[OPEN] The Eagle Has Landed

Dec 14, 2009 23:29

Characters: Ezio and people on Silvana
Content: Ezio has just landed aboard the Silvana in his little plane
Setting: Silvana's hangar
Time: is relative
Warnings: Ezio

Time to ruffle some feathers )

luppi antenor, ≠ ezio auditore de firenze, ≠ sherlock holmes, sara werec, ≠ yami

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Comments 109

flyfrommyself December 15 2009, 05:56:07 UTC
Yami was in the hanger doing maintenance on The Duelist when the whine of a landing plane pulled his attention out of the access panel he'd crammed his upper body into.

It wasn't a plane he recognized. As the pilot extracted himself from the cockpit, Yami noted that it wasn't someone he recognized either. He set down his tools and pulled a rag from a back pocket as he dropped down off the lift cuddled to the side of his plane.

"Hey," he commented by way of greeting, giving a nod as he approached. "May I help you?"


ezio_auditore December 15 2009, 06:12:14 UTC
The young man working on his plane wasn't all that out of place in the hangar, and Ezio turned to look at him, offering a polite smile.

"I'm Ezio," He left of his last name this time, but almost reflexively added 'Auditore' before he caught himself. "Pleased to meet you," He made a show of checking himself over and then looking over his plane. It was a little dirty, and probably needed to be cleaned and worked on, but Ezio wasn't exactly a mechanic, or even that great of a pilot.

"I'm fine. But I could use a little help with the plane. I'm not exactly a mechanic myself," Nor was he particularly trustful of all the noise it had been making. "And I think my uncle would probably prefer I got it back to him in working order."


Urgh, sorry for the late . . . flyfrommyself December 20 2009, 23:03:11 UTC
((OOC: F-feel free to ignore if you want to let this go. 9,9;;;))

Yami chuckled good-naturedly and nodded. "Ezio, pleased to meet you. I'm Yami." He offered no last name either. This . . . persona, or whatever it might be called that he was using these days, didn't have one.

Turning to the plane, he asked, "I'd be happy to take a look at it if you'd like. Anything in particular going on?"


ezio_auditore December 21 2009, 00:33:47 UTC
"Planes aren't exactly something I'm too familiar with. Nothing has caught on fire or fallen off, but I've been flying out here for quite a while. It's... noisy, but not really much more than when I first got it." Ezio explained. The importance of regular maintenance had been very strongly stressed to him when he was learning how to fly.

He had picked this particular plane because of it's paint job. His uncle had several, and they were mostly the same model plane. This one had the greatest range among the available planes, and a nice white paint job. The others of this particular model had been brown or gray.


dontkillmebro December 15 2009, 06:02:34 UTC
Sara had been standing by her own plane, a rather pinkish-looking one with the nameplate hidden. Emily, her doll, sat in the seat, and the girl appeared to be talking to it. She didn't even notice anybody else in the hangar.


ezio_auditore December 15 2009, 06:14:23 UTC
The pink plane certainly caught Ezio's eye, and he peered curiously at the girl, and it was then he noticed the doll in the plane. That was certainly strange. He moved a little closer to get a look, but didn't say anything.


dontkillmebro December 15 2009, 06:43:10 UTC
"This whole situation is strange," she suddenly said, but she wasn't looking at him. "Whatever's going on, it's bad, but I don't understand it at all. Crazy old men, weird chemicals? What do you think?"


ezio_auditore December 15 2009, 18:31:24 UTC
Ezio wasn't entirely sure this was a conversation he was supposed to be listening in on, but it was a little too late to turn back now. He had to admit, he was curious, and given why he had come all the way out here in the first place it made sense to at least ask what was going on.

"Excuse me," Ezio said, trying to get the young woman's attention.


justdeduceit December 15 2009, 06:04:00 UTC
Ezio de Firenze -- no, Ezio Auditore. What a strange happenstance that he should board the vessel chosen by Sherlock Holmes. What could the man be doing here? Holmes wondered as he strode briskly down to the hangar. The man was a wanted murderer. He had been on the run for ten years. Why would he resurface now?

Holmes needed answers, both to these questions and to older ones left unsolved for a decade. He slowed his pace as he approached the open hangar door, and leaned against the frame with perfect nonchalance. "Well, well! This really is a turnup for the books, isn't it?" he said, tipping his hat to the visitor. "Ezio....de Firenze, is it? Fancy meeting you here." His entire manner was casual, all but his eyes. They were sharp, taking in every detail of the newcomer's appearance: his stance, his manner, and other more mundane things like the cut of his clothes, dirt on his nails, and potential places for hidden weapons.


ezio_auditore December 15 2009, 06:28:34 UTC
The man leaning in the door certainly caught Ezio's attention, and it took him a moment to recognize who he was talking to. Sherlock Holmes, though he had changed since the last time Ezio had seen him. Ezio supposed he had changed a great deal as well, though apparently not enough to avoid being recognized ( ... )


justdeduceit December 16 2009, 23:35:19 UTC
"One does what one must," Holmes answered cordially. "After all, it is a rare case indeed when a criminal comes to me." The words were laced with double-meaning, but his voice was light as ever. "Perhaps you have heard something of my recent activities? Ah, maybe not. I have heard nothing of you over the years, old schoolmate, and there are some things I would like to discuss."

He glanced around the hangar, holding up one long finger. "But not here. An open hangar is not the place to dig up old ghosts. Will you come with me?" he asked, face darkening to a more serious expression.

The possibility that Ezio was merely a skilled actor could not be ruled out, but it was apparent that the man had changed since Holmes had known him. But to what end? Holmes would not denounce the man: not yet. At the very least, the detective wished to get a few answers from Ezio first.


ezio_auditore December 17 2009, 00:47:47 UTC
The double meaning of Sherlock's words was not lost on Ezio, and it was abundantly clear that he was going to have to do quite a bit of explaining if he wanted to avoid being turned in. Not that Ezio would go quietly if Holmes tried. That was something Ezio wanted to avoid if it was at all possible. Holmes had always seemed like a good person, if a little too 'by the books' for Ezio's tastes.

"I'm afraid I haven't really kept up with anyone from school," Ezio admitted almost hesitantly, "Nor have I done anything particularly noteworthy in quite a while." This was a conversation Ezio did not want to have in such an open location, so he was pleased Holmes had suggested they take this somewhere else. The mention of digging up old ghosts was enough to have Ezio dreading this conversation. Just how much did Sherlock know?

"After you, Sherlock," Ezio said, gesturing for Holmes to lead the way. He would have to memorize the route they took on the chance that Ezio would need to make a quick escape after the conversation.


peachesnotplums December 15 2009, 06:41:34 UTC
Hinamori... didn't have any real reason to be in the hangar, but did she need one? Well, technically she did. It had occurred to her a short time after she'd finished checking the guns for the day that she'd never really looked through the hangar before. So... it was time to change that!

So, there she was, and... huh. She didn't recognize that person, although that was nothing new. After all, it was a pretty big ship, and she hadn't been everywhere, so...


ezio_auditore December 15 2009, 18:28:12 UTC
The sight of another young woman entering the hangar was enough to catch Ezio's attention and have him change direction to walk over towards her. "Hello," He said, giving a casual wave and smiling at her.

Coming on board the Silvana had definitely been a good move. Ezio wondered if this woman was a pilot, or had just shown up because she'd heard his message to the Silvana.


peachesnotplums December 15 2009, 20:58:14 UTC
"Oh, hi!" said Hinamori, after he caught her attention. "Are you new here?"

Actually, she was pretty sure she'd heard something about a new person over the journals, but, well... it'd be nicer to say hello in person, wouldn't it?


ezio_auditore December 16 2009, 00:02:33 UTC
"Yes, I am. My name is Ezio, and it is truly a pleasure to meet you," He said, walking over to the young woman. "You wouldn't happen to be the welcoming party, would you?" Ezio asked, doing his best to keep from giving the young woman a quick once over while she was looking at him.

Unfortunately, not all women appreciated such attention.


ivy_girl December 17 2009, 02:17:04 UTC
Luppi didn't spend a great deal of time in the hangar-- he had no reason to, after all.

He was only a mere cabin boy on board and really had no reason to be sighted anywhere near the planes. Unfortunately, he was also a proud cabin boy and, as such, loathed his low position on the ship-crew roster. There were things he was good at, like fighting, but he did his ship's work with a positively lackadaisical attitude at best and flat-out avoided it at worst. It was because of that that he found himself in the hangar to get out of having to play nursemaid or gofer for other crew members.

Unfortunately, he couldn't quite muster up enough of an interest in planes to not look utterly out of place, although he managed to avoid looking as though he was creeping about, skulking or looking like he was doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing. Alas, with his feminine build, equally girlish face and an apparent disinterest in the vehicles kept there that was clear enough to mark him as Definitely Not a Pilot, he did look a little strange ( ... )


ezio_auditore December 17 2009, 21:29:06 UTC
Ezio had met more women than men so far, and it looked as though they were all gravitating towards the hangar. There had really been no sign of any of the ship's officers coming to see him yet either. Not that Ezio was going to complain about the women or the lack of uncomfortable questions. If that was how this ship conducted business, that was fine with Ezio.

He had nothing else to do at the moment, so he might as well say hello to this young woman as well. "Hello, mia donna," Ezio said, making his way over to her. She looked quite out of place here, not at all interested in the planes. Had she heard his message to the Silvana as well and come to see what was going on?


ivy_girl December 18 2009, 19:32:55 UTC
Luppi started when the voice cut smoothly through his thoughts like a particularly sharp and skilfully wielded dagger. Lavender eyes widened slightly as he was approached and the worry of being caught slacking by an officer rose up within him, but he quickly realised that he'd never met the man before in his life. He visibly relaxed. It was a rather odd reaction, really. He was fairly certain that he wasn't a crew member which meant, obviously, that he was a newcomer. What kind of person is more worried about meeting somebody familiar to them than a total and potentially dangerous stranger? Incidentally, a newcomer? All the way out he--

Mia donna?

A thin, effeminate eyebrow arched at the peculiar term of address and, although he wasn't particularly well versed in manly languages (he'd slept through the unimportant school lessons with something bordering on dedication) he was fully aware that it meant that the man, whoever he was, had mistaken him for a girlWell, it wasn't hard. The pretty face, the slight build, the long, dark ( ... )


ezio_auditore December 18 2009, 20:38:05 UTC
The odd way the girl seemed startled by him and then relaxed didn't escape Ezio's notice. She had the look of someone who had been caught where she didn't belong, and Ezio grinned at her. The adventurous type, it seemed. And also unaware of his message to the Silvana judging by her accusation.

"Yes I am. My name is Ezio de Firenze," He said. It looked as though this young woman wasn't nearly as friendly as the last two had been. If she hadn't come up here to see him, and she wasn't a pilot or a mechanic, what was she doing up here?

Ezio wondered if he had intruded upon someone else's pre-arranged meeting with the girl. That would certainly account for her behavior.


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