Nov 24, 2007 23:52

There is not much space in this square. Mostly it is sand on a small piece of the island that juts outwards into the sky. The sand goes on for some time until it reaches a strange gray mass. This gray mass is a dead coral reef starts off the edge of the island and climbs up it, only to start on for miles and miles up northward. This mass of gray and white climbs up nearly a mile high with no visible way through it, or around it, at least not in this section and blowing through might take time as it is at least two meters thick. It is littered with dead sea life and unrecognizable ancient plant life. Scurrying along the top of the dead reef are little crabs with bright multi-colored shells. These are in turn preyed upon by some of the many colorful birds that fly up and down the massive reef in a quest for easy food.

≠ kyon, ≠ kurt wagner, phoenix wright, ≠ vash the stampede, ≠ teocuitlatl, ≠ haruhi suzumiya

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