Bring me your enemies [OPEN]

Aug 07, 2009 22:39

Characters: Sephiroth Crescent and OPEN
Content: Sephiroth is tuning up his plane, though feel free to make him wander the ship too.
Setting: The hangar
Time: Night
Warnings: Language, maybe. Also, LJ isn't sending me notifs till about 8 hours later, if that, so feel free to IM me/shoot me an e-mail if you are waiting for a tag! <3

Lay them before me and walk away )

manfred von karma, ≠ falco lombardi, ≠ sephiroth crescent, ≠ okita sougo, ≠ kamotaro itou, ≠ roy mustang

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Comments 129

no_landmasters August 8 2009, 06:33:50 UTC
Falco couldn't sleep. And when he couldn't sleep, he went to the hangar, where he could busy himself checking up on his plane. It wasn't that the Sky Claw was due for a check up, but it was something for him to do until he actually did feel like turning in for the night.

Once he arrived at the hangar, Falco was surprised to find that it wasn't empty. It sounded like someone was there, and it seemed like they had the same idea as him: checking up on their plane.

"Someone in here?" he called out, already knowing the answer.


neme_morifacias August 8 2009, 16:11:14 UTC
Sephiroth paused in his tightening of a bolt and looked over his shoulder. He couldn't see who was calling out and he had yet to meet everybody, so he didn't recognize the voice. "Yes, there is," He called back.

He guessed he wasn't the only one who liked to use the night to check on their planes.


no_landmasters August 8 2009, 17:36:19 UTC
That didn't sound like anyone Falco knew, and he knew most of the people on the ship pretty well. Must be a new guy then. Maybe the new pilot? Falco had heard there was a new one on board, but he had yet to meet them.

"Huh. Just checking," he shrugged before walking over to his plane. "You new?"


neme_morifacias August 9 2009, 02:17:31 UTC
"I am," He answered and then sighed. "Lieutenant Commander Sephiroth. Yourself?"

Sephiroth would much rather be able to see who was talking, but whoever it was didn't come toward his place. He guessed he was going over to his own then, instead.


ceilingitou August 8 2009, 16:13:41 UTC
The hangar had become his other safe haven of solitude aside from the navigation room during the plane races, what with the rest of the pilots housing their planes elsewhere and rarely being in the hangar. He should have expected that by now, the planes would be back in their rightful places and that the hangar would actually be occupied. Things had been a little bumpy the past couple of days, though, that it had thoroughly slipped his mind in his need for a little stress relief.

Smoking was something that he would never do in his office, and the hangar with its enormous hatch provided a good location for some alone time. He slipped into the hangar at that moment with a cigarette already in his mouth, fishing in his pockets for that box of matches.


neme_morifacias August 8 2009, 16:21:59 UTC
Sephiroth had been about to jump onto his wing and then the hull when he heard someone come in. Only his portion of the hangar was lit, however, and even his better than average eyesight couldn't make out who was inside. Though his hearing caught the general location of the occupant. "Who's there?"


ceilingitou August 9 2009, 00:00:34 UTC
Itou paused in his tracks, tensed, and looked around the hangar suspiciously. There was a light in that corner -- he hadn't noticed it in his distraction. He supposed that meant someone was there, and it shouldn't have caught him by surprise like this.

He approached the light with a light, pleasant expression on his face. "Forgive me if I startled you. I had forgotten that the pilots would be back in the hangar by now."


neme_morifacias August 9 2009, 02:16:09 UTC
"Mm," Sephiroth grunted, jumping onto the wing gracefully and then the hull, seating himself upon it. "Looks like I'm its sole occupant for now."

He looked over to the man and suddenly recognized his voice. Ah, Itou. He looked at the unlit cigarette and nodded toward his coat. "I have some matches if you need them."


thewarisover August 8 2009, 17:00:27 UTC
The hangar deck, Roy had learned, was a nice place to unwind and kick around whenever he wanted to be alone. His room had sort of become an impromptu gathering place for any soldier who felt like he or she had needed company as of late, and given recent events, he really did not feel up to playing Daddy or Big Brother to whoever dropped in.

The alchemist slipped into the hangar with a canister of alcohol at hand and a pack of cigarettes in the other, still spiffily decked out in uniform but looking like he needed a break.


neme_morifacias August 8 2009, 17:22:02 UTC
Sephiroth was seated upon his plane, near the tip and cleaning out some nuts and bolts that he would soon install back into the engine once he was done. He just liked sitting up high, legs on either side and looking utterly relaxed in his sleeveless turtleneck and hair up with the pencil holding it in. His glowing eyes had caught Roy coming in and he gave a small smirk that lasted all of two seconds.

"It seems the hangar is the place for those to unwind, is it not?" He remarked, his long bangs swaying as he moved to grab another bolt..


thewarisover August 8 2009, 17:29:36 UTC
"From the way you're talking, I can only assume that I'm not the FIRST person you saw coming down here the way I did."

Were the other man's eyes glowing? How... interesting. Roy, of course, was careful enough not to show his surprise.


neme_morifacias August 8 2009, 21:45:04 UTC
"You're correct," Sephiroth said. "Two others have come before you, one to also look at his plane and another to light a cigarette and relax. I can't tell if Falco is still here, he's been silent, but Itou is gone."

He turned and looked down at Roy. "I am assuming you are here for the same?" He nodded toward the bottle and pack.


sadistofficer August 9 2009, 16:19:04 UTC
It's been... a shitty time in this ship lately.

He hated the drama but not like he cared. For all he knew, they could all kill each other and he wouldn't even care. And at this rate, he's starting to lose care even for the reason why he had gone to this ship.

In truth, Sougo had not been saying a word to anyone but the captain in the ship. The others were barely amicable, nor did he care really. And for him, the deck became more of a social ground that a hermit like him would only find comfort in the deck.

With him was his bazooka and his radio of sorts. He looked around for a spot to clean his gun. This would put him at ease, in crazy times like this.

He found a spot beside a plane, a new one too, he noticed. He gave the plane a quiet pat before putting his mat down and laying his guns down in sequence. His revolver, his sword, and then his bazooka.


neme_morifacias August 9 2009, 16:31:07 UTC
Sephiroth had noticed the new arrival's entrance almost immediately. He couldn't exactly not see the bazooka he was carrying, after all. It looks like he didn't notice the pilot yet because he heard the quiet pat but nothing more.

He squatted down and leaned an elbow on his knee, propping his chin and looking at the young man. "Radio Ops or gunner?"


sadistofficer August 9 2009, 17:36:24 UTC
Sougo looked up to see one of those dudes that look like a lady looking down at him.

"Gunner." He quietly replied, sizing up the man with a good look. "Pilot or creep?" He had to ask, before he fully disarmed himself.


gd it firefox... neme_morifacias August 9 2009, 17:56:37 UTC
Sephiroth snorted and rapped lightly against his plane. "Pilot," He answered, grunting as he rose to his feet and began working on the engine again. "What brings you down here, gunner?"


karmauberalles August 9 2009, 20:42:32 UTC
von Karma was angry enough about the whole situation that he hadn't bothered to go to bed. He had a hard enough time sleeping as it was, so it'd be useless to even try.

So, he'd decided to pick up on his inspection of the ship. After all, he hadn't checked the hangar yet. It seemed... mostly empty, although he could hear someone in there. It was probably one of the pilots, but von Karma kept alert just in case.


neme_morifacias August 9 2009, 22:18:28 UTC
And yet another late night newcomer was entering the hangar. Was this a sign that he should be in bed, rather than talking to everyone? He didn't really know what to make of it. Nonetheless, he kept up his work, not bothering to call out anymore. If whoever was in the hangar wanted to speak, then they would.


karmauberalles August 10 2009, 19:02:47 UTC
From a cursory examination-that was, simply looking around after walking into the hangar-everything seemed fine. Of course, cursory examinations never yielded anything in particular. He did notice that he was walking up on one of the pilots doing modifications to his plane-one that he hadn't really seen yet.


Well, von Karma was not one to make conversation, and anyway, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to distract him. He didn't want any more of his planes blowing up in midair, after all. ...then again, he probably should ask.

"Is that in satisfactory condition? Your plane, I mean."


neme_morifacias August 10 2009, 19:12:30 UTC
Sephiroth shut the hatch and stretched his back, pulling the pencil from his hair. He grabbed the edge of the cockpit and pulled himself in gracefully. "She is," He answered, checking the controls and making adjustments.

He would check the engine later, so he wouldn't have to talk to the Admiral over it.


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