Jun 13, 2009 01:36

Characters: Zhang He and willing participants~
Content: Tea time to anyone who wants to hop in~.
Setting: The deck, of course~/
Time: NINE IN THE Afternoon
Warnings: Butterfly wings. There's no going back. NOT TOO GOOD.
Once you click it's too late. )

≠ cirucci thunderwitch, ≠ raidou kuzunoha, zhang he, ≠ hitsugaya toshirou, ≠ the disreputable dog, ≠ kazuki fuuchouin, ≠ john watson

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Comments 83

swallow_wing June 13 2009, 06:33:20 UTC
Cirucci found herself wandering onto the deck that afternoon. She was getting a bit of cabin fever, perhaps. It didn't help that the weather was perfect outside, too much so for Cirucci to resist.

She had partly wished to discover the deck was empty upon her arrival, but merely sighed when she spotted another figure sitting down nearby. As she drew closer, she realized who it was, quirking an eyebrow. Zhang He was hard to miss, and unlike so many others on board, he--well, he was always a lovely beacon of sunshine, wasn't he.

While she appreciated his attention to style, she found herself also quickly exasperated by his upbeat demeanor as of late. No matter. There were worse people to spend time with.

But she nearly recoiled when she saw the wings attached to his back. She marched over to him, now--oh, she had a purpose. Without greeting him, she simply stared at first, before tugging on them gingerly. "You will tell me what these are for," she stated, almost cross with the man already, "won't you?"


butterflyjades June 13 2009, 16:13:38 UTC
He couldn't help but to blink when he found himself being approached, just slightly, intimidatingly by a woman who was just that small bit intimidating herself. Perhaps his attire was a mistake but really he'd paid all that money for the things and had yet a good chance to wear them. It was hardly his fault!

"They're merely something beautiful I purchased far too long ago and found this morning. Are they not you your liking?" Zhang He turned his head to look at Cirucci, smiling.


SHE STOPS FOR NO ONE? xD swallow_wing June 15 2009, 05:20:17 UTC
She gave the wings an extra tug, lips parted slightly in distaste. Mulling over the matter for another moment or two, Cirucci moved her hand away, crossing her arms over her chest. "They're...weird." Scrunching up her nose--perhaps slightly unconsciously--Cirucci gestured to them, maybe even a little wildly. "Don't you think they're a little...loud?"

She could have stopped there.

...But this was Cirucci Thunderwitch. "I mean, really, Zhang He. Loud isn't--necessarily bad, but--there's a limit to these things." Keeping her gaze fixed on him, she propped herself onto the table, barely, hands curling around the edges. "Loud attire doesn't warrant loud accessories~" It was almost like a lecture, really. But one glance to Cirucci revealed that she was quite serious about this, her eyes narrowed in thought.


OHMAI. IT'S GONNA BE A CAT FIGHT. butterflyjades June 15 2009, 22:06:53 UTC
He watched the ranting woman carefully, arching an eyebrow. Was she really going as far as to insult his way of dressing? It was horrible. Perhaps the wings were a bit much but this would not settle well with him at all.

Once he felt Cirucci was done with her rampage about his fashion sense a smile found its way up. This would be fun.

"But Cirucci~. Some say fashion is a reflection of the way a person is, it shows some of their personality! How beautiful it is when one wears many colors, they are approachable. However, when one wears plain colors it's much harder to tell what they are like at all, or their sense of color co-ordination. Don't you agree~?"


lilshiro_kun June 13 2009, 07:50:49 UTC
Needing another break from working on the planes, Toshirou ran all the way up to the deck, knowing the weather would be nice today. By the time he reached the deck he was sweating from his mad dash, resting his hands on his knees the boy looked around and almost fell over as he spotted the flamboyant quartermaster.

Was the man wearing butterfly wings? Eyes widening Hitsugaya looked at the tea set and then back at the older man.


butterflyjades June 13 2009, 16:17:01 UTC
It would have been a feat in its own not to notice the boy with white hair. Really it would have! Then again this was probably bad on Toushiro's part. To Zhang He's knowledge he was one of the few on the Silvana that, really, he hadn't had the pleasure of talking with.

Zhang He waved over at him, motioning to the tea set, "Won't you join me in a cup of tea?"


We loves the flamboyent gentlemen on this ship! lilshiro_kun June 13 2009, 16:57:59 UTC
Toshirou blinked, then realized his mouth was hanging open. If Matsumoto or Hinamori saw him staring like this they'd probably hit him over the head or worse. It would be churlish not to have tea with the man.

Wiping the sweat from his eyes, the boy walked over and took the seat across from Zhang He. He had a feeling he was going to regret this. "What kind of tea are you drinking sir?" It was hard not to ignore the colorful wings the quartermaster was wearing.


You'd better~! butterflyjades June 13 2009, 18:40:28 UTC
Zhang He chuckled regardless. By now he was used to odd stares, though they were still a minor annoyance. Just minor of course.

"Just plain old tea~. Such a beautiful day calls for simplicity, don't you think? Anything else would be a horrible crime." All this coming from the man wearing the wings.


justtubeit June 13 2009, 09:09:14 UTC
Raidou happened to be making his way up to the deck at that moment - the boy detective was doing another full round of the ship, taking notes on what needed to be done prior to the plane races.

He was not expecting to find one of his crew mates up there. Wearing butterfly wings.

For a second there, he had thought that the man was some sort of eccentric demon. A VERY eccentric demon.


I love you all :< /dies of laughter butterflyjades June 13 2009, 16:22:33 UTC
That crew mate being the quartermaster mustn't have helped the shock at all, probably. It really showed the difference between those on board, hm~?

Again he motioned over, inviting him for tea happily. Everyone deserved to enjoy this beautiful day.


WE LOVE YOU TOO. ♥ justtubeit June 13 2009, 16:26:01 UTC
...Was that an invitation? Raidou, of course, naturally hesitated. For one, he was not used to being invited by anyone, For another... that man seemed like a league all on his own, compared to the people the boy was used to dealing with.

Nonetheless, he came forward.



OH BB~. ♥ butterflyjades June 13 2009, 16:36:48 UTC
No one was really used to Zhang He yet. Perhaps Watson but they'd talked just a little bit more so the flamboyant mans eccentricities were really expected by now. Oh. And Luppi, but they really weren't too different now were they?

"Would you care to join me for tea~? It's quite beautiful out and I see no reason to work all day during such wonderful weather!"


threeleggeddoc June 13 2009, 13:03:23 UTC
All the exercise he had been getting was helping him regain his old stamina, but he had to admit that traipsing about on the deck in their current environment did nasty things to his coat. It could get quite dusty late in the afternoon, though the sky seemed clear today and he eventually braved the outdoors...

... only to meet an unexpected sight. Zhang He, with a rather strange attire, if Watson had anything to describe it by. Still, he was slowly getting used to the man's eccentricities, and so he approached and greeted him.

"Good afternoon!"


butterflyjades June 13 2009, 16:29:55 UTC
Finally! Watson would be the first person to actually greet him instead of questioning or just staring. Really, you'd think they'd never seen a pair of butterfly wings before. Well, perhaps not on a man but was it truly that different from those special occasions meant for costume attire. One should look their best all year round.

Regardless of his mental ranting and raving he smiled. "Good afternoon~! It's such a beautiful day, isn't it?"


threeleggeddoc June 14 2009, 04:33:28 UTC
Watson did find it very strange, but he was a gentleman and he liked Zhang He enough to overlook such eccentricities in favor of friendly relations, etc. At any rate, the man was pleasant despite the odd taste in clothing.

He smiled and nodded, hovering a hand over a chair. He wasn't certain if the man would welcome his presence for more than a moment. "Indeed! Far less dusty than the past days had been."


butterflyjades June 14 2009, 14:34:22 UTC
Oh, as such a gentleman should. Then again if anything horrible was said Zhang He made no promises that the claws wouldn't come out... quite literally as a matter of fact.

He laughed a little motioning for him to sit. "You did say we should have tea sometime so join me~! It's such a beautiful day, there's no need to be standing in this weather either!"


thirdshiner June 13 2009, 23:33:26 UTC
The Dog had been sunning herself in a secluded corner of the deck - it was a perfect day for a lazy sunbathe, after all. From the corner of one half-closed eye, she watched Zhang He setting up.

At first she assumed the wings on his back were some sort of illusion from being viewed upside-down and squinting, but as they didn't seem to disappear after she blinked a few times, that was probably not the case. Very odd, even for the impression she'd already formed of Zhang He being...well, odd. Oh, she could grow wings herself if she felt like it, but that was when she wanted to fly somewhere, not sit in the sun and drink tea ( ... )


butterflyjades June 14 2009, 02:49:27 UTC
Hearing the voice he looked around a few times, blinking before spotting the dog. He remembered her! She was kind enough to help with the painting, which in his book made her likable. At the odd question he couldn't help but to laugh softly, shaking his head. "No, no. They're quite fake I assure you~. These beautiful things are merely accessories."


thirdshiner June 14 2009, 22:38:21 UTC
The Dog sat down on the deck, looking up at him, her gaze still rather bemused - more at what possible reason he could have for wearing the things, than at what they were.

"I suppose they are rather pretty. They don't work, then?"

That was no fun at all.


butterflyjades June 15 2009, 00:26:42 UTC
"Of course not~. But they are beautiful enough to wear, right?" He smiles and poured one of the glasses with tea for her. There was no reason she couldn't have any after all.

"Would you like some tea~?"


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