[OPEN] The Greatest Sleepover In All Of Reial

Jun 21, 2010 10:41

Characters: OPEN to everyone on the Convoy!
Setting: Convoy, mess hall.
Time: Night of the first day since the cabins were destroyed.
Warnings: Anything and everything will happen here. You have been warned.
Notes: This log will only be for the first night only, but you guys are more than free to log out any ( Read more... )

jean dispar, mamma gkika, ≠ alfred f. jones, nikolas kamarov, sara werec, daisukenojo "beat" bito, silver adamo, hexadecimal, utena tenjou, manfred von karma, sakuraba neku, ≠ yukiko amagi, nena trinity, braska, ≠ rock "mega" light, penelo galbana, ulquiorra schiffer, red lakehaven, yoshiya "joshua" kiryu, mimino kurumi, sam linnfer, ≠ nanako dojima, ≠ sakata gintoki

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Comments 257

anothercoldwar June 21 2010, 03:42:46 UTC
Nikolas was not in the mess hall to sleep. In fact, the only concession he'd made to indicate it wasn't usual working hours was the fact that his uniform jacket was slung over the back of a chair (the only salvageable item of furniture that had remained in what was left of his cabin) which he'd set along the wall just inside the door.

He was there to keep chaos from breaking out. Of course, given the fact that the whole ship was already in chaos, he had sincere doubts about the practicality of that goal. It was his job, though, and he would do his best, as much as this was a task that ill suited him.

About the only thing he had going for him was the fact that he needed very little sleep. To that effect, he settled into his chair with one of the books he'd managed to save from his room, along with the chair. It was a historical piece about old aristocratic families, and it was very thick. If things got chaotic, he would not hesitate to use it as a deterrent.


heiroflight June 21 2010, 06:40:59 UTC
Hey, Hey Nik.

Guess what?

You have a child reading the book over your shoulder. It is very intresting.


anothercoldwar June 21 2010, 06:53:32 UTC
Nikolas was far too well trained not to notice when someone came up behind him, but chose to keep reading, waiting to see if the boy would either state his business or go on his way again. After realizing neither of those seemed to be happening, he turned his attention from the book to glance at him. "Is there something I can help you with?"


scaredbrilliant June 23 2010, 17:34:51 UTC
And someone else with a book! Nice thick one, too.

Justin wasn't usually in the habit of interrupting people's reading, but it was hard to resist, when the ship lacked a library and the only possible source of reading material was whatever other crewmembers owned.

Besides, the man could hardly expect reading in a room full of people to be interruption-free.

"I'm glad to see some of the books survived the disaster, sir. Mind if I ask what it's about?"


gypsymothdance June 21 2010, 04:22:41 UTC
At least some of her clothes had managed to survive the chaos. Unfortunately, most of them had been torn or shredded, and she didn't really need this pink nightgown anyway; she was able to sleep in her dress, or even in the buff. Not that she would have in a room with so many men, but that was besides the point. It was somehow nice being able to have more appropriate sleepwear.

It had taken all of her remaining sheets, and even a few that had been damaged, to set up what was apparently going to be where she slept while the repairs were going on. Granted, yes, it was basically just a messy pile of colorful sheets and one big pillow (which already had a certain white fluffball taking a nap on it), but that was how she liked it. Just so long as she had a blanket between her body and the cold ground.

With all the crew here, this actually seemed like it would be a lot of fun. Maybe they could even stay up and party a bit before laying down for the night.


69TH COMMENT IS MINE fallingjunkyard June 22 2010, 09:26:07 UTC
Joshua wasn't particularly bothered by the destruction of the cabins; he hadn't lost anything given that he brought very few possessions with him on airships. Everything had been in his luggage except for his journal, which had (luckily) escaped undamaged outside of a few more scratches. He wasn't that happy about sleeping on the floor, but, whatever.

When he saw Jean, Joshua grinned and approached her with a small wave. In his other hand, a pillow whose edge dragged along the ground behind him. "Hello, Jean. I hope you haven't forgotten our little deal?"


gypsymothdance June 22 2010, 11:06:02 UTC
Jean turned to see who was greeting her, and her expression soured a bit. "Hello, Joshua," she replied in an unusually flat tone.

For a moment she hesitated, just so she could narrow her eyes at him and pretend to herself that she was going to be defiant, before dropping the attitude and looking away with a small sigh. "No, of course I haven't." Nor had she forgotten what had led to it, which is why she was still slightly bitter towards him. But it wasn't as if he was demanding much of her. She could deal with it.


fallingjunkyard June 22 2010, 11:27:42 UTC
Joshua grinned. Good, good. Then she wouldn't mind if their little night time stroll would be after the cabins were rebuilt. Hard work wasn't Joshua's thing, so he was planning on making himself scarce during the cleanup. Smiling, he laughed, "Now, that's hardly an attitude to be taking during a slumber party! Smile ♪~"

And as he said those words, he swung his pillow to whack Jean with, before running off, cackling.


wontcallhome June 21 2010, 06:25:41 UTC
Blanket and pillow?

Red needs no blanket and pillow! In fact all he needed was his little ball of fuzz to stay...near...him.

Red sighed slightly as Pika jumped off his shoulders and went to the right side of the room leaving Red to the left.

Red just found some spot out of the way to settle in.


fallingjunkyard June 22 2010, 14:41:39 UTC
[ooc: from here]

Joshua couldn't keep the grin off his face as he ran from Jean, dodging people and blankets. However, as he ran past Red, he couldn't resist swinging his pillow at Red's head.


gypsymothdance June 22 2010, 17:09:40 UTC
Swinging at Red slowed Joshua down, just a little. Which meant it was also the perfect chance for Jean to swing her pillow down at him full force. "Hyaa~!"

And narrowly missed. Damn it.

"Get back here!" Jean shouted, taking off after him again.

[OOC: Who do we hit after this? Milk? Beat and Penelo? You're leading the party train Joshua, so... also where the heck is Gintoki why is he not in this log yet]


wontcallhome June 22 2010, 17:31:40 UTC
Red started chasing after Josh, grabbing two pillows along the way!

He was quickly joined with pika toting her own (stolen) pillow, in her mouth.

It's on, Joshua!


hushthenoise June 21 2010, 06:27:12 UTC
Suffice to say, Neku was not pleased to be in here with all of these people. The teenager had been perfectly happy to just ignore everything and stay in the brig since his room (which really didn't have anything besides his clothes and a few essentials) was trashed - he still had his music player and headphones and journal with him, since they had been in the brig with him when the whole thing happened. Yes, he had been very content to just stay in his brig instead, but then no, the first mate just had to come down and drag him out, saying something about the brig being used to store some crap or something. Why did he care, anyway? It was just--ungh. He didn't want to think about it more than he needed to.

So here he was now, in one of the better corners of the mess hall where majority of the guys were, sulking sitting there and generally trying to ignore everything that was going on around him and only listening to what was playing on his headphones. The one good thing about being up so high was that reception was good, so he could ( ... )


fallingjunkyard June 23 2010, 09:11:54 UTC
[ooc: from here]

With the mess that was in the crowded ... mess hall, and two people and a giant rat all chasing him with pillows, it was inevitable that Joshua was going to trip up on something eventually. Unfortunately for Neku, Joshua's little trip resulted in him crashing headlong into Neku.


gypsymothdance June 23 2010, 09:18:20 UTC
"Got you!" Jean shouted, bringing down her pillow towards both Joshua and Neku.

Not that she had any reason to be smacking Neku with the pillow, but it wasn't her fault he was in the way.


hushthenoise June 23 2010, 10:24:14 UTC
Neku had been doing his usual things - ignoring the masses, listening to his music, generally not taking notice of anything else besides the beat playing in his ears. As such, he had completely not noticed the pillow fight that was going on until someone just crashed into him and caused him to fall onto the floor not so very gently at all.

The teenager winced at the pain, starting to protest against this, but then was stopped against when a pillow smacked him right in the face. Neku yelped as he found himself smothered by said pillow and really that was just it. He had been toying with one of his three pins for earlier, so it was easy enough for him to use it and channel his magic through. Without wasting another split second, the orange-head let out a wave of magic through basic psychokinesis in an attempt to knock down the ones who had attacked him so.


pink_is_best June 21 2010, 07:00:19 UTC
Her reasons for dropping in were simple: To see if Sara, Justin and Nanako had arrived yet. And to make certain that for them, everything was going fine.

Nena had no plans to sleep in the mess hall along with everyone else. Her plane would suffice, it wasn't like the pilot hadn't slept there before. Because the absolute last thing she needed was the entire ship finding out that she suffered from nightmares, like some weak, helpless little girl. They were an embarrassment and perhaps her best-kept secret. Well, Sara knew, but then Sara knew just about everything about her. And after all that they'd gone through together, she honestly didn't mind.

The girl leaned against one of the room's wall, arms crossed and a frown on her face as she silently scanned the crowd for them.


dontkillmebro June 22 2010, 17:40:30 UTC
Sara walked over to the other pilot, Emily in her arms. "Nena," she greeted. She wasn't sure why the other girl was here when she wanted to be alone, but she wouldn't ask. She knew what it was like, after all.


pink_is_best June 23 2010, 14:30:02 UTC
Nena's frown left almost instantly, a small smile taking its place instead. "Hi Sara, hi Emily." She gave a small nod before pushing off from the wall.

There was a slight pause before she asked, "How have things been going here so far for you?"


dontkillmebro June 24 2010, 00:02:21 UTC

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