[OPEN] The Greatest Sleepover In All Of Reial

Jun 21, 2010 10:41

Characters: OPEN to everyone on the Convoy!
Setting: Convoy, mess hall.
Time: Night of the first day since the cabins were destroyed.
Warnings: Anything and everything will happen here. You have been warned.
Notes: This log will only be for the first night only, but you guys are more than free to log out any ( Read more... )

jean dispar, mamma gkika, ≠ alfred f. jones, nikolas kamarov, sara werec, daisukenojo "beat" bito, silver adamo, hexadecimal, utena tenjou, manfred von karma, sakuraba neku, ≠ yukiko amagi, nena trinity, braska, ≠ rock "mega" light, penelo galbana, ulquiorra schiffer, red lakehaven, yoshiya "joshua" kiryu, mimino kurumi, sam linnfer, ≠ nanako dojima, ≠ sakata gintoki

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hushthenoise June 21 2010, 06:27:12 UTC
Suffice to say, Neku was not pleased to be in here with all of these people. The teenager had been perfectly happy to just ignore everything and stay in the brig since his room (which really didn't have anything besides his clothes and a few essentials) was trashed - he still had his music player and headphones and journal with him, since they had been in the brig with him when the whole thing happened. Yes, he had been very content to just stay in his brig instead, but then no, the first mate just had to come down and drag him out, saying something about the brig being used to store some crap or something. Why did he care, anyway? It was just--ungh. He didn't want to think about it more than he needed to.

So here he was now, in one of the better corners of the mess hall where majority of the guys were, sulking sitting there and generally trying to ignore everything that was going on around him and only listening to what was playing on his headphones. The one good thing about being up so high was that reception was good, so he could ( ... )


fallingjunkyard June 23 2010, 09:11:54 UTC
[ooc: from here]

With the mess that was in the crowded ... mess hall, and two people and a giant rat all chasing him with pillows, it was inevitable that Joshua was going to trip up on something eventually. Unfortunately for Neku, Joshua's little trip resulted in him crashing headlong into Neku.


gypsymothdance June 23 2010, 09:18:20 UTC
"Got you!" Jean shouted, bringing down her pillow towards both Joshua and Neku.

Not that she had any reason to be smacking Neku with the pillow, but it wasn't her fault he was in the way.


hushthenoise June 23 2010, 10:24:14 UTC
Neku had been doing his usual things - ignoring the masses, listening to his music, generally not taking notice of anything else besides the beat playing in his ears. As such, he had completely not noticed the pillow fight that was going on until someone just crashed into him and caused him to fall onto the floor not so very gently at all.

The teenager winced at the pain, starting to protest against this, but then was stopped against when a pillow smacked him right in the face. Neku yelped as he found himself smothered by said pillow and really that was just it. He had been toying with one of his three pins for earlier, so it was easy enough for him to use it and channel his magic through. Without wasting another split second, the orange-head let out a wave of magic through basic psychokinesis in an attempt to knock down the ones who had attacked him so.


wontcallhome June 23 2010, 15:29:47 UTC
Red and pika had jumped in the air, being overly dramatic for no reason with there pillow swings for some reason.

However the psychic energy came out and knocked him down.

It's super effective!

Red opted for throwing a pillow at Neku, when he got back up, before chasing towards Joshua with Pika.


fallingjunkyard June 23 2010, 16:29:20 UTC
[ooc: AIGHT! Because not everyone is online right now, are you guys cool with this pillow katamari rolling down this post and hitting all the untagged people (and hopefully picking some of them up) before we crash into the official pillowfight thread? We can go by the usual "if someone hasn't tagged back after a day, skip them" to keep things moving, since we've got a fair number of people in here now]

Crashing headlong into Neku had hurt a lot more than Jean's hard smack with the pillow. Seriously, was the kid all skin and bones and headphones or something? Ow.

But Joshua had gotten a glimpse of the pin Neku had been toying with before he'd collided with him, and there was no mistaking it; the pin was definitely a CAT design... yet... He hadn't seen that one before. Doing his best to scramble to his feet and out of the way of... well everything, including Red's pillow. With all the confusion, surely Neku wouldn't notice that pin being telekinetically plucked from him and placed in Joshua's pocket ( ... )


OOC scaredbrilliant June 23 2010, 17:55:42 UTC
[I'd love to get picked up by pillow katamari, please! XD
http://community.livejournal.com/theskytides/484759.html?thread=17930647#t17930647 ]


fallingjunkyard June 24 2010, 04:27:09 UTC
[ooc: Sure! Eventually it'll roll around to Justin xD]


scaredbrilliant June 24 2010, 06:17:58 UTC
[ooc: actually, looks like he just got retconned in from a different direction, so I'll see you in the main pillowfight thread in a little bit! XD]


gypsymothdance June 23 2010, 18:08:27 UTC
[ooc: I'm down with that, though you probably already guessed that. P.S., I'm handling the next jump without your permission because I've got an idea for this one. Okay? Okay.]

Oh god, why.

So, just as minding her own business had gotten her a pillow to the face, apparently joining the fight had gotten her blasted by magic. And unlike the pillow, that wasn't just surprising, that actually hurt!

She got the full brunt of the attack. It knocked off her off her feet and she landed straight onto her ass. And, unfortunately, also onto someone who had looked like they were trying to sleep.


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