[OPEN] The Eagle Has Landed

Dec 14, 2009 23:29

Characters: Ezio and people on Silvana
Content: Ezio has just landed aboard the Silvana in his little plane
Setting: Silvana's hangar
Time: is relative
Warnings: Ezio

Time to ruffle some feathers )

luppi antenor, ≠ ezio auditore de firenze, ≠ sherlock holmes, sara werec, ≠ yami

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ivy_girl December 18 2009, 19:32:55 UTC
Luppi started when the voice cut smoothly through his thoughts like a particularly sharp and skilfully wielded dagger. Lavender eyes widened slightly as he was approached and the worry of being caught slacking by an officer rose up within him, but he quickly realised that he'd never met the man before in his life. He visibly relaxed. It was a rather odd reaction, really. He was fairly certain that he wasn't a crew member which meant, obviously, that he was a newcomer. What kind of person is more worried about meeting somebody familiar to them than a total and potentially dangerous stranger? Incidentally, a newcomer? All the way out he--

Mia donna?

A thin, effeminate eyebrow arched at the peculiar term of address and, although he wasn't particularly well versed in manly languages (he'd slept through the unimportant school lessons with something bordering on dedication) he was fully aware that it meant that the man, whoever he was, had mistaken him for a girl.

Well, it wasn't hard. The pretty face, the slight build, the long, dark lashes and the primly cut hair decorated with something that could only be described as a 'clip' didn't help first impressions and, unfortunately, neither did his voice.

"Good evening," Luppi said, his tone light, airy and almost an octave higher than you'd expect a man's to be. He was really quite disconcertingly androgynous to listen to, but his girlish appearance tended to tip people into making the wrong assumption. "You're new here."

It wasn't a question, it was a statement and a very mildly accusing one.


ezio_auditore December 18 2009, 20:38:05 UTC
The odd way the girl seemed startled by him and then relaxed didn't escape Ezio's notice. She had the look of someone who had been caught where she didn't belong, and Ezio grinned at her. The adventurous type, it seemed. And also unaware of his message to the Silvana judging by her accusation.

"Yes I am. My name is Ezio de Firenze," He said. It looked as though this young woman wasn't nearly as friendly as the last two had been. If she hadn't come up here to see him, and she wasn't a pilot or a mechanic, what was she doing up here?

Ezio wondered if he had intruded upon someone else's pre-arranged meeting with the girl. That would certainly account for her behavior.


ivy_girl December 19 2009, 11:42:29 UTC
The bridge of Luppi's nose crinkled as he scrutinised the stranger. True, he hadn't been paying attention to many journal posts of late. Unfortunately, the rising up of inner demons in response to the Long Night that loomed on the horizon had rather distracted him, but no matter. He was obviously allowed to be there or else he was an exceptionally brazen stowaway.

"Luppi." He replied, holding out his hand.

The hand that slid out of the over-long sleeve was as feminine as everything else and the nails were even painted. That, despite how he looked, was not common or normal, but down to an associate of his being vile and insistent with a pot of nail polish.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, inclining his head very slightly as he asked, in an almost cat-like fashion.


ezio_auditore December 20 2009, 01:56:04 UTC
Ezio gently took the young woman's hand in his own gloved hand, and gave her a smile before he brought her hand up to his lips to give it a brief kiss. It was a nice, distracting stall while he figured out the best way to answer her question.

He didn't let go immediately after he was finished, keeping the gentle grip on her hand. "Well. I was out here looking for something, but I'm beginning to think it isn't out here," Ezio explained. Or that perhaps the Silvana had beaten him to it. Either way, he had run into another dead end, and Silvana's presence was probably enough to drive anyone who might have information he needed into hiding.

This lack of progress was frustrating, but it was something Ezio could deal with.


ivy_girl December 21 2009, 00:08:16 UTC
Luppi's eyebrows both shot up at the kiss to the hand. Well, that confirmed the misunderstanding then. He definitely did think he was a girl. It wasn't that unusual a mistake-- indeed, the first person he'd ever happened upon during his duties on the ship had thought he was a girl and did until he left, not hearing another word about it. It was annoying, especially since Cirucci called him 'little sister', but he didn't get irrationally angry like others might.

"Ohhh~. So you decided to join our crew? Or are you a passenger?" He asked, assuming him to be a pilot.


ezio_auditore December 21 2009, 01:10:44 UTC
"I'm not really a 'join the crew' kind of man," Ezio explained. There was no way he could hold another set of responsibilities when he might have to leave suddenly. Not to mention the fact that he was a wanted man, and even if the fake name would buy him some room, he doubted it would work for too long.

"So I'm just along for the ride." At least Silvana was a neutral ship. It wasn't likely he'd run into many security issues while on the ship.


ivy_girl December 23 2009, 05:02:46 UTC
"Fair enough~." Luppi said, his voice sing song. "I'm a Cabin Boy, but don't expect me to run errands for you."

Cabin Boy, the ship position, was used for either gender and it seemed to be very much based on preference as to whether the individual girls used that title or 'cabin girl', so, although it sounded odd, it was still possible that he was female.

"At least it's kind of a nice ship." He said, shrugging carelessly.

Well, kind of nice if you didn't take into account Luppi's superiors... and not those who held high positions on the ship.


ezio_auditore December 23 2009, 22:25:58 UTC
"If you don't run errands, what do you do as a cabin boy?" Ezio said, the tone of his voice more than a little suggestive. Luppi didn't seem all that thrilled about her position on the ship.


ivy_girl December 25 2009, 00:10:46 UTC
Oh, he did not just imply what he thought he did... Luppi's lilac eyes narrowed at that question, not finding the suggestive tone all that amusing.

"I straighten rooms, do silly little jobs and generally give my work to the other cabin boy." There's no shame, there.


ezio_auditore December 30 2009, 03:27:02 UTC
The reaction to Ezio's unspoken suggestion indicated that it had been very poorly received. Was she in a relationship, then? Or just more difficult to win over?

Ezio smiled, and decided to back off from flirting for the time being. The girl certainly had no shame when it came to dodging work. "Well, I doubt I'll be needing you to straighten my room or do any silly little jobs," Ezio said. He always did his own errands himself, too. There were just some things that he couldn't trust others to do.


ivy_girl January 1 2010, 02:36:01 UTC
He beamed at that, looking amused despite his earlier indignant reaction to Ezio's suggestion.

"Oh, good! I'm sure we'll get on just fine." He said, clasping his hands in front of him.

Some people got terribly unhappy with him for skirking work and that annoyed him. Well, they should try doing his crappy job, see how they like it.


ezio_auditore January 1 2010, 04:52:50 UTC
Talk about mixed signals. One moment she was practically glaring at him, the next she was all smiles and happiness. "I'll let you get back to avoiding your work then. I'm sure you wouldn't want to ruin your nails," Ezio said, laughing just slightly.


ivy_girl January 6 2010, 01:29:32 UTC
With a narrow eyed smile, Luppi nodded.

"Mmm, quite. I'll see you around~!" He chirped, waving to him with a sleeve-covered hand as he took his leave.

Oh, was he going to get a shock when he found out about his mistake.


ezio_auditore January 6 2010, 01:57:30 UTC
Ezio watched the girl for a few moments as she departed, looking her over one last time. He did wonder why she was here as a Cabin Boy if she hated the job so much, but she probably had her reasons.


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