardware part - the programming skills... while definitely not in fashion in specifics can very easily adapt. Kind of like picking up on a new language quickly. There are principles that just... stick around." He paused, then looked up with a raised eyebrow. "Did you leave a droid in need of repairs, hmm?"

He wasn't trying to be confusing, really, it was just that his thoughts flowed faster and in different circles than most people's. Nor expecting a detailed answer, not from pretty much a stranger.

And he had raised his eyebrows at the welcoming mat comment, coming back to it in a moment. "There aren't... always monsters. Although I'm not sure that the explosions from the week before count as that much better. Monsters at least you can sometimes get the better of."


slayerdom June 23 2011, 20:55:27 UTC
"Me? No. Which, you know, impressive, considering I'm all destructogirl." She takes a minute to look very impressed with herself. "I just needed some help realizing it was even there. Which … may negate the bonus points of not turning it to scrap metal, on second thought." Not her brightest moment, but hey. Stefan had been cool about it. It could be worse.

If she hadn't been making with the grim already, the mention of explosions would have gotten her there. Lack of monsters, she could deal with, explosions were tough no matter how super-powered you were. Explosions were a people thing. Not just armies of hack-and-slashable undead.

"Explosions? What happened?"


creator_man June 24 2011, 08:25:37 UTC
Flynn chuckled. "I'm sure the droid's grateful for not getting destroyed, regardless of why exactly it surived. I guess your bonus points stay, for now."

His head lowered, though, after, at the question. "Terrorists, it is assumed. A few residence appartments were blasted. Not strong enough for the adjacent apartments to be uninhabitable, and not strong enough to actually kill any of the residents, but it wasn't a pretty sight. Some had to spend a while in the medical facilities." His lips twitched. "Under the care of droids."

He hesitated a moment, then did ask. "Destructogirl?"


slayerdom July 6 2011, 18:42:19 UTC
Under the care of droids. She couldn't help but feel a twitch of annoyance. She'd been told that Jedi had healing capabilities to a certain degree. If that was true, why weren't they healing the Revanites who'd been injured? Why were there no doctors, but droids who took care of them? Buffy, as a general rule, avoided politics. But this wasn't about politics, it was about people's lives. People she cared about.

Luckily the intense look on her face was tempered when he questioned the title destructogirl. A sheepish smile quirked the corners of her mouth and she ducked her head briefly. It was enough to shake off the appalled frustration with their treatment and move onto something lighter -- after all, first conversations weren't the place for getting righteous about that stuff. She'd just have to talk it over with Anya and Xand later.

"The story's kinda on the longish side. If the inferi I'd gone through weren't all dead-like, i'd say they could probably tell you all about it." She figured it was safer to just chalk it up to zombie-killing than explain the long-standing record she had with things just generally getting demolished by her violent streak and even more violent life. "I'm like a magnet for property damage."


... I was disallowed from starting the tag with 'better than magnet for danger' creator_man July 8 2011, 13:57:31 UTC
Flynn caught the flicker of something on her face, and he interpreted it as disapproval, to which he murmured, "they're good at it. And then there's the Jedi, I guess. I suppose if one of them who can do it can spare the time..."

He shrugged, then tilted his head to one side. Lips twitching slightly. "I got my share of chatting up with the inferi, I'll pass up the honor, thanks. Although the suggestion that they're property is really interesting. You all right?"


LMFAOJEGKLAJG DAMN RIGHT slayerdom July 11 2011, 21:08:32 UTC
"All in one piece. I'm pretty durable." She held her hands out to the side like she was presenting a one hundred percent un-injured Buffy for inspection. Then, she dropped her hands back to her sides and sighed. "But, they are property. They're just … I mean, there aren't people in there. Weren't. They were bodies. Bodies that someone was controlling." It was a depressing way to think about it, but it was an important thing to realize before fighting them. Whoever had died in there was gone -- somewhere else, hopefully better. All that was left behind was the body, and that wasn't them.


POUT. SULK. BUT FUNNY! creator_man July 13 2011, 09:14:13 UTC
He turned that over in his mind, unpleasant as it was. The premise was consistent with what Tonks had said, somebody using dark magic to animate them. The rest... "Stolen, at best. They should only belong to their resting places."

He looked up, then added, quietly, "they stopped coming. I'm not sure anybody reported that the person or persons controlling them was identified and stopped, though."


VERY. slayerdom July 15 2011, 04:08:29 UTC
"I'm still looking into it. But, considering what else was crawling around and how familiar we -- I mean, the people like us were with it … I have a feeling our guy is the same one responsible for all of this." Revan. The name alone made her fists clench. She hated that every second she spent here was one that he was beating her. It made her feel powerless when she was used to being the furthest thing from it.

"But, since they're cleaned up, I figure everyone else is ready to stop asking questions and is just grateful that they got off easy."


>.> creator_man July 18 2011, 07:18:18 UTC
"I'm not sure any of us can afford to stop asking questions. I don't know what the answers will mean, but I think we should know better than not asking."

About Revan... Flynn thought for a moment. "Maybe it was Revan. Or maybe things have slipped out of Revan's control. Back before... one of the odd things that happened, he seemed to know something was coming, but not specifically what. It was almost a warning. But it would be an easy answer, if that turns out to be the case."


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