Bring me your enemies [OPEN]

Aug 07, 2009 22:39

Characters: Sephiroth Crescent and OPEN
Content: Sephiroth is tuning up his plane, though feel free to make him wander the ship too.
Setting: The hangar
Time: Night
Warnings: Language, maybe. Also, LJ isn't sending me notifs till about 8 hours later, if that, so feel free to IM me/shoot me an e-mail if you are waiting for a tag! <3

Lay them before me and walk away )

manfred von karma, ≠ falco lombardi, ≠ sephiroth crescent, ≠ okita sougo, ≠ kamotaro itou, ≠ roy mustang

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thewarisover August 8 2009, 17:00:27 UTC
The hangar deck, Roy had learned, was a nice place to unwind and kick around whenever he wanted to be alone. His room had sort of become an impromptu gathering place for any soldier who felt like he or she had needed company as of late, and given recent events, he really did not feel up to playing Daddy or Big Brother to whoever dropped in.

The alchemist slipped into the hangar with a canister of alcohol at hand and a pack of cigarettes in the other, still spiffily decked out in uniform but looking like he needed a break.


neme_morifacias August 8 2009, 17:22:02 UTC
Sephiroth was seated upon his plane, near the tip and cleaning out some nuts and bolts that he would soon install back into the engine once he was done. He just liked sitting up high, legs on either side and looking utterly relaxed in his sleeveless turtleneck and hair up with the pencil holding it in. His glowing eyes had caught Roy coming in and he gave a small smirk that lasted all of two seconds.

"It seems the hangar is the place for those to unwind, is it not?" He remarked, his long bangs swaying as he moved to grab another bolt..


thewarisover August 8 2009, 17:29:36 UTC
"From the way you're talking, I can only assume that I'm not the FIRST person you saw coming down here the way I did."

Were the other man's eyes glowing? How... interesting. Roy, of course, was careful enough not to show his surprise.


neme_morifacias August 8 2009, 21:45:04 UTC
"You're correct," Sephiroth said. "Two others have come before you, one to also look at his plane and another to light a cigarette and relax. I can't tell if Falco is still here, he's been silent, but Itou is gone."

He turned and looked down at Roy. "I am assuming you are here for the same?" He nodded toward the bottle and pack.


thewarisover August 9 2009, 07:39:11 UTC
"That I am. I don't suppose you want some of this?"

Roy blinked at the other, trying to assess what sort of type the guy was. He seemed pretty serious, and...


"You must be Sephiroth Crescent. We've spoken over the network."


neme_morifacias August 9 2009, 07:42:29 UTC
Sephiroth shook his head with a slight wave. "No, thank you."

He tilted his head with a small smirk. He'd already recognized Roy's voice. "We have."


thewarisover August 9 2009, 08:21:09 UTC
"I'd salute you, sir, but my hands are a little full."

Most would have read Roy's attitude as flippant and arrogant - maybe it might have been, just a little. The alchemist was speaking the truth, though.


neme_morifacias August 9 2009, 15:29:17 UTC
Sephiroth could see that and he certainly hadn't be expecting a salute. It was too late in the night and both of them were obviously on a break to care for formalities. He'd only said what he did in the network to give a little reminder, but truth be told, he didn't care all that much.

"That's fine," Sephiroth said, cleaning the last of the pieces and sliding off the hull, gathering the pieces and opening the engine back up so he could place them back in.

"Long day?"


thewarisover August 10 2009, 10:20:09 UTC
"Pretty much. Things have been crazy around here, as you already know."

Roy moved over to the nearest crate and sat down with a long-suffering sigh. He had aches in places that he didn't know existed.


neme_morifacias August 10 2009, 15:30:30 UTC
"Yes, I do," Sephiroth remarked, putting in the bolts first, grabbing the appropriate tool and working on them. "Have there been any updates?"


thewarisover August 10 2009, 15:41:41 UTC
"Not much. The investigation's moving slow... we really don't have much to go on beyond his word on this one."

Roy settled down as he talked, and eventually thumbed out one of his cigarettes. That first drag felt wonderful.


neme_morifacias August 10 2009, 15:47:54 UTC
"It would be, it's hardly common that the accused is also not on the ship at the time of the assassination," Sephiroth replied. He figured it could happen, however, usually they were still on board, they often just had an alibi that placed them on a different part of the ship or some other trivial thing like that.

But not only had Edgeworth been missing, but he'd been stripped of his position for now. Who knew what the actual story was.


thewarisover August 10 2009, 15:52:45 UTC
"Yeah, well... a lot of things aren't adding up. This sort of business has always been messy, but I'm one to believe that this particular case is messier than the usual."

Roy actually had a hunch on who REALLY might have been responsible for the whole mess, and his gut instincts had taken him places during the Campaign. Still, it was hardly enough to go on.


neme_morifacias August 10 2009, 15:57:28 UTC
"I don't know the entire situation, only from what I have seen, so I'm afraid I can't offer much insight. Though I do recommend going with what you feel is right. Instincts are very useful things," He bent down to get the nuts now and the appropriate tool for that.


thewarisover August 10 2009, 16:15:30 UTC
"How nice of you to give me advice, sir."

Instincts WERE incredibly useful. They were the reason why Roy knew, right in his gut, that Itou was somehow connected to everything that had just come to pass.


neme_morifacias August 10 2009, 17:00:58 UTC
Sephiroth just smirked and went right back on working. He didn't normally give out advice or suggestions, no matter how small they were.

"Do you have any suspects or just the one named?"


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