[OPEN] The Greatest Sleepover In All Of Reial

Jun 21, 2010 10:41

Characters: OPEN to everyone on the Convoy!
Setting: Convoy, mess hall.
Time: Night of the first day since the cabins were destroyed.
Warnings: Anything and everything will happen here. You have been warned.
Notes: This log will only be for the first night only, but you guys are more than free to log out any ( Read more... )

jean dispar, mamma gkika, ≠ alfred f. jones, nikolas kamarov, sara werec, daisukenojo "beat" bito, silver adamo, hexadecimal, utena tenjou, manfred von karma, sakuraba neku, ≠ yukiko amagi, nena trinity, braska, ≠ rock "mega" light, penelo galbana, ulquiorra schiffer, red lakehaven, yoshiya "joshua" kiryu, mimino kurumi, sam linnfer, ≠ nanako dojima, ≠ sakata gintoki

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Comments 257

penny_dancer June 21 2010, 02:51:47 UTC
Penelo tended to listen to her superiors when it came to ships and school and the like. However, she wondered why Pip had given that particular rule.

Whatever. She was obeying him, with Beat on her left and another random female crewmember on the right. She almost felt sorry for the girl; Beat had gotten roaring drunk the other night and was now hungover, and Penelo felt no pity for him.


curry_ramen June 21 2010, 03:41:46 UTC
Even is Penelo felt no pity for him, he felt plenty of pity for himself. And was making sure everyone around him knew it. With a overly loud groan he rolled rolled over, pressing his forehead against Penelo's hip. That groan was quickly replaced with a pleading whine. She could totally help with her magic, right?



penny_dancer June 21 2010, 03:44:13 UTC
"Sorry, Beat, but I can't heal hangovers." Which was a lie. She could help the headaches and the general feeling being hungover, but Beat needed to learn that drinking until he was roaring drunk was a bad thing to do. "I have some medicine that might help, though, and a pillow has got to be more comfortable than my hip," she said, looking down at him.


curry_ramen June 21 2010, 03:46:53 UTC
"Nope, comfy." He grunted, hiding his eyes from the ambient light. The warmth and subtle shift of her breathing was soothing, and he was hurting too much to care about how it looked right now.

"Ngh... is it, like, nasty medicine? Like dat stuff Mamma pushes on us?"


son_of_time June 21 2010, 03:09:21 UTC
To be honest, this was Sam's first ever sleepover. Back when he was just another angel, they had been too busy following orders to ever think about doing something like this and later on when he had learnt just who he was, his siblings tended to treat him with distant politeness.

When Sam first heard that they had to supply their own blankets and such, Sam decided to lug his bed over. There was (excuse the pun) no way in hell that he was going to sleep on the ground especially since they had to demolish his room because it would be suspicious, and after a brief discussion with the first mate, he somehow managed to lug his bed over into a corner. He was already dressed in his pyjamas, which were still consisted of black only. Clutching a bag that contained his clothes, he bounced excitedly on the bed. This was going to be the coolest thing ever!


heiroflight June 21 2010, 04:00:21 UTC
...Rock raised and eyebrow at Sam's attire.

"...You really like black, huh?"

Not that Rock was much better, what with his habit of wearing at least one piece of blue, a day.


son_of_time June 21 2010, 04:10:43 UTC
Sam stopped bouncing and looked down at his clothes then up at Rock. His pyjamas were probably nicer than his normal clothes since they were much less tattered and worn. Black was probably the one thing where the stereotype was actually true.

"About as much as you like blue."


heiroflight June 21 2010, 04:32:12 UTC
"...Good point."

Did Rock ever really have a one on one conversation with, Sam? He couldn't remember.

However, there was one question he had to ask. "...So why did you eat all the sweets?"


drinkitlovelife June 21 2010, 03:14:51 UTC
Stupid mess. Her rose petals! Ugh!

There was nothing to do about it now, though, Kurumi thought. Besides, she'd always wanted to be part of a sleepover. And this one didn't even involve eight people cramming themselves into one bed! (She liked human beds because of the space, anyway. Not that it would matter here. She was passing now, so she couldn't sleep in her real form if other people would see.)

She sat down on a torn blanket and looked around.


princelyspirit June 21 2010, 04:22:52 UTC
Utena sighed and rolled her blanket out on the floor. While she didn't like what happened, there wasn't anything to do but clean up the mess and help with repairs. Besides, she couldn't really complain. Her sword was safe, she still had an extra pair of clothes or two in her trunk, and as for sentimental objects ...well, at least her ring was still with her, wasn't it? She had everything that was important.

Besides, they were having a sleepover now. Those were supposed to be fun, weren't they? Truth be told, she actually felt a bit nostalgic. I don't think I've been to one of these since I was a teenager... she thought. With a small smile on her face, she smoothed out the wrinkles on her blanket and turned to her neighbor.

"Hey there," she said. "Are you holding up okay?"


drinkitlovelife June 21 2010, 04:26:07 UTC
Kurumi looked up at the pink-haired young woman and sighed. "This sucks. All our stuff... I've fought pirates who did less damage than this!" She sulked and flopped onto the blanket.


princelyspirit June 29 2010, 21:02:24 UTC
"It could be worse," she said. "At least nobody got hurt, right? And we'll be able to fix things up as soon as that mess is cleared out."

At least, she hoped they could. Utena got a close look at the damage while she was clearing out the rubble, and she was still amazed that only one person could have caused that much destruction.


heiroflight June 21 2010, 03:26:37 UTC
Rock was in one of the left corners, and not because he cared about the rule. Or what the rule was about in general. The corner was a great place to sit up and read.

Which was what he was doing. He had grabbed his copy of 1001 Vohemian Nights, Vol. 1, and was reading the story of Balladin.

He had calmed down noticeably, since he was pulled away from the mess finally. Though his hair was more of a mess then normal.


scaredbrilliant June 23 2010, 17:29:25 UTC
There was one unexpected benefit of the sleepover: a perfect opportunity to see who on the ship enjoyed reading. Justin had already gone through all of Ulquiorra's books at least twice, and he was very happy to discover other crewmembers owned some as well - and that some of them survived the day's disaster.

"Hi there! Mind if I ask what you're reading?"


adorasion June 21 2010, 03:37:28 UTC
Carrying a bag of a few clothes, few pillows and blankets with her, Yukiko knows that this is going to be a very long night for a while. All cabins are wrecked and everyone has to cram into the mess hall to sleep. Of course, she will obey Pip's rule and already wandered over to the right side of the hall. At least she will join the shopping trip with Mamma to get some new things. Another good thing is that her special glasses that Teddie made for her survived, which are in a red glasses case nicely tucked in her bag.

She set her pillows and blankets against an empty side against the wall on the right side, taking off her red headband and shoes. She set them to the side and already laying down on the floor, legs crossed and staring up into the ceiling.


dontkillmebro June 21 2010, 04:32:41 UTC
A girl with short, self-cut blonde hair looked up at Yukiko as she sat down before going back to brushing the hair of a large, elegantly dressed doll. She must have stood out, but she'd learned to at least try not to care about it. Emily was important. It had been a miracle that she'd escaped the destruction with minimal damage.


adorasion June 21 2010, 05:00:45 UTC
After a moment, she sat up to look at the girl near her. That was a very beautiful doll, lucky enough to survive the chaos that happened. It looks a bit antique to her, never seen a doll like that before. She was a bit bored and since Chie hasn't arrived yet, nothing is wrong with chatting.

"That's a beautiful doll you have there." Yukiko complemented.


dontkillmebro June 21 2010, 05:03:47 UTC
The other girl looked over and hesitated before nodding and shifting the doll over to face Yukiko.

"Her name's Emily."


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