Characters: Diplomats, politician types, security, and other types with a lot of political clout. Characters involved in big business and journalists are allowed as well! If you have any questions about whether or not your character can join in, please ask.
Content: LET'S DISCUSS POLITICS AT THE POLITICAL PANEL! Issues such as demihuman rights,
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She was given a seat at one of the table, and was relieved of her parasol and coat, as well as her hat, so she was left looking rather dignified with her long hair pinned up in a neat bun, and dressed in gray and burgundy, with her glasses on. She straighted her basque and waited for others to arrive, her stance on demihuman rights quite well known, but there was always some good to be done by talking.
Jennifer heard him before he entered the room, but then managed to hope that perhaps he would go somewhere else. Unfortunately, that hope was shattered, shattered like a crystal flower as he sat in front of her and looked at her as if she were the one who had accused him of being some monster the last time they spoke.
She barely managed to maintain her composure when he gave her that look. Something inside her was bubbling very close to the surface, but she let it slide for an icy look right at him, and then went back to sorting her papers. There was absolutely no reason to engage him in conversation before the discussions began.
Othar had removed his visor on the pretense of cleaning it. He secretly glanced at the Ambassador a few times, keeping such looks low profile, of course. He remained silent... for about .05 seconds.
"It is nice to see you again, Miss Ambassador."
As for as he knew, it was an open space. One that was open for them, the Vohemaro, to roam and conquer. He even has some of his men stationed by some of the mines and if that was not enough, these same towns have pledged loyal allegiance to him.
Hence, it was appropriate for Date to start this discussion, taking his position up in the front and said, "Give me a good reason why the Badlands should be free."
"Because, in the end, oppression is a horrible thing."
"Know your place, young boy."
He wasn't here to meddle with uninformed individuals.
What caught his attention though was the question on Solare. Solare was his first venture out of Erealia, an unreal reality of dismal proportions, one that still saddened the count to this date.
He listened to some people speak of the injustice done in Solare, but was it really injustice.
"Don't you think that we simply misunderstood what had happened in Solare? Instead of questioning the violence, shouldn't we question why these people have turned into violence?"
However, rather than sinking on the negatives, Tamaki smiled in response.
"It may sound sad, but I do believe that our discussions here should turn it into something hopeful. If we cannot change the lives of the people then there's no point to this panel." If there's something that Tamaki wanted, it's change for people's lives to be better.
Though, so far, the event seemed peaceful. He couldn't let his guard down, though, there was no telling-
Somewhere off in the distance, he heard the bellow of Othar Tryggvassen's entrance. There was no telling what idiots might arrive, he thought to himself. Edgeworth winced at the volume and resisted an urge to glare at the door; that would be undiplomatic. But, if all the attendees were as ...colorful as Tryggvassen, then he'd have his work cut out for him.
"Othar...Tryggvassen...Erealian Diplomat!" Phoenix muttered, scribbling it down in shorthand. Wait, why did I announce that second part? he wondered.
Edgeworth stood right behind him, arms crossed behind his back. It was sort of amazing how quickly and quietly he could get to a place in order to make someone feel uncomfortable.
"I take it you're in need for a new story?"
Once he'd composed himself, he turned to face Edgeworth. "Actually, I wanted to cover this meeting because it's an important event," he said. Phoenix truly hoped this went well.
However he took after his mother in that all of his papers/blueprints, and everything he needed to stay current with what was being said, were neatly stacked and placed where he was. His father had wanted him to represent Light Labs (and try to get some contracts on the side) and he couldn't refuse.
He just hopped he didn't screw anything up...Or get in an heated political argument with someone...wasn't he too young too be in politics anyways?
He was also dreading people telling him he was too young to be here.
Hisoka was sitting up in his chair looking very alert, with his steno pad on his knee, pencil tucked behind his ear. But he was back in the fourth row in the audience section, far out of talking range, and anyway, the event was about to begin. He didn't know if Rock could see him, and besides, Rock didn't know Hisoka, but Hisoka gave him an encouraging smile anyway. The smile said, You're smart, even if you're young. Don't be afraid to let people know it.
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